Anyone need a flimsy defence lawyer? ;0 ;)
Oh come on. Personal attacks are never a good way to reach any conclusion.
Look, it's racist and that's that. OK, why would you want to describe sb's skin colour in the first place?
It has a very definite cultural context at football matches or is that suddenly not a part of Polish culture?
I see you are beginning to understand. Skin colour is one of many attributes that any person can have. One can be tall or short, red-haired, blue-eyed, black or white, nice looking or not very handsome. You can describe any person in hundreds of ways. Skin colour is just one of attributes (at least in Poland) - not better and certainly not worse way to describe someone.
I can see the colour, and what?
Well - if you can see the colour but for some reasons you pretend you don't and you refrain to decribe some person by it (especially - if it's the only black guy on the field) then it's imply that you see something shameful or insulting in this particular person's skin shade. And that is racists.
So is czarnuch a racial classification then? What is it, a general adjective?
Is one of many way to say "This is a black guy and nothing wrong with that".
The most common type of racism is assuming that someone's ethnicity determines what kind of person they are.
French are nation of lovers.
Germans like everything clean and in order.
Czech are laid back - they love beer.
Italians are noisy and hot-tempered.
Poles are great at improvisation.
Gypsies are travelers and musicians.
Nigerians are good at marathons.
Which of this statement is racists and why?
You see - Matowy. You can't deny that people are different. Chineese are not the same as Africans or Europeans. Western culture in order to fight "racism" pretend that all people are the same, robbing them of identity and individlity. Basically - the Political Correct answer to racism is: "Lets pretend that we all are white".
In Poland we see it other way. People are different and shall be proud of it. That is why we are freely call black guy a black. We expect him to being proud of it. Exactly the same way that I am a proud white Pole.