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Is multi-culti in Poland bankrupt?

29 May 2013 /  #61
So far I see only Poles cleaning toilets and working at McDonalds in Poland. You fail as usual. Take a break from your computer.

That would be because in Poland working at McDonalds is far from a crap job or a low paid one.
Nacjonalista  4 | 95  
29 May 2013 /  #62
What long-term detrimental effects would these be, brains?

Well for starters the black crime rate in America:

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.


Then there is the inter-racial violence commited by blacks against Whites:

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.

Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.

Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.

Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.

That would be because in Poland working at McDonalds is far from a crap job or a low paid one.

So define "crap job" in Poland then.
29 May 2013 /  #63
So define "crap job" in Poland then.

Manual labour on farms. Which might explain why so many Ukrainians and Belarussians are bought it to do it.
Being a roadside wh0re. See above.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
29 May 2013 /  #64
Guys, even heads of state have admitted multi-culti is a failure. Why not just admit you put your faith in the wrong thing and get on the conservative train? toot! toot!
TheOther  6 | 3600  
29 May 2013 /  #65
the German economic boom was fuelled with immigrant labour, especially Yugoslavian.

yeh and Turkish, people like to forget that.

You are both wrong. The so-called German 'Wirtschaftswunder' was neither fueled by Yugoslavs nor by Turks. It were actually the Germans themselves with a little help from the Italians who rebuilt the country, and only at the very end of the economic boom (around 1960) were other guest workers (mainly Greeks, Portuguese, Spanish and Yugoslavs) invited into the country. The number of Turks in Germany was low until the early 1980's. Only when they were allowed to bring their families to Germany as well, did their numbers explode. So no, Turks have no part whatsoever in rebuilding Germany. That's a myth spread by ultra-nationalistic Turks.
29 May 2013 /  #66
Guys, even heads of state have admitted multi-culti is a failure. Why not just admit you put your faith in the wrong thing and get on the conservative train? toot! toot!

Nah, I'm off for a curry and then a dub night. Cheers anyway. Have fun on the train, is it the Amerika or the Brandenburg for you guys tonight?
ifor bach  11 | 152  
29 May 2013 /  #67
Guys, even heads of state have admitted multi-culti is a failure.

Have they? I'll be waiting for the next pronouncement of Barack Obama on the subject, then. What a sad waste his life has been. Just think, were he to follow your advice he could have been some sad f*** spewing out hate on an internet forum rather than president of the world's most powerful nation.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
29 May 2013 /  #68
Sarkozy, Merkel and Cameron all claimed multiculturalism failed in their respective countries,
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
29 May 2013 /  #69
Just think

Take your own advice for starters and see where that gets you.

ust think, were he to follow your advice

pray tell, what advice did I offer and to whom? You may disagree with my point of view but at least make some sense and try to do better than the clichéd trumpeting of Barry-O. Me thinks he got to where he is today by doing more than just one thing right.

Aaaaaand just to clear up your confusion on the matter, recognizing the failings of "multiculturalism" is in fact not akin to being a racist and a bigot. So don't play that way, that's what emotional 20-something poli-sci chicks do when someone points out the facts to them. But if you are a 20-something chick studying political science then play your role.

Sarkozy, Merkel and Cameron all claimed multiculturalism failed in their respective countries,

I wonder if the posters here will ignore this as much as the more biased media sources.

That's another advantage of multi-cultural event: violent bigoted arsseholes are highly likely to be elsewhere.

Going for curry is an event now, is it?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
29 May 2013 /  #70
America's blacks are the only group that didn't go there of their own free will -- they were captured by fellow Africans and sold to the highest bidder. So they can legitimately say: You brought us here so now you can feed, clothe and take care of us.

All the rest -- Italians, Germans, Poles, Irish, Jews, Scandinavians came on their own and, if they acted up, could be told (and often were) 'go back where you came from'. The Indians could also say that to the colonising Brits.
kondzior  11 | 1037  
29 May 2013 /  #71
I'll accept that the United States isn't successful when their citizens start emigrating to Poland. At the time of writing, the population flows appear to be solely from monocultural nations to multicultural ones. All evidence suggest you've got it wrong. Just observe the behaviour of others. They vote with their feet for those counries which are open, liberal and multicultural.

Nope. These places are good to earn quick buck, but terrible place to live.

Western Europe and USA is multi-cultural hell. They are allowing a horde of culturally different people inside. But people from Poland are culturally different from people from France, so that's wrong too? Except that those new invaders are not from a different branch of your own culture, but rather, from a entirely different culture with a entirely diferent tradition, history, worldview and religion. Those guys don't want to accomodate to your culture, or to change your culture, or to blend their culture with European culture. Nope. What those guys want... is to see European culture GONE. DEAD. Extinct like the Dodo. Swept from history.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
29 May 2013 /  #72
So they can legitimately say: You brought us here so now you can feed, clothe and take care of us.

They could, but their descendants hard won freedom has also won them the right to live within their new society, rights to an equal education, equlity in access to jobs, political participation, the privelege of paying taxes, etc..... Are you in favour of mandated, ceaseless welfare payments to those descendants whose ancestors were dragged here from Africa?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
29 May 2013 /  #73
Of course not. I was just pointing out the difference between blacks and other ethnic minoriites. But occasionally they still bring up that argument. A black mdidle class has ben developing in America, but there is still a huge welfare underclass of slumdwellers on the dole where drug dealers, pimps and armed holdup men reign supreme and a majority of kids don't know their fathers. Saiyng that is not racialism -- it is reality!

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