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What do Poles want, what drives them...?

Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
13 Nov 2010 /  #1
What drives Poles? Is it their peity, is it expectation of family regarding family, is it love, money, power... what is it?
convex  20 | 3928  
13 Nov 2010 /  #2
The exact same things as other human beings. There was a good answer a while back somewhere on the forums, "It may shock many, but Poles are not alien beings from the planet Polonilok" :)
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
13 Nov 2010 /  #3
What drives Poles?

Everbody has different goals.

Just like people from all other countries.
OP Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
13 Nov 2010 /  #4
Who said you were alien beings?

I know I could have asked this question in 1989 and again in 2004 and there would have been a trend there.

...You don't think Poles are driven by goals unique to them? Politically or in their private lives?

One minute you guys seem to want to be recognised as being emphatically unique, and the next you're mocking of the assumption that you're different from any other nationality.

If that was the case, I wouldn't be here innit?

Perhaps you're just lost and that's the problem...
A J  4 | 1075  
13 Nov 2010 /  #5
One minute you guys seem to want to be recognised as being emphatically unique, and the next you're mocking of the assumption that you're the same as everyone else.

Hey, we all have our differences when it comes to looks, feelings, beliefs, convictions and opinions, but of course we share many similar characteristics, because we're all human beings. I don't really believe I'm exactly the same as everyone else, however I do believe I'm not *that* different from everyone else. You can't seriously hope to categorize Polish - or any other nationality for that matter - people as if they all share some kind of hyve-mind, because we're all individuals.

Perhaps you're just lost and that's the problem...

Perhaps you should rephrase your question into; What do people want, and what drives them? (And I'm sure you'll get a few billion different answers!)

convex  20 | 3928  
13 Nov 2010 /  #6
Perhaps you're just lost and that's the problem...

I'm not Polish. Like I've posted in other places, individual Poles have the same goals as their neighbors. There are some family members that do everything in their power to avoid seeing each other, and some that live together. Some folks want a big ass house to show off with, some people are happy living with their parents until they're 40. Some people are career oriented, some people don't care. Some want families, some don't.

Just like everywhere else. Poles eat different food sometimes and speak a different language. That's the only difference I can see between Poles and their neighbors. Subgroups and individuals however...

In the words of the great sheep, some do, some don't.
OP Ashleys mind  3 | 446  
13 Nov 2010 /  #7
I still believe there are trends, as with everything. Or at least trends which you can break down in importance for the people who consider themselves Polish.

We'll see.
13 Nov 2010 /  #8
Is it their peity

what's "peity"?
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
13 Nov 2010 /  #9
Mis-spelled piety - reverence for god or devout fulfillment of religious obligations: a prayer full of piety. 2. the quality or state of being pious: saintly piety. ...
13 Nov 2010 /  #10
What drives Poles? Is it their peity, is it expectation of family regarding family, is it love, money, power... what is it?

It depends on what stage of life a person is.

For me it's:

1. money (because I feel financially insecure)

2. positively exiting life (travels, doing new things)

3. family (actually they don't drive me on but nuts)

Or at least trends

Many Poles dreams about visiting the world or exotic places. If you visit nasza-klasa (a social network) people put pictures of their travels mostly. It's that a person who travel a lot is considered as enjoying his/her life and being succsesful - that's my believes
A J  4 | 1075  
13 Nov 2010 /  #11
I still believe there are trends, as with everything.

Certainly there are trends, but trends don't always necessarily represent each and every individual's way of thinking. I mean, some people who may comply or conform to certain rules, might still think very differently as an individual.

Or at least trends which you can break down in importance for the people who consider themselves Polish.

I like to think a society changes with every generation. (Or atleast the public opinion shifts in one direction or another.)
13 Nov 2010 /  #12
One minute you guys seem to want to be recognised as being emphatically unique, and the next you're mocking of the assumption that you're different from any other nationality.

Everyone is an individual case. I can revise the question and ask you what drives on your fellowcountry men. It's not easy question...
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
13 Nov 2010 /  #13
Todays Poles are by and large (there are always exceptions) guided by what Hollywood and other American popcommercial propaganda tells them how to live and what they're supposed to want and strive for.
13 Nov 2010 /  #14
What drives Poles? Is it their peity, is it expectation of family regarding family, is it love, money,
power... what is it?

For me it's:

1. family - I'm a family man and nothing else in the world is even remotely as important
to me as my family

2. friends - I have only two friends, but they are unshakeable like rocks - I can always count
on them (might as well count them as family)

3. religion - and all the customs/traditions linked with it; allows me to keep in touch with
my country's and family's history and gives me strength to cope with everyday troubles

4. health - self-explanatory

5. free time - to enjoy 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Things like money, power or career occupy positions 227th, 234th and 251st respectively.
13 Nov 2010 /  #15
3. religion - and all the customs/traditions linked with it; allows me to keep in touch with
my country's and family's history and gives me strength to cope with everyday troubles

what about God?

13 Nov 2010 /  #16
what about God?

Well, when I wrote "3. religion", I thought that God was quite obviously included in that :)
The customs/traditions were named after the conjunction 'and'...

3. religion - and all the customs/traditions linked with it

... :)


Yes, you are.
Havok  10 | 902  
13 Nov 2010 /  #17
my wife lol, jk

i want to be able to achieve something significant in my life.

other than that, the usual stuff

- money
- power
- pride
- material goods
13 Nov 2010 /  #18
i want to be able to achieve something significant in my life.

in what area?
vetala  - | 381  
13 Nov 2010 /  #19
I can't speak for everyone but I want an xbox and a relatively easy and well-paid job
noreenb  7 | 548  
13 Nov 2010 /  #20
What drives us?
- high ambitions about career especially among young people: they're like crazy about going further to get their goals without looking at others
- money
- high standard of living
- a very good education
- healthy life style
- travels
- entertainment

what about God?

Society becomes more secular, don't you think? Church is less demanding and more permissive. I sometimes think if people remember a word "conscience". Many forget what is this.
13 Nov 2010 /  #21
Society becomes more secular, don't you think? Church is less demanding and more permissive. I sometimes think if people remember a word "conscience". Many forget what is this.

it was just tongue-in-cheek message for Torq.
noreenb  7 | 548  
13 Nov 2010 /  #22
I've made the post especially for Torq.
He likes a word "conscience" I guess.
Just like me.

Girls, girls... please. I told you before - I'm a happily married man.

Oh s***
13 Nov 2010 /  #23
it was just tongue-in-cheek message for Torq.

I've made the post especially for Torq.

Girls, girls... please. I told you before - I'm a happily married man.

*"What is it about me that attracts women so much?" I ask myself sometimes.
Must be that animal magnetism, I guess. Strange that it works through the Internet too :)*

Marynka11  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2010 /  #24
Strange that it works through the Internet too :)*

Must be your inner beauty :)
13 Nov 2010 /  #25
*"What is it about me that attracts women so much?" I ask myself sometimes.
Must be that animal magnetism, I guess. Strange that it works through the Internet too :)*

Yes u smell out digital pheromones...
Havok  10 | 902  
13 Nov 2010 /  #26
in what area?

I've done the tough macho guy stuff in the military, the career is going good, so I guess like a great invention or something

i have xbox already
peter_olsztyn  6 | 1082  
14 Nov 2010 /  #27
Is it their peity

I wasn't in church for about 20 years I think and no one from my family go to the church regularly. We don't have time for that. Many of us (Poles) working on Saturdays and we want stay at home on Sunday. I wonder why there is a common belief that we are especially piety. Maybe this is Polonia thing?


Bingo :) We need money (savings) because we feel financially insecure and have very long list things to buy. When we reach some level of affluence we will think what next :)
Polonia1  3 | 52  
14 Nov 2010 /  #28
I wonder why there is a common belief that we are especially piety

We are more pious then most countries. Probably the most devout country in europe. I remember when I arrived in Poland 2 years ago (first time as an adult) The first thing I noticed travelling through the Polish country side was the packed church's. People were standing outside as there was no room and kneeling.
POLENGGGs  2 | 150  
14 Nov 2010 /  #29
For me it is Święty Andrzej Bobola

(he be a saint, in case thou be not familiar with Church saints)

Maybe one day I will be blessed with children, for now I think of working hard as it shows that you are respecting god, and being good, yes I guess this also drives me when I do good deeds - even the fact that I probably informed around twenty-odd people by mentioning Św. Andrzej Bobola above - maybe they will pray to him and he will look after them and give them answers.
enkidu  6 | 611  
14 Nov 2010 /  #30
Various persons have got different goals - obviously.

Some generalisation is possible when we take a look from the perspective of few centuries.
What is a driving power of Poland?

Power, money, domination of course - but this is common along the other nations.

I think that what put Poland aside is our deep and pious love for chaos.
Of course - we like to call it a love for the "golden freedom", but the chaos is better expression.

At least for the last 500 years there are many examples that the Poles did not like any forms of government. We did not trust our Kings, then we did not trust our Naczelnik, we did not trust the Communist government and as a nation we don't trust any government that was freely elected since 1989.

In the King's times the roughly organised anarchy (euphemistically called the Noble's Democracy) was the official political dogma.
When the Swedish invaded us they soon find out that the conquer the Poland is one thing. But ruling Poland is something much more complicated. They found the Polish completely unmanageable and has left our country with despair and contempt in their hearts.

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