Actually, this call centre will deal with the Central/Eastern European market.
And Havok, developers are overpaid anyway. They always have been. They get paid ridiculous amounts for adding a freaking combobox to an application, sth any average beginner in any programming language could do.
In the mid-90's I was invited over to the US to help build a call centre in Fargo, ND. I was offered about a 100K (per annum) for a split-build. The other guy, who was supposed to be running things after it was built, got 150K. But that was back in the days that IT ran high and higher and trees rose into the skies. Nowadays, I am happy with what they're offering me money wise, as the secondary bens are much more important to me, due to personal reasons.
This is a great move for your company Mr MGea
They were already in Warswaw, but they felt the need to expand - I'm not questioning the motives of my company, but after the echec of moving the English speaking market to India (first contacts for that market are still based in Mumbai for that matter), it has increasingly paid off to have ppl speaking to fellow natives on the phone. BTW: I've always told them it's not a good idea to move the English market to India, and I turned out to be right.
M-G (hasn't made his mind up yet)