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Poles against gay marriages. Really?

pawian  219 | 24792  
31 Jan 2019 /  #1
Some forum members, while discussing Polish issues, love to exploit certain ideas which they treat as dogmas. Unfortunately, they often talk about things of the past. It is obvious they haven`t been in touch with real Poland and Poles for years.

One of such outdated beliefs is gay marriage acceptance in Poland.


Majority of Poles say straight up they don`t want gay marriage

There you can enjoy gay marraoge, Polish people aren`t interested in that nonsense.

Unfortunately for the posters who claim such facts, Polish public opinion on the issue is rapidly changing. I mean acceptance is higher each year.

Read the articles about surveys

2013 - 40% accept gay partnerships, 30% gay marriages

2017 - 52% accept gay partnership, 38% gay marriage.

2018 - 60% accept gay marriages

In case you tried to accuse the OP of a biased choice of sources, I should explain that the survey results correspond to my experience of discussing the matter with average Poles. More and more of my acquaintances simply don`t care about gay marriages - they think it is a private business of people involved.

There is one thing which Poles are unanimous about, though - most of them (80%) reject children for gay marriages. Will this attitude change one day? Interesting.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
31 Jan 2019 /  #2
Nice to see some balance on this forum Pawian, instead of the usual "Poles don't want......" rubbish. Well done. The previously conservative proletariat are coming more and more round to the feeling that they should be free to think for themselves, and that others' lives are of no concern of theirs.

Some sections of the state and the church don't like that, because their perfidious influence is weakening. That's tough.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Jan 2019 /  #3
First, there is a fallacy in the thread title. There is no such thing as "gay marriage" for the same reason why there is no such thing as square wheel, or intercourse involving two guys because, by definition, marriage is between man and women, wheel, by definition, is round, and intercourse, by definition, is an act meant to inseminate. A man who is masturbating is not having an intercourse with himself. That is why we have "to masturbate" as a verb in the English vocabulary.

Second, the purpose of marriage is to protect kids. It's not to make the couple happy and proud. In that context, marriage certificate is merely a legal document that allows the state to go after the registered couple and compel them to support their children. Weddings and other ceremonies are just a theater to make the females feel good, if only for that moment.

Third, people are brainless sheep. Majority of Germans adored Hitler up to Stalingrad. Majority viewed Hillary as an honest and upstanding American. So much for the majority acceptance as anything worth spending more than a second.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Jan 2019 /  #4
Poland remains an arch-conservative society, a culture in which the Catholic Church alone pulled that country through the worst of times, it was the glue which held the nation together, similar in a way to the German language for Germany.

Homosexuality threatens to "unglue" Poland, and people simply aren't going to stand for it!
Open-minded as I try to be here at home, I for one can't really blame them.
jon357  72 | 22979  
31 Jan 2019 /  #5
people simply aren't going to stand for it!


2018 - 60% accept gay marriages

cms neuf  1 | 1752  
31 Jan 2019 /  #6
You know Lyzko that there are plenty of gays who go to church and many gay priests ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Jan 2019 /  #7

And fourth, not a single word you've written has anything to do with the topic.

More and more of my acquaintances simply don`t care about gay marriages - they think it is a private business of people involved.

It's certainly going that way. All the fuss about it seems to have achieved nothing.
SigSauer  4 | 378  
31 Jan 2019 /  #8
I don't know many conservatives that really care about the gay marriage or agenda one way or the other. I think the only thing that bothers them (and me), are the parades with assless chaps, waving dildos, and making provocative gestures in the streets. Those sorts of displays certainly do their movement no favors.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Jan 2019 /  #9
That doesn't make it acceptable to a traditional interpretation of Church teaching.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Jan 2019 /  #10
I think the only thing that bothers them (and me), are the parades making provocative gestures in the streets.

Seen much of that in Poland, have you?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Jan 2019 /  #11
And fourth, not a single word you've written has anything to do with the topic.

Not even one? Really? Let's see.

There is no such thing as "gay marriage"

That's I wrote. Now, the title of the OP:
Poles against gay marriages.
Do you find some similarity between what I wrote and the title, or do you need some help?
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
31 Jan 2019 /  #12
conservative are coming round to the feeling that they should be free to think for themselves.

Simply speaking, live and let live.
Isn`t it one of the aspects of British lifestyle? Knowing that the recent Polish emigration is the highest in Britain (of all European countries), we might be tempted to presume that the changes in Polish opinions on gay marriage are partly caused by the influence of British culture.

70% British accept gay marriages brin.ac.uk/figures/attitudes-towards-gay-rights/

Just a random supposition, not necessarily true.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
31 Jan 2019 /  #13
Homosexuality threatens to "unglue" Poland, and people simply aren't going to stand for it!

Very true Lyzko and these "Liberals"posting on here can post statistics and polls all they want,but most Poles will not share their true opinions with pollsters.So their "facts" are actually worthless.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Jan 2019 /  #14
Simply speaking, live and let live.

Can you list all the perversions covered by that noble rule? Incest, bestiality? How about necrophilia? Is having an intercourse with a dead body rape? Why not let guys marry a corps?

Just trying to be helpful. Now, you can even research what Poles think about what I just listed. It would very interesting, don't you think?
Spike31  3 | 1485  
31 Jan 2019 /  #15
marriage is between man and women

True. The main goal of marriage is procreation. So we can discuss acceptance [or lack of thereof] of homosexual relationships and their legal status in Poland and not a support for homosexual marriages.
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
31 Jan 2019 /  #16
There is no such thing as "gay marriage"/ the purpose of marriage is to protect kids

So do you want to call it gay weddings and living together? I don`t care how we call it, because we are talking about facts, not words.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
31 Jan 2019 /  #17
So do you want to call it gay weddings and living together?

No just gays living together,if there is no marriage there is no wedding.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Jan 2019 /  #18
because we are talking about facts, not words.

OK, let's talk facts. "Gay marriage" is a scam. It's designed to rip off private insurance companies and the taxpayers. The rip off is that the "partner", which was the beginning of it, gets medical insurance if the other one works and is covered. Which, of course, originally was meant for the females during pregnancy and after the birth of a child.

That "partner" type scam was based on a self-declared "romantic" relationship. Effectively, since a live demo of two guys f***king in the HR office was not required, any two guys could be "partners". Like two hetero roommates. To avoid this problem, "partners" had to be promoted to "husband" and "wife" by a certification process by the state. Mission accomplished.

So, what does the society get for the money? S***. Oops, sorry, a promise that if married, their promiscuity will be reduced to a more acceptable level and the number of AIDS cases reduced. I am so grateful.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Jan 2019 /  #19
Are we talking "fake news" aka false facts here, Milo?
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
31 Jan 2019 /  #20
Most Poles will not share their true opinions with pollsters. So their "facts" are actually worthless.

Do you mean the interviewer effect? When respondents modify their answers depending on the interviewer`s style and personality? E.g., a gay interviewer of nice appearance and demeanour is sent to poll people and he/she doesn`t keep his/her preferences secret. Then people are prone to answer positively in order to satisfy the gay interviewer`s expectations.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
31 Jan 2019 /  #21
Are we talking "fake news" aka false facts here, Milo?

I certainly think so,don't you?
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Jan 2019 /  #22
Might be.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
31 Jan 2019 /  #23
I don`t care how we call it, because we are talking about facts, not words.

No pawian, the naming is very important. Distorting a true meaning of words and ideas is a powerful tool of manipulation over a whole society.

If you control the language, you control the argument
If you control the argument, you control information
If you control information, you control history
If you control history, you control the past
He who controls the past controls the future."

George Orwell "1984"
Rich Mazur  4 | 2896  
31 Jan 2019 /  #24
If you control the language, you control the argument

Spot on.
Hence, gay, not homosexual. Partner, not a rectum carrier. Progressive, not a liberal moron. Police action, not a stupid war were people die.
And I am just barely scratching the surface.
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
31 Jan 2019 /  #25
Can you list all the perversions covered by that noble rule?

Sorry, no, I am not such an expert.

Incest, bestiality? How about necrophilia? Why not let guys marry a corps?

Hmm, let me think. The phenomena you mentioned are not really ethical because they involve hurting a person/people or animal.

In case of gay marriages/weddings/partnerships etc nobody is hurt because they do it out of choice.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Jan 2019 /  #26
Words communicate facts, pawian, and so I don't really see your point.
31 Jan 2019 /  #27
Shouldn't Poland grasp the concept of diversity and follow the views of refugees from Africa on the subject?
Miloslaw  21 | 5027  
31 Jan 2019 /  #28
Do you mean the interviewer effect?

Not really,though that may play a part.
Here in The UK people are loathe to espouse right wing or conservative views to pollsters,Poles even more so.
OP pawian  219 | 24792  
31 Jan 2019 /  #29
"Gay marriage" is to rip off private insurance companies and the taxpayers.

That sounds very emphatic and decisive. Do you suggest that most or even all gay "marriages" are purely motivated by financial reasons?
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
31 Jan 2019 /  #30
Let's avoid trying to instruct other nations on what they "should" or "shouldn't" do! It's a losing battle. Easy to be ethnocentric, tough to understand certain attitudes based on the lessons of the past.

Thus far, Poland has never tried to impose her views on her neighbors, and it's not likely she's going to either,
having learned the lessons of history:-)

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