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Who is poor in Poland?

gumishu  16 | 6182  
6 Jun 2011 /  #511
Please stop with the lies Mark. There is no way that the guy can be earning 7zl per hour: that would be about 75% of the legal minimum wage.

it may well be a part time (3/4) job officially
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
6 Jun 2011 /  #512
If he does I will name the place of work and you can ring them and ask how much they pay per hour.....

Yes, he may go to Ireland to clean toilets, too. Double wages, double living expenses.
Havok  10 | 902  
6 Jun 2011 /  #513
But of course none of that applies to people who don't bother working and instead send their wife out to work.

LOL, you never cease to amaze me. All you have proven here is that Polish people work for peanuts in Warsaw and that real estate in London is expensive.

I was recently in Paris for four days with my family, and I use this as a comparison.

Again, all you have proven here is that the cost of living in Paris is high. IMO it was a waste of money anyway.
I can go to Disney World resort and stay for $69 per night. Ticket to fly to Florida is about $100 and food all you can eat is probably another $60 a day.

Free ketchup too :)

wielki pan  2 | 250  
6 Jun 2011 /  #514
Your comment on this subject is made only to make Poles angry , as everybody knows that simple and obvious fact that an educational level of polish schools is much higher than of those western European

Monia your comments don't reflect published ratings of Best Universities in the World, Poland is not on the board!!!
Don't doubt Poland has a high standard of education, The point I was trying to make that where one is education is his trade mark for the future. Education is no the issue in Poland, its more a question of wages, so people would not have to go elsewhere ie Germany.
6 Jun 2011 /  #515
Havok, as the debate was about cost of living in Europe Poland v France. In the case of Disney world, you would have to fly the USA, get yourself super sized on all you can eat, return back to Europe, pay to go on a weight loss program and then seek medical advice, after consuming so much GM food. I calculate the trip to Paris as more cost effective and certainly more beneficial for my families health.Thank you for your words of wisdom though.
Havok  10 | 902  
6 Jun 2011 /  #516
@ monia

Polish education is kind of useless. The Jagiellonian University the only Polish University fully accredited in most countries. Other Universities in PL are light years behind everyone else. Polish schools are poorly equipped and have no money for cutting edge research or any research lol as a matter of fact. Well, you don't have to take my word for it, feel free to Google World's best Universities and let me know if you find any Polish one.

Havok, as the debate was about cost of living in Europe Poland v France.

You started your argument saying that 1.5K PLN goes longer way in PL then 1.5 EU in France. I'm telling you that cost of living in Paris is high so it's stupid to compare something like that. I suspect now that you just wanted to show off that you could go to Paris.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
6 Jun 2011 /  #517
Polish education is kind of useless.

May I ask you about your own scientific degree, University, and graduation year?

You started your argument saying that 1.5K PLN goes longer way in PL then 1.5 EU in France

Havok, again. Will you learn counting? He said 1.5k EUR. And 1 mile = 1.609 km.
6 Jun 2011 /  #518
All you have proven here is that Polish people work for peanuts in Warsaw and that real estate in London is expensive.

I have shown that property in Warsaw is more affordable than it is in London. Which is precisely what I set out to do.

He would earn more by cleaning toilets, I presume.

Quite possibly. But I know who we can ask for detailed info: Havoc, how much do you earn per hour cleaning toilets?
6 Jun 2011 /  #519
Polish education is kind of useless

Polish team wins student competition
Anna Szarecka und Anna Szpot of Warsaw School of Economics, Poland. The two students made a powerful case with their innovative concept for a Henkel product for the year 2050, winning the Henkel Innovation Challenge in the process. And they can be proud of their feat for, having come out top in the international final of this student competition in Berlin, they have seen off some of the best teams the world has to offer.Henkel is able to meet some international top talents.

You started your argument saying that 1.5K PLN goes longer way in PL then 1.5 EU in France. I'm telling you that cost of living in Paris is high so it's stupid to compare something like that. I suspect now that you just wanted to show off that you could go to Paris.

I am comparing two European cities - Warsaw, PL - Paris, France. Paris is nothing special to me, I have been there so many times,living in London for so many years, it was only a Eurostar away. Your suspicions would be wrong.
Havok  10 | 902  
7 Jun 2011 /  #520
May I ask you about your own scientific degree, University, and graduation year?

'05 CIS, Upenn, what about you?

I am comparing two European cities - Warsaw, PL - Paris, France

Whatever lol

Warsaw School of Economics

is ranked at 390 something in the world behind some schools in Pakistan.


well give or take.
7 Jun 2011 /  #521
Polish education is kind of useless.

Oh really , you`ve found such site , oh my ! I find you so narrow- minded , I`ve said in my post why Polish univ are not listed in such rankings , so now Sherlock go to my post quickly and READ !

BTW I am quite aware of your obstinate supremacy over Polish people as you have some personal identity problem .
Havok  10 | 902  
7 Jun 2011 /  #522
Oh really , you`ve found such site ,

yep i just quoted it above. Sorry i gotta go. C'ya losers.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #523
Antek_Stalich: May I ask you about your own scientific degree, University, and graduation year?

'87, M.Sc. Chem. E., Politechnika Warszawska, [eng.pw.edu.pl/Faculties/Faculty-of-Chemical-and-Process-Engineering] this faculty, and Assistant (scientific post) at the [en ichp.pl] Industrial Chemistry Research Institute until 1996.
7 Jun 2011 /  #524
05 CIS, Upenn, what about you?

Wow! A navy seal and an ivy league graduate too, you must be the best qualified toilet cleaner in the history of the world!
wielki pan  2 | 250  
7 Jun 2011 /  #525
May I ask you about your own scientific degree, University, and graduation year?

Now you understand that Polish degrees are sometimes not worth the paper there written on.

Oh really , you`ve found such site , oh my ! I find you so narrow- minded , I`ve said in my post why Polish univ are not listed in such rankings , so now Sherlock go to my post quickly and READ

Perhaps you might want to enlighten your readers and tell them why !!
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #526
Now you understand that Polish degrees are sometimes not worth the paper there written on.

Another University degree holder?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Jun 2011 /  #527
The Jagiellonian University the only Polish University fully accredited in most countries.

You really do talk a lot of crap, LOL.

"fully accredited in most countries" means nothing at all. All degrees awarded in Poland are accredited by the Polish Ministry of Education - which - in turn - is recognised by the EU as being a competent authority to award degrees. The EU in turn is recognised by pretty much every country in the world as being competent.

Unlike America, there's no such thing as "unaccredited degrees" in Europe.

Other Universities in PL are light years behind everyone else.

Really? That's why Poland keeps winning all sorts of international competitions, especially in computer science?

Then again, you wouldn't know this - toilet cleaners tend to know nothing about universities.

Polish schools are poorly equipped and have no money for cutting edge research or any research lol as a matter of fact.

Tell you what - instead of blowing off your fat American mouth, why don't you come to Poland and see some of the research for yourself? Naaah.

You know - I can't help but think that you're probably the bastard offspring of some Polack - hence the hatred towards Poland.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #528
Polish schools are poorly equipped and have no money for cutting edge research or any research lol as a matter of fact.

Polish University. Oh, indeed? Laboratory #50 in Wrocław, 25 PCs and the most modern professional engineering software.

Even toilets are clean there ;-)

Workshop, last Saturday. Me in the blue shirt.
If Universities have no money, how come I was paid for my tuition?

I only regret I haven taken pictures of two banners outside the building:
One, specifying the sum of over US$4,000,000 for a biotechnology project.
Other, over US$10,000,000 for reconstruction of the Chemistry Faculty buildings B-2 and B-4.
Money were expressed in PLN, EU financing.
wielki pan  2 | 250  
7 Jun 2011 /  #529
Another Polish debt...you might to tell me where your students will find work and what are the costs associated with this course..
7 Jun 2011 /  #530
Even toilets are clean there ;-)

You should probably get Havoc's professional opinion about that statement before posting it here.
Havok  10 | 902  
7 Jun 2011 /  #531
87, M.Sc. Chem. E., Politechnika Warszawska, this faculty, and Assistant (scientific post) at the Industrial Chemistry Research Institute until 1996.

That was before they invented Chemistry.lol

But seriously, what was the leading research at your University? See, it's not about memorizing books or what your teacher memorized 30 years ago, it's about learning some cutting edge technology or learning from professors who work in the industry.

Wow! A navy seal and an ivy league graduate too, you must be the best qualified toilet cleaner in the history of the world!

Ok you caught me. I'm really an Australian peace corp tool at heart, and since then i have worked my way up as an assistant to the nigh-shift computer operator at the Polish law firm.

Harry, where did you go to school?

Really? That's why Poland keeps winning all sorts of international competitions, especially in computer science?

The complete list of Polish Nobel Prize Winners:
- MARIA CURIE SK£ODOWSKA (she did her research in France.)
- LECH WA£ĘSA - he is an idiot.

Rest of them were semi-Polish

here is the full list if you feel like reading

The science you teach at the Universality is at least a decade outdated. They give you those awards because everyone feels bad for you.

Tell you what - instead of blowing off your fat American mouth, why don't you come to Poland and see some of the research for yourself? Naaah.

In return for what, 10 PLN worth of strawberries and potatoes a day? Thank you, I'm staying here.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
7 Jun 2011 /  #532
Rest of them were semi-Polish

semi Polish? like who?

The science you teach at the Universality is at least a decade outdated.

i assume, you didn't graduate from a Polish uni...
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #533
Another Polish debt...

Not a debt, a grant. Do you have any idea about the notion of the word "grant"? What makes you talk nonsense? Is it anything wrong with you in Australia that you need to compensate for so much?

you might to tell me where your students will find work and what are the costs associated with this course..

I will tell you nothing on the cost because you are telling me nothing about yourself. Could you tell me how much you earn as the toilet cleaner, please?

Where will they find the work? Oh, I have discussed it with the students a lot. Don't be worry - they'll find their jobs and become my clients as their predecessors have done it.

Havok, if you dared to read: The Chemistry faculty in Wrocław is doing research in -- among others -- biotechnology. Four million bucks per a single project does not sound that bad, does it?
Havok  10 | 902  
7 Jun 2011 /  #534
semi Polish? like who?

Roald Hoffmann who was born in PL but learned everything overseas.

i assume, you didn't graduate from Polish uni...

It would be a waste of time in my opinion. I have a few friends in Poland who are PhD faculty at the University of Wroclaw but they never worked a day in their life outside of teaching. Compare that with our Economics Professor at Upenn, who worked on Wall Street for 15 years.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #535
That's why America had the crisis and Poland hadn't.

You seem to know very little about academic life, Havok, so I'll tell you that for example a Professor in Old English does not necessarily need to be an expert in street English of Australia of today.
Havok  10 | 902  
7 Jun 2011 /  #536
Stuff you're saying doesn't make any sense.

People who teach in Poland have no valid experience in the industry. That's all.
Antek_Stalich  5 | 997  
7 Jun 2011 /  #537
Stuff you're saying doesn't make any sense.

Same as your statement that Chemistry was invented after Process Engineering? Or that 140 km/h is 60 mph?

People who teach in Poland have no valid experience in the industry. That's all.

Prove it.
Havok  10 | 902  
7 Jun 2011 /  #538
Same as your statement that Chemistry was invented after Process Engineering?

Your arguments are slily.

Prove it.

I think it's obvious. Let me ask you a question. With your education can you get a job at Texas Dow or DuPont? Can you compete with graduates from American or German or British top universities? If you can I'll apologize to you and admit that Poland indeed is rich.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
7 Jun 2011 /  #539
People who teach in Poland have no valid experience in the industry.

what are you talking about?

and a reminder: do not make this thread about the US...
Havok  10 | 902  
7 Jun 2011 /  #540
huh? lol, Why do i get the feeling that you hate my guts? Why is me telling you how i see it so vulgar and upsetting to you? Is it wrong? Should i pretend like the rest? If you give me a good convincing explanation, in your own words, why my behavior is unacceptable I'm willing to stop. I'm a reasonable person.

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