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Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best?

Bieganski  17 | 888  
10 Sep 2012 /  #391
damm the kids in poland go to school dressed as they were going to a weding!!! here in cali in usa i olny dress like that once a year hahaha!!!!

Yes, it is so unlike America where many students there have to go literally through a metal detector and be subject to a police pat down and bag search for weapons. And that's a routine school day in America. So laugh all you want marcelo but you lot are the ones who have something to be really ashamed about.
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
10 Sep 2012 /  #392
Excellent remark.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
10 Sep 2012 /  #393
Wrong on all counts. You should be used to that by now

elaborate that
jon357  72 | 22981  
10 Sep 2012 /  #394
The obvious needs no elaboration, even for someone like yourself.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
10 Sep 2012 /  #395
Bieganski: Yes, it is so unlike America where many students there have to go literally through a metal detector and be subject to a police pat down and bag search for weapons. And that's a routine school day in America. So laugh all you want marcelo but you lot are the ones who have something to be really ashamed about.

Excellent remark.

Thanks. Unfortunately it is true and it is relevant to the topic of this thread. The violence seen in American schools is from a variety of causes. Most people will think it comes from bullying or disgruntled youth with mental and emotional problems. Indeed it does. But another long standing problem has been inner city and subsequent suburban gang rivalries largely among immigrant communities such as MS13 gangs which have their origins in the Central American guerrilla wars going back to the 1980's. Back then they were armed and trained by America. After the wars they went to America where their lack of progress in integrating into society led to street crimes and violence which spread on both coasts. Eventually the Central American countries began to suffer again in the late 1990's and early 21st century when these gang members and their descendants began returning home either because they had been deported, left on their own because life in America became too difficult, or simply to be more involved in the lucrative drug trafficking. These are the sad experiences of such immigrants but it also shows a failure of immigration authorities to recognize those who very likely had post war traumatic disorders or other anti-social dispositions. These immigrants were just let in with few if any checks and sadly the violence that took root afterwards is the stigma that blights large segments of their community even today. Although increased immigration may be done with the best of intentions what needs to be kept in mind is that if Poland does take in more stateless persons or those from deprived and war torn countries around the world it needs to do a lot to evaluate them properly because their take on life and any regard for it is likely to be very different from those already living in Poland and the rest of Europe.
legend  3 | 658  
10 Sep 2012 /  #396
Wrong on all counts. You should be used to that by now. We have a pretty good idea how people will look in the future based on how other, older species have evolved. And differences in skin colour will vanish, as they're getting less now. There is only one race: the human race.

Wrong on all counts. There are three main races: Caucasiods, Negriods, and Mongoliods.

You know its funny Liberals like you, love to say there is "only one race", yet youre the first to screen RACIST, ANTI-SEMITE, NAZI. The irony is amazing.
jon357  72 | 22981  
10 Sep 2012 /  #397
Again wrong as per usual. You're confusing human geography with race. There is only one race; the human race.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
10 Sep 2012 /  #398
Nonsense. There are several distinct human races.
jon357  72 | 22981  
10 Sep 2012 /  #399
You might like to think so, however we are all the same. Human beings.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
10 Sep 2012 /  #400
Wrong again. There are many different races.
jon357  72 | 22981  
10 Sep 2012 /  #401
And on what biological insights do you base your theory? How do you square your theory with the current understanding of taxonomy? What phenotypal and morphological basis do you claim? How does this fit in with birth rates in one part of the world rather than another?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
10 Sep 2012 /  #402
There are many different races.

Of course. Multi-racial societies take these into account too during censuses so they can direct policies and funding to aid those that are in a minority status that are in need of assistance.

And science can even determine it at the DNA level - A New DNA Test Can ID a Suspect's Race, But Police Won't Touch It.

To deny racial differences is to deny diversity and Mother Nature strives for diversity even among like species. There's also a song by the electric music due Groove Armada with the lyrics "If everyone looked the same we'd get tired of looking at each other."
jon357  72 | 22981  
10 Sep 2012 /  #403
Looks are not race, nor can DNA tests determine how a person looks. You are confusing race and culture.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
10 Sep 2012 /  #404
A person's race determines their looks. Whites and Asians do not grow the hair on their head the same way those of African descent do and vice versa. Blacks have darker skin because they evolved in regions of the world with more intense levels of sunlight where as whites evolved due to lower levels of sunlight. If DNA can determine eye and hair color there is no reason it couldn't determine the level of pigmentation a person has or the texture or straightness of the hair they grow. If DNA can determine important matters like disease one is likely to have or even more trivial things like level of ear wax production then they most certainly can determine race.

Race also shapes culture. For example, jazz and hip-hop music in America didn't originate with Norwegian settlers in the Midwest or Chinese migrants working on the railroads. These forms of music came from blacks but they were often promoted by whites who largely controlled the media.

Blacks in America and Britain would find it very offensive if someone like you came along and said there is no such thing as race. They have lived both the good and bad about being racial different. Racial differences can be a positive thing. It is only when one group uses it to the detriment of another group that it becomes a problem.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
10 Sep 2012 /  #405
Again wrong as per usual.

oh so he is too? usualy wrong (or always), I have met similar people like you before, everybody was always stupid for them and they were the only inteligent ones that's why no one could understand them... a lot of fun with people like you thought :-) keep it up

You're confusing human geography with race

lmao, source please

You might like to think so, however we are all the same. Human beings.

I guess you are mixed and jealous of people who can describe their race with the only one word, I hope you will say I'm wrong :-)
jon357  72 | 22981  
10 Sep 2012 /  #406
Very wrong. If you believe in scientific racism, perhaps you'd like to defend the theory.

By the way, I can (as can we all) describe my race in one word. Human.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
10 Sep 2012 /  #407
If you believe in scientific racism

are you for real??? I think I have read enough bs from you today, thanks for entertaining thought
jon357  72 | 22981  
10 Sep 2012 /  #408
So either you believe in scientific racism or you don't.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
10 Sep 2012 /  #409
So either you believe in Slender man or you don't.
jon357  72 | 22981  
10 Sep 2012 /  #410
I googled that and it looks like nonsense. What do you imagine or pretend to imagine it has to do with immigration to Poland or 'race theory'?
Bieganski  17 | 888  
10 Sep 2012 /  #411
By the way, I can (as can we all) describe my race in one word. Human.

That's nice for you to think that way. Thankfully science and medicine don't. Here is another example which highlights the medical challenges some mixed race children can encounter:

For mixed-race patients, few bone marrow donors

"The complex genetic makeup associated with mixed-race patients can make it difficult to find a bone marrow match because it's necessary to find a donor with a similar race or ethnic background."

I take it you won't be contacting the couple featured in the video report to tell them they have been lied to and that their interracial child could have been saved by getting a bone marrow transplant from anybody in the "one and only human race".
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
10 Sep 2012 /  #412
Wow. That is sth new, indeed. I wasn`t aware of those facts.

I am thinking of war stricken countries and their immigrants into Poland, and luckily, there aren`t too many of them.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
10 Sep 2012 /  #413
Yes. As you know not all immigrants, even refugees, turn out to be maladjusted when they settle in Europe and North America. But the example I gave of the "latin gangs" in America have had a significant impact and noteriety even though their numbers are not very large when compared to the rest of the populations they live in. Still, there is a history as to why some of them turned to violent crime. War was one. Another was defending themselves and retaliating against armed black gangs (another disenfranchised minority group) in street turf battles. It is a complex picture of being both victims and victimizers. Unfortunately their entire community often gets stereotyped because of the bad actions of a few.

The Guardian did a video report recently regarding a Somali refugee who got the right to remain in Sweden. Here is the report:

I thought it was trying to present a very best case scenario. It is the story of a young man who wants to flee war in Africa. So he is allowed to settle in Sweden and then dreams of bringing his family there too. He is given a medical evaluation where he says he still has bullets in him and has nervous system problems. But the Swedish official interviewing him doesn't comment but instead explains to the refugee that he will need to sign a form to start receiving financial benefits. He is then seen being given a decent flat and appliances including a large telly. Adjusting to a new country and culture can be enough of a shock to many new immigrants. But if this refugee is also suffering from any post traumatic stress disorders I don't believe receiving financial and material benefits from the state will be enough to fix his life. Sweden has socialized medicine but I don't know to what extent and for how long they will provide any need for psychological care.

I've read elsewhere where North Korean defectors have a very difficult time adjusting to life in South Korea so much so that they ROK government now integrates them slowly with extensive counseling rather than just allowing them to immediately live on their own.

It's good that such persons are given a second chance in life. But I can't imagine they are never haunted by homesickness, regret and shame that they had to abandon their own families, culture and country as a result. It is quite likely that some even experience resentment towards their new host countries when they see how much they had to sacrifice while their new fellow citizens have lived for decades in a very high standard of living without war or instability. Sure they can read the history about war in Europe but it is of little solace when they may have just escaped from a prison camp or a battle field that rolled through their village while people in America and Europe may only have seen a snippet of it on the news if they even bothered to watch at all.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
11 Sep 2012 /  #414
Human beings evolved into separate species (races) over hundreds of thousands of years. Different outlook, different behaviors, diet all the factors made them incompatible with each other, when u mix who different races there are bound to be problems, as this video that Bieganski has provided states. People are people and if one for whatever reason is attracted to people of a different race let them be together. Here in the states, at least in the cities, doctors tell the parents of newborns that black children are strongest genetically , then brown, then mixed race then lastly white children and less likely to die. They are encouraging racial mixing, making people feel as though they should even though they might not want to. .
jon357  72 | 22981  
11 Sep 2012 /  #415
Human beings evolved into separate species

Are you sure you understand the meaning of the word species?
Wulkan  - | 3136  
11 Sep 2012 /  #416
well jon, you're not going to comment on Bieganski's post? kind of hard to come up with some clever sounding bs backing up your one race theory isn't it?
jon357  72 | 22981  
11 Sep 2012 /  #417
Happily. I wonder if he's going to hang around hospitals telling parents that they can't have a bone marrow donor for their kids even of they aren't of mixed heritage. There are far greater variations in DNA among groups with the same skin colour than between groups with different skin colour.

As I said but you obviously failed to understand, we are one species, one race.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
11 Sep 2012 /  #418
we are one species, one race.

source please
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
11 Sep 2012 /  #419
As I said but you obviously failed to understand, we are one species, one race.

Cool. These lads are whiter than me, yet they are clearly members of the negroid race. How do you explain this, if you claim blacks are just white people with dark skin?

negroid albinos
OP pawian  219 | 24806  
11 Sep 2012 /  #420
pawian: E.g., do you know how many times Poles saved Europe`s ass from barbarians?

Come on. Could you stop exaggerating? :):):)


The demographics of British Pakistanis have changed considerably since they first arrived in the UK. The population has grown from about 10,000 in 1951 to roughly 1.2 million today

What is 1.2 million Pakistanis in 62 million British population?


Ethnic groups
92.1% White
4.0% South Asian
2.0% Black
1.2% Mixed
0.4% Chinese
0.4% Other

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