I most certainly haven't watched all of them, no. I did watch a bit of the one which Tyson was on, largely because a tiny part of me thought that the racist arsehole just might be stupid enough to make some comment about eating white women and Tyson would give him the biblical scale arse kicking that he so richly deserves. Sadly II was disappointed.
I've seen it too and if you watched more episodes I think you'd realise that he isn't a racist and you'd know how liberal he is and actually critical of racism, xenophobia, homophobia.
Btw, he did get a kicking from Tyson, but not for being a racist lol You should watch the whole thing if you dislike him so much ;)
Btw, at the beginning of the episode with Kazadi and Tyson Wojewódzki is introducing himself as the "Chief Racist of Poland".
Now, do you think he's:
a) serious,
b) ironical
One would assume that, allegedly like you, they were unaware of his past form for racism.
I really doubt that, both Kazadi and Ariunbaatar are media people.
Simply everyone knows in Poland what Wojewódzki is like.
He has no respect for anything, as far as I've noticed.
People in general are afraid to come to his show lol
Alternatively perhaps they had heard of it but judged the publicity value of being on the show to outweigh that.
Kazadi? I doubt it, that girl has attitude ;)
You are defending him: you are claiming that he is not a racist despite being presented with evidence that he racially abuses people.
I'm claiming that he isn't a racist because he's abusing people equally. So either he isn't a racist and he's simply an ******* with a crude sense of humour or he's anti-everything.
Now, I do understand that it is hard for some Poles to accept a foreigner saying anything even slightly negative about a fellow Pole,
Harry, I'm really tired of you accusing me of this.
You seem to often do this when I disagree with you.
Is it because I'm Polish?
You assume that every Pole who disagrees with you must be overly patriotic or defensive?
I know Wojewódzki's TV personality, and what views he presents on TV and that's why I think you're wrong.
If I didn't think you're wrong about him I wouldn't be disagreeing with you.
but just watch the clip and say what you see: do you see an arsehole racially abusing a black man in order to humiliate him? Yes? That's because he is a racist arsehole.
No, I don't think he wanted to humiliate him, I've heard so many of his low jokes about so many people, all kinds of people, that I think most people see it this way - him making a jackass of himself yet again and everybody knows what to expect from him.
Yes, if I would see only this clip I would most probably think that he's a racist idiot, but since I, as everyone in Poland who owns a TV set and have seen his show and radio show, know what's his game.
It's a bit like with Ali G and his Borat - is he being offensive to Kazakhstan and it's people or not?
Some comedians go over board.
But that doesn't make them necessarily racist. Even if they make a racist joke.
Although, I don't like his behaviour on that X Factor clip.
And many other things he did, anyway.
I'm beginning to think that you're utterly pathetic, going out of your way to defend a blatantly racist man just because he's a fellow Pole and the person pointing out his failings is a foreigner.
Well, Harry, it's not the first time you're being prejudiced and utterly clueless about me. Nothing new under the Sun.
No, I'm just being objective, Harry.
If I was petty I could call him racist for his attitude towards the Catholic Church and his sexist use of "Dominika Wodzianka" on his TV show but I'm more objective than that. He doesn't seem to be a racist, judging by his views and his criticism of Polish society, etc.
Maybe you have some personal grudge - was he not nice to you when you've met him in person?
If I wanted arseholes as friends I'd be nicer to you.
Ouch! lol
They pretend to be Polish all the time but neither of them is.
Sure, sure.
I bet you are "young,educated and from a large city" since you are buying this explanation.It was one of their Polonophobic rants as very few Poles can afford Ukrainian maid.
He is as much Polish as you are Harry.It is not any secret that Kupa Wojewódzki is a Jew.
Ah, there you go. (sarcasm*)
*in case someone thought I agree with grubas