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Poland, maybe the world's last bastion of faith

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
6 Sep 2010 /  #31
What I see here is a bunch of old women whining of "how the US and Europe have all gone to the dogs and Poland is the only beacon that is left in the world". Gimme a break, will ya? Because not everybody agrees to YOUR choices and YOUR way of life, doesn't mean that a country goes down the drain.

P3, you really have to quit spouting this nonsense about homosexuals. Really. You start to sound like a cartoonesque Catholic: aahw poor dysfunctional homosexuals, single moms, druggies, ppl who like to switch partners, divorcees....G.I.V.E. M.E. A F.R.E.A.K.I.N.G. B.R.E.A.K.

You know, in NL we have an Evangelical Channel. They used to broadcast these "Christian" TV-movies: help! help! I used to be going down, I am a black drug addict homosexual with 15 adopted kiddos (no not Jewish as the good Christians don't help Jews), which I support by prostituting myself, which has as nasty side-effect that it fulfills my psychotic nymphomaniac disorder as well! But then I met God and everything suddenly went ok. Suddenly I'm not homosexual anymore with no psychotic nymphomaniac disorder, my adoption kiddos have all disappeared and guess what? I'm suddenly not black anymore either! My life is fine now and I owe it all to the Church.

You know, this is the feeling that I get when reading this stuff. If you are so resentful of the Western world, why don't you go join the Amish? Then you can party like it's 1699. But don't use the benefits of the Western world and complain that it's going downhill. You use the result of its progression, remember that.


M-G (you sound like a bunch of old women, really)
nunczka  8 | 457  
6 Sep 2010 /  #32
Muslims take over the streets of Paris.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
6 Sep 2010 /  #33
So this is turning yet again into an "us Christians = good - you Muslims = bad"?

Besides, I watched it and knowing it's from this hardcore Christian nutters group, I didn't expect anything else than this outcome.


M-G (tiens)
A J  4 | 1075  
6 Sep 2010 /  #34
Poland, maybe the world's last bastion of faith

Good riddance.

6 Sep 2010 /  #35
The last bastion of faith for Christianity comes with the duty and responsibility of protecting the chosen people Jews and the Holy land (Israel) from Muslims, currently shouldered by USA, Canada and Australia. Poland should contribute its fairshare and should be more vocal in supporting Israel at the UN and international affairs.

It is only the Jews that consider themselves the chosen people, furthermore the jews were left to wonder the world until God provided them with a land of their own. The zionists forced

the hand in creating Israel. So by protecting Israel it would be against God.


Today on the news .pl there is a report that says that almost half of Polish parents do not want their kids to be taught religeon...

That is because they want their children taught religion.

As Western nations are beginning to realize Western freedom odious to their religious identity.

Not only to the followers of Islam, the followers of all faiths do not respect atheists for their way of life. At least if you are agnostic you have chosen not to follow , but you still have the foundation to know, what is right and what is wrong, if you are a atheist there is no hope for you. Christians have more in common with all people of faith, because there is a belief in one God, with atheists - there is no common ground.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
6 Sep 2010 /  #36
Not only to the followers of Islam, the followers of all faiths do not respect atheists for their way of life.


Nooooooo....I so want the respect of the Muslims and the Christians!!! I can't live without it! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

*wails loudly*
sascha  1 | 824  
6 Sep 2010 /  #37
if you are a atheist there is no hope for you. Christians have more in common with all people of faith, because there is a belief in one God, with atheists - there is no common ground.

Any examples? What makes u think that? Not everybody believes in the big mannitou.

Watch this movie, please. It has 9(!) parts, but try.

FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
6 Sep 2010 /  #38
Poland should contribute its fairshare and should be more vocal in supporting Israel at the UN and international affairs.

Of course, no doubt about it, but don't you agree that the measures you so wisely suggest are bit on the modest side? Why stop there, setting the bar so low for The Last Bastion of Christianity aka Poland seems outright sacrilegious. Poland should therefore proceed with establishing of a permanent base on planet Mars - The settlement should be substantial in size aprox. 1200km in diameter and most importantly in shape of David Star. The hexagram should be lined with network of fission power plants, powering a gigantic laser device ready to discharge each time Mars passes over the southern hemisphere so that faithful of Down Under are reassured in Poland's commitment to the Jewish cause.

(by having a huge david star seared down all across Australia time and time again)
That ingenuity of the proposal lies in its two-fold brilliance - to all the Muslim scum (at least down-under) it will be a cosmic reminder: Hands off Israel!!
7 Sep 2010 /  #39
Nooooooo....I so want the respect of the Muslims and the Christians!!! I can't live without it! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I understand your need.
plk123  8 | 4119  
7 Sep 2010 /  #40
the terrorists have won if you're thinking that way.

as were cases of abuse, addiction, abandonment, theft, violence, etc.

just because these were unheard of surely does not mean those things didn't happen.. as a matter of fact they did but were swept under the carpet in order to keep believing in those "golden days"..
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
7 Sep 2010 /  #41
M-G: If you equate dysfunctional situations with 'advancement, growth and maturity' then why not have the courage of your convictions and openly state that single mums, substance-abusing or jailbird parents, homosexual households, short-term relationships or maybe foster homes offer the best environment for child-reraring. And things will get really great when at least one-half of all kids come from such backgrounds. Some countries don't have that far to go! Maybe the WHO can add more equality, freedom and tolerance to the overall picture by declaring kleptomania to be an orientation rather than a disorder. By then Dutchman M-G will be in seventh heaven! So much advancement, growth and maturity. Isn't it great?!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Sep 2010 /  #42
Pol3, you remind me of the type that Roger Waters was alluding to in The Wall, the song with 'who let all this riff-raff into the room?'. Are you a practising Christian?
shewolf  5 | 1077  
7 Sep 2010 /  #43
What deterioration? Our society is progressing nicely, thanks!

Well, except on the streets of L.A. hehe. I had a friend visit and could not believe what the daily news was like here.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
7 Sep 2010 /  #44

Some freedom you talk about. Freedom of choice - yes, but only if it's the traditional form. Whoa, you have no clue, it seems: did you know that most dysfunctional families are to be found in the traditional form? By far the most child abuse, alcoholism, leading to physical abuse, emotional detachment and so on.

Dysfunctional families have to be looked upon case per case, not like you do, as a group and saying that by default homosexual parents, single mums, ex-jailbird (which I didn't even mention, but ok) and so on, will cause dysfunctional families. Because that is plain nonsense.

Ppl make the choices they want to make these days and if this doesn't cause any problems, then this is fine with me. But since you are a homophobe as you have been proven yourself repeatedly, to you a homosexual couple with an adoption child, or in case of two Lesbian women, with a father that is not part of the family, is per definition bad. And that's not only an ignorant statement. It's also dangerous.


M-G (tiens)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Sep 2010 /  #45
One of the hallmarks of most dysfunctional families is their brevity and instability -- just
the oppostie of what young children need to develop. They need security, stabiltiy and a sense of permanence, not new mummies, daddies and uncles or -- worse yet -- two daddies or two mummies. Do you know how long the average homosexual relationship (which you seem to so admire and glamourise) lasts? Why not check it out and get back to us on this when you do.

You have a way of avoiding direct answers like the typical politcian. You did not say whether you think things will be really great when at least one-half of society is in oen of the dysfucntional sitatuons situation described in my previous post. And while you're at it, why not add your view on where the Muslims will be at that time.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
8 Sep 2010 /  #46
Do you know how long the average homosexual relationship (which you seem to so admire and glamourise) lasts? Why not check it out and get back to us on this when you do.

I don't glamourize or admire them, I just don't demonize them like you do. I just accept them, unlike you. And since I don't care about homosexuals having a relationship and it's you who's making those statements, the burden of finding out how long the "average" homosexual affair lasts lies naturally with you, not me. But I can tell you this: a few very famous gay couples have been together for 30 or more years. And a few couples that I personally know have been together for over a decade. Just like heterosexual couples. Some switch partners fast, some stick with one partner their entire life. There's no difference in that respect.

You have a way of avoiding direct answers like the typical politcian. You did not say whether you think things will be really great when at least one-half of society is in oen of the dysfucntional sitatuons situation described in my previous post. And while you're at it, why not add your view on where the Muslims will be at that time.

That situation will never occur and you know darn well it never will. You point out the exceptions as being the mainstream - a crucial error in your way of thinking. The vast majority of the ppl will remain in heterosexual, stable relationships. There will always be dysfunctional situations, but they will never be the majority. And I don't see the relevance of Muslims to this story.

You just want us all to go to the Church every Sunday and once we're all Christians all will be well, is that right? Guess what, ppl are free to choose now. Whole wars have been fought in order to gain that right. And now you want to turn it all back to the very opposite of free choice?


M-G (how old are you?)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
8 Sep 2010 /  #47
One of the hallmarks of most dysfunctional families is their brevity and instability -- just
the oppostie of what young children need to develop.

nice idea, but why don't you tell it to all those immature and irresponsible parents first. Secondly, why doesn't the government provide more child care, or lets people earn more money, so they can provide better homes for their children, or don't have to work so many hours so there are never at home to be with their children.

They need security, stabiltiy and a sense of permanence, not new mummies, daddies and uncles or -- worse yet -- two daddies or two mummies.

they do and they got it with those above. What about those thousands of children who are adopted because their parents left them, what about the teenage pregnancy? What about all those fathers who leave their pregnant wives and boyfriends who leave their pregnant girlfriends- all heterosexual, so they should know what to do with children and how to be responsible, unlike as you claim homos.

Do you know how long the average homosexual relationship (which you seem to so admire and glamourise) lasts? Why not check it out and get back to us on this when you do.

you don't seem to know either.

Many families are disfunctional in the US, but you seem to miss the complex reasons.

In order to have healthy families one does not need church not faith, but secure economy and a sense of responsibility.
The problem is: white, catholic and heterosexuals think that they are uberhumans and have less faults then anybody else - which is a complete bollocs.

Muslims ar family oriented not less then other religions.
musicwriter  5 | 87  
8 Sep 2010 /  #48
You have composed a nice little thesis for a college course on 'Moral Behavior' but...sadly, no such course is taught. I grew up in Ohio during WWII when there was rationing of staple foods and gasoline, a halt in construction and auto manufacturing. The main concern then was whose sons that got drafted into the army or navy would return home someday, and whose sons would die fighting for freedom. After each Sunday Mass the priest knelt down before the altar and we all said a prayer for "our boys overseas". During those years we walked through a vale of tears.[i]

The war ended in 1945 and we had five years of peace. Also, that was also end of the Great Depression. But then 1950 we went to war again in Korea. The fighting stopped in 1953 with a cease-fire but not a surrender. In the 1960s, we sent troops to Vietnam. Many were killed on both sides and we pulled out and let the Commies take over. Thus, it seems that when the American public is concerned about war or the threat of enemy attack, they tend to be more vigilant and keep there moral standards high. Sixty years ago men would wear a clean white shirt to Mass and women covered wore a hat or a mantilla. My mom never wore slacks or shorts at all. She felt that pants are for men and boys. We walked to church, school, grocery store, etc. because my parents never had a car. Today you can wear anything you want to Mass and nothing is said to you. Want to wear shorts and flip-flops on your feet? No problem.

Today, there is too much emphasis placed upon money and self-gratification. This mind-set is constantly energized by the plethora of commercials on radio and TV. They say you should never live in pain, you should never be unattractive, you should never be alone on Friday night, and that every hunger and want should be fulfilled. Ultimately, it espouses that every pleasure we yearn for can be tasted, and unless this happens, we cannot be happy. Because of this, we over-expect.

Five years ago we had a house guest from Poland who came to the US to give a doctoral dissertation in Atlanta and New York City. He mentioned that the Poles attend church regularly because they are told to do so. But the Poles are contemptuous toward their neighbors. He gave this example: If you saw your Polish neighbor in the backyard and greeted him like "Good Morning, how are you today"? The neighbor would reply " Hmm, I suppose you want me to do you a favor"!

Regarding Muslims that came to live in the USA, may I relate events that occurred a couple years ago in Ohio at a nearby business (carpet and floor covering store) that was in a strip mall along with four other businesses. Well, for years things were fine. Eventually, a little carry-out store opened up right next door. Like most of those, it is run by Muslims and many of their patrons are Muslims. Now the floor covering store had many 12 X 24-inch samples of carpeting on a table near the front door. As time went by, the owner noticed that samples are gradually disappearing. So they put a surveillance camera up high. Soon he learned what was going on. Muslims were coming in, stealing carpet samples and running away. They were using them for prayer rugs. Eventually the floor covering store moved to a different location and so far, nothing has been swiped.
plk123  8 | 4119  
8 Sep 2010 /  #49
Secondly, why doesn't the government provide more child care, or lets people earn more money, so they can provide better homes for their children, or don't have to work so many hours so there are never at home to be with their children.

government? why the gov? it's up to an individual to make themselves worth more and be a better providers, no?

Many families are disfunctional in the US, but you seem to miss the complex reasons.

yeah but they are christian.. so what that many fathers are cheaters and drunk beaters.. as long as they are straight and a "family" all will be fine according to P3.

so far, nothing has been swiped.

yeah, whatever.. boo.

Today you can wear anything you want to Mass and nothing is said to you. Want to wear shorts and flip-flops on your feet? No problem.

if YOU have a problem with it, then say something.. don't sit back and expect others to do something while you only bltch and moan.

Thus, it seems that when the American public is concerned about war or the threat of enemy attack, they tend to be more vigilant and keep there moral standards high.

what? that makes about as much sense as the rest of your posts.. USA is at war now, in fact 2 of them... are the moral standards any better?? yeah right..
Babinich  1 | 453  
8 Sep 2010 /  #50
Many families are disfunctional in the US, but you seem to miss the complex reasons.

Do you have statistics?

Assuming many (open ended) are dysfunctional what are the reasons for this lack of proper function?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 Sep 2010 /  #51
So long as the Word of God is unheeded and character traits left to their natural course, musicwriter is spot on with what the anecdote he mentioned. Many here are suspicious of their neighbours and as long as the church is treated as no more than a mere formality, a tick in the box if you will, that won't change.

Blessed is he who can rise above that but cultural influences are very strong.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
9 Sep 2010 /  #52

In World War II we were truly fighting for freedom.

Could you explain why we were fighting a war in Korea in the early '50's?

Why were we fighting in Viet Nam?

Thus, it seems that when the American public is concerned about war or the threat of enemy attack, they tend to be more vigilant and keep there moral standards high.

Pure FASCISM, the idea that waging war is virtuous or leads to virtue, also it is Anti-Christian.
Where did you learn this? Certainly not in the Christian Bible.

Want to wear shorts and flip-flops on your feet? No problem.

Exactly, no problem. Why should there be? The Christian God looks at your clothes????? We're all equal before the eyes of God.

Today, there is too much emphasis placed upon money and self-gratification. Because of this, we over-expect.

On the other hand the Roman Catholic Church emphasizes sacrificing and suffering. These are the pagan virtues of Rome and contradict Christianity. The life of Jesus was about faith and charity, not sacrifice and suffering. What follows are very Christian values, read carefully:

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Coined by none other than T.Jefferson, who also wrote the Bible in no less than 3 languages, Greek, Latin and English. You should read it sometime.
plk123  8 | 4119  
9 Sep 2010 /  #53
character traits left to their natural course,

so, naturally we're all a bunch of brutes or savages, is that what you're saying? i do not agree. all the atheists i know behave better then christians whilst christians sure don't behave like Jesus; not even close.

In World War II we were truly fighting for freedom.

who is this "we"? americans didn't really need to get involved as the tide had already turned by the time of D-day.

Could you explain why we were fighting a war in Korea in the early '50's?

USA was there under the guise of fighting the spread of communism, no?

Why were we fighting in Viet Nam?

not the same reason as Korea?

Pure FASCISM, the idea that waging war is virtuous or leads to virtue, also it is Anti-Christian.
Where did you learn this? Certainly not in the Christian Bible.

exactly.. but he possibly got that from an interpretation by a preacher? many do see things in that kind of light here in the states especially the christian right.

On the other hand the Roman Catholic Church emphasizes sacrificing and suffering.

so do baptists and others.. fire and brimstone folk.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
9 Sep 2010 /  #54

who is this "we"? americans didn't really need to get involved as the tide had already turned by the time of D-day

True, england, russia and poland took the brunt of the war but england was shot by '44, they needed us to make the final push. Montgomery's Eight Army was so exhausted by '44 that they threatened to mutiny before the Normandy Invasion. England entered the Normandy Invasion solely to gain political leverage at the end of the War.
feroz  - | 4  
9 Sep 2010 /  #55
agree with that and there is much self-righteousness in such people. My family in Poland are Christians but don't feel compelled to go to church. They are not self-righteous folk at all.

hi dear,..i also agree with this,..thanks for sharing this,..halloween costumes for kids.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Sep 2010 /  #56
Plk123, you missed the point again. What I was saying was that many Catholics here see church as sth to be done and then they go back to their dour-faced and conniving ways. I wasn't talking about atheists at all. Look at Pat Condell, a classic case for advocating smart atheists.

It's how faith manifests itself that is important. Poland hasn't escaped the rat race and devious minds run amok.
convex  20 | 3928  
9 Sep 2010 /  #57
In World War II we were truly fighting for freedom.

Are you a WW2 vet? I didn't fight in WW2, nor would I identify myself with the folks that went through hell fighting that war.

WW2 had nothing to do with political and economic gains? I mean, the US wasn't exactly fighting a charity battle...

Pure FASCISM, the idea that waging war is virtuous or leads to virtue, also it is Anti-Christian.
Where did you learn this? Certainly not in the Christian Bible.

Old Testament my man. Christianity is a religion of violence.
plk123  8 | 4119  
9 Sep 2010 /  #58
Plk123, you missed the point again.

maybe you ought to make your points clearer then.. but i didn't miss the point, i know exactly how polish catholics are.. i have said what you just said over and over again here.. poles tend to be sunday catholics.. mon-sat is another story..
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Sep 2010 /  #59
Plk123, I made that point on the 1st page and have made it several times elsewhere. My point was crystal clear. That people go to church but then return to their conniving and suspicious ways.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
9 Sep 2010 /  #60
poles tend to be sunday catholics.. mon-sat is another story..

true... lol

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