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Any treatment centres for homos in Poland?

pgtx  29 | 3094  
2 Sep 2010 /  #181
Everyone knows that gay is a form of mental illness but many refuse to admit it or they have fallen for all the pro-gay PC propaganda.

that's hilarious!

why people hate each other so much? i thought that we are all the same...
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
2 Sep 2010 /  #182
why people hate each other so much?

Please point out where I expressed any hate in my post.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
3 Sep 2010 /  #183
Who did I label, Sasha? Sorry, I'm not with you on this one :)

Not you Seanus that must have been your alter ego:

They don't like gays, fine, that's their perogative.

What in the world makes you feel that "we" don't like gays?

people are not chickens.

I was just coming up with an example from the animal world as a respond to the message.

So over 200 species of mammals, I didn't count the birds, 130 species of fish and a zillion species of insects are all sick ... is that what you are saying?

Well... are you being serious right now? Is it that hard to draw the proper conclusion from the text? If some people are gays does that mean that all people are gays?

that's hilarious!

it's as hilarious as when some office managers claim being gay is not an illness.

why people hate each other so much? i thought that we are all the same...

Where's Sean with his "some hate some don't"? yet I don't know what it has to do with what trener has said. Really in this thread I see only one type of hatred: it's when those who claim being homosexual is not an illness hate those who just say "well... let's see... things are a bit more complicated than that".

Yes from my personal point of view being gay is an illness and I argue in that favour. My arguments seem ridiculous to you but... Bozhe moy... look at yours guys....
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
3 Sep 2010 /  #184
Kinsey was a fraud!
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #185
I see only one type of hatred: it's when those who claim being homosexual is not an illness hate those who just say "well... let's see...

So true. Despite engineered myths to the contrary, the real ugly haters reside on the Left. Over here most offensive haters are those who defend gays... They really get to spouting some nasty and offensive stuff. Such bullying hardly helps generate sympathy for their cause...
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Sep 2010 /  #186

nobody hates anybody here ... let's don't take the things to extremes, please...
plk123  8 | 4120  
3 Sep 2010 /  #187
Kinsey was a fraud!

he was right none the less.

the real ugly haters reside on the Left.

you may be the biggest hater here.. check out the mirror sonny

Please point out where I expressed any hate in my post.

many of your posts are pure hate.

masło maślane?

przecież to jego mózg. ;) :D
3 Sep 2010 /  #188
It's backed by science...

Yes, the same kind of science that says that evolution never happened and that the earth is ten thousand years old.
plk123  8 | 4120  
3 Sep 2010 /  #189
yup, that's their "science" lol

at least in the part where he called you angry. You really are

lol he is clueless and if you believe him or what he writes then maybe you are too.. too funny.

But that is not really funny.

it's not only funny, it's hilarious. :D :D :D

Based on what? Certainly not science.

so, it is a choice, right?
jonni  16 | 2475  
3 Sep 2010 /  #190
all the other stuff you wrote is just a bunch of BS.

Nasty bullshlt too - motivated by a strong dislike of something, probably humanity.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #191
so, it is a choice, right?

That another topic.
But, yes, at least some of it is indeed a choice.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Sep 2010 /  #192
It's backed by science...


Some psychologists and psychiatrists still hold negative personal attitudes toward homosexuality. However, empirical evidence and professional norms do not support the idea that homosexuality is a form of mental illness or is inherently linked to psychopathology.


Facts About Homosexuality and Mental Health
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #193
personal attitudes toward homosexuality

As well as professional.

and professional norms

Ah, a loaded term here if there ever was one. Hardly conclusive. "Professional norms" often follow a prescribed path. We see this term a lot on Liberal university campuses. Researchers in a number of fields risk losing their funding if they dare arrive at conclusions outside the prescribed "professional norms"... And a number of trendy "professional norms" about the politically poisoned science about global warming have been ripped to shreds by scandal lately... Maybe they should change the term to "pressure norms"... And in this case it's PC pressure.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Sep 2010 /  #194
As well as professional.

prove it :)
jonni  16 | 2475  
3 Sep 2010 /  #195
trener zolwia
Hi! You didn't answer my two questions about your rather extreme claims.
milky  13 | 1656  
3 Sep 2010 /  #196
This whole gay argument goes in circles. I thinks its all down to people who lack the ability to accept contrast. It a form of mass autism were people have to have a black and white world, and if colors begin to merge, they burst into rage. I can't think of anything more enjoyable than getting a bl0w from Angelina Jolie and some men would prefer one of Brad, so be it. The problems of the world lie elsewhere; so basicalyy what i'm trying to say is, T Z, maybe your just retarded.
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #197
prove it

And just how do you propose I do this, dear? By citing some supportive website that someone could easily rip as institutionally biased as I did yours?

Here, how about this... Certainly no one can believe that every single psychologist in the entire world holds the very same professional opinions about anything, let alone the gay controversy. So what about the ones who have dedicated their professional careers to trying to find a cure for it? Certainly they hold professional attitudes contrary to the prescribed 'professional norms', right?

You didn't answer my two questions

You're too angry and shrill. You're just looking to fight. And you don't matter. Now run along.
jonni  16 | 2475  
3 Sep 2010 /  #198
You're too angry and shrill

Neither angry nor shrill :-)

You're just looking to fight. And you don't matter. Now run along.

And that statement says rather a lot about you.

In any case, you've made some pretty extreme claims, and when asked to justify them, you've refused to, since they are errant nonsense and can't be backed up with anything concrete.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
3 Sep 2010 /  #199
There is no homo gene neither is it a mental condition.

There are definite genetic links pointing to homosexuality, and also, if something is in the brain then it surely is a mental state. Both heterosexuality and homosexuality are, among others, mental conditions. If it's not in the brain or in the genes (both kinda mutually inclusive) then the only remaining option is... a miracle!

Bottom line is that homosexuality is an abnormality, much like any other condition considered as abnormal. That doesn't mean that we should discriminate against people with such abnormalities as multiple sclerosis, homosexuality or color blindness.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
3 Sep 2010 /  #200
Can you be so kind to fill in the in-between of your statements? How do you conclude that homosexuality is an abnormality?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
3 Sep 2010 /  #201
Can you be so kind to fill in the in-between of your statements?

If homosexuality is not a function of the mind or of the body (genes) then where does it come from? The ether? God's finger?

How do you conclude that homosexuality is an abnormality?

It is against the very nature of life itself, whereby one of the basic conditions is procreation and perpetuation of the species. Homosexuality is a dead end of a species and thus a denial of life itself.
jonni  16 | 2475  
3 Sep 2010 /  #202
Except, Derek, you failed to mention that neither homosexuality or heterosexualty have the slightest bearing on fertility or lack thereof.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
3 Sep 2010 /  #203
So educate me what is the fertility rate within homosexual unions?
Any links to stats on naturally occurring male pregnancies?
jonni  16 | 2475  
3 Sep 2010 /  #204
So educate me what is the fertility rate within homosexual unions?

Why do you think what you call "homosexual unions" are in any way relevant? Maybe something about the number of people who identify as homosexual but who are or have at some time in their life been in heterosexual relationships?

Any links to stats on naturally occurring male pregnancies?

Tell us, Derek, why you think "naturally occurring male pregnancies" are relevant to your point. Or do you think all homosexuals are male?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #205
Bottom line is that homosexuality is an abnormality, much like any other condition considered as abnormal. That doesn't mean that we should discriminate against people with such abnormalities as multiple sclerosis, homosexuality or color blindness.

Right. Nor should we celebrate these abnormalities any more than we celebrate alcoholism.

Gays also suffer from depression and anxiety and other mental/ emotional problems at higher rates than the general population. So there certainly would seem to be a clear link to mental illness.

So educate me what is the fertility rate within homosexual unions?
Any links to stats on naturally occurring male pregnancies?

pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Sep 2010 /  #206
support your statement, please... and support it not with your own words because it doesn't mean anything, unless you're a specialist with a degree...
jonni  16 | 2475  
3 Sep 2010 /  #207
Gays also suffer from depression and anxiety and other mental/ emotional problems at higher rates than the general population.

And so what?

So there certainly would seem to be a clear link to mental illness.

People in cities also suffer from depression and anxiety and other mental/ emotional problems at higher rates than people in the countryside. Are you going to suggest treatment centres for city dwellers?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #208
support your statement, please...

Well, this is somewhat known but if you insist on text and a link...

nonheterosexuals may be at somewhat heightened risk for depression, anxiety, and related problems, compared to exclusive heterosexuals


and support it not with your own words because it doesn't mean anything, unless you're a specialist with a degree...

How do you know what I have a degree in or not? Besides, as I have explained before and as MG is proof, just having a degree does not keep one from being biased one way or the other and letting that bias influence the "professional norms"...
Nathan  18 | 1349  
3 Sep 2010 /  #209
If homosexuality is not a function of the mind or of the body (genes) then where does it come from?

I have never doubted homo/heterosexualities origin and here I completely agree with you.

the very nature of life itself, whereby one of the basic conditions is procreation and perpetuation of the species.

Says who??? Do you personally live to procreate? Are you really interested in what will happen to your species in the future? Do you pray at night saying: "God, please, save our species"? Nature of life - to be happy, to realize oneself to the fullness. Yes, we procreate and this way continue our species. Is there a constitution somewhere written by the goddess Evolution saying: "This is the way you, homo sapiens and penguins, will live by"? No. Some want to procreate, some don't. Some enjoy waking up at 3 am to warm the milk and then cry on a shoulder that they cannot take it anymore and some enjoy the stars in the sky making love to a partner who will never cause him wake up at 3 am. Are people who are not interested in ever having kids abnormal? Are people who interested in their own happiness and satisfaction abnormal as compared to those waking up at 3 am in hope that our species will be alive in the future?
trener zolwia  1 | 939  
3 Sep 2010 /  #210
Yes. It is explained by our sex drives. When we see a hot chick and consciously think 'Man, she's hot. I'd like to tap that', really the cave man in us is unconsciously thinking 'She'd makeum good babies. I must makeum babies...' Our sex drive is really a drive to procreate.

This is why rumphumping is so unnatural. Ya can't make babies with what comes out of that hole. :p

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