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Is there any other native English people living in Poland

Daz63  1 | 1  
20 Dec 2019 /  #1
Hi, I'm from the UK but have lived in Poland for the last 2 years, I'm interested if there are any other English people living here and what brought you here, problems you've had, what you've enjoyed the most, what you miss from the UK and what you find better here etc..

Does anyone know any more information on the citizenship b level polish test, I still struggle with the language, most people I meet speak some English and want to speak in English, even when I had to go to the local government offices to sort out my father's disability certificate they were very keen to speak English, even our local forest manager spends his day driving around with learn English tapes playing, and mist village party's we attend once a few Vodkas flow no body seems to have a language barrier.

For those that know Poland, how much different is east Poland to west Poland.

My wife is Polish, we brought a farm in west Poland which we could not afford in England, we transported our horses from the UK and next year will have our riding school up and running, and other business ventures.

I've enjoyed my time here, met some really nice people and met some idiots, same as any country.
My alcohol consumption in 2 years here has been the same as 20 years in England.

Look forward to the replies
mafketis  38 | 11265  
20 Dec 2019 /  #2
Does anyone know any more information on the citizenship b level polish test,

Not directly, but have you watched this lady's videos? They're more directed to Russian speakers (probably a majority of her students) but she's very clear and describes the format of the test pretty well.


This video is in (Mexican) Spanish but has subtitles in Polish

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
20 Dec 2019 /  #3
My alcohol consumption in 2 years here has been the same as 20 years in England.

Be careful with this as your alcohol consumption has increased tenfold since the time you arrived in Poland !

most people I meet speak some English and want to speak in English

That must be really annoying. If I went to live in England and everyone preferred to speak in Polish to me, I would feel frustrated, too. Try to talk to people who don't speak English at all (typically 50+). Or, alternatively, try to introduce yourself as someone who speaks very little English.
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
20 Dec 2019 /  #4
this lady's videos?

Thanks Maf. An excellent resource!
Lyzko  44 | 9725  
20 Dec 2019 /  #5
Good advice, Ziem!
Had a similar experience when I was in Poland to what you experienced in the UK.
mafketis  38 | 11265  
20 Dec 2019 /  #6
try to introduce yourself as someone who speaks very little English.

Or just say "Mówmy po polsku, muszę się nauczyć" or just do what I used to do, just keeping Polish even if they answer in English... they usually gave up pretty soon.

how much different is east Poland to west Poland.

The relevant distinction is Polska A and Polska B

Lyzko  44 | 9725  
20 Dec 2019 /  #7
I agree, Mafketis.
Sylvio  19 | 154  
21 Dec 2019 /  #8
Would love to meet up, buddy?,where im Poland are you? Im in Kujawy.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Is there any other native English people living in PolandArchived