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Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland

Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Dec 2010 /  #121
I saw the problem in Skopje and Durres too. Irritating sods! They didn't even offer to dance for the money ;)
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
23 Dec 2010 /  #122
what is your stance then?

My stance is to have good friendly relations on equal terms with the Germanics and the Americans. They are good economic forces with alot of good stuff we can share from them. Not everything ofcourse, but there are knowledge bases there, and very good scope for common cultural or economic/academic exchange. Again, of equal terms.

One paragraph you missed quoting:

What about those children who have a German parent, or an Indian or an Egyptian or an American or English parent? ... They are OUR CHILDREN, and their parents who live in Poland are also ours, because they are the spouse of our children - and no brave hearted man or leader or a caring leadership can do injustice there.

^^ that is important. We need to assure our children their rights and not become a facist nation which turns against its own children. No hearts of Polish men or women can be broken. Breaking a heart is like breaking the home of God! ...

There will be men and women of Slavic states who can ofcourse be in love with even a German! ... I myself dont think of this, but this is definitely not impossible, and ofcourse we cannot do anything about it (and neither should we). But our culture, economy and values should be so strong that this child should grow up as a proud Polish or Serb or from anywhere in the Slavic Union.

There are Indians, Egyptians or Americans or even Turks with relationships here. I know some friends very well personally. We need to realize that this is an important thing to consider. The future possibilities ARE there aswell. Its just plain truth and we need to enjoy our diverse senses developing in some of our people. We need to evolve with time, our union cannot be rigid. I read somewhere, where its written that "If you grab sand strongly in your hand, if quickly flows away from your fingers". As a union, we need to realize this and accept the liberty of our people to choose.

Unless these basic rights are tolerated - rather CELEBRATED ... a Slavic future is not possible. Atleast not a Slavic HAPPY future.

Crow ... before you reply of go ahead with your dreams ... give this a true thought. Because this is just the way it is. Or come visit some of our towns with students... I will greet you myself in Lodz if you ever come. We have many student clubs and I have a club of my own with good active people ... we cannot have unity without these senses recognized (neither do I need such unity myself ofcourse).

Hope you get the idea. The structure of our societies are the first concern, economy and power comes after you know that your people are free!
southern  73 | 7059  
23 Dec 2010 /  #123
There are Indians, Egyptians or Americans or even Turks with relationships here

You have a problem with Turks.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
23 Dec 2010 /  #124
I have a problem with nobody! ... I've not been alot with Turks ... I didnt have them as friends and I dont know them that well. But I am sure they've got good ppl there...

Whats the thing with you identifying people with whom I allegedly have problems? ... I'd like to be in control of myself and not have any problem with people. Because humans are basically humans ...
southern  73 | 7059  
23 Dec 2010 /  #125
I have a problem with nobody! ... I've not been alot with Turks

When you are with them take some vaseline.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
23 Dec 2010 /  #126
There are Indians, Egyptians or Americans or even Turks with relationships here.

For 90% they are Indian men, Egyptian men, American men, Turkish men.

And remember, for every Indian, Turk etc getting lucky, a Caucasian guy will be unlucky as there is no such thing as more women than men in Poland or other European countries (that's a myth, only above 60 there's more women than men).

So please explain why are you so happy about Turks, Egyptians etc. getting lucky at the cost of Caucasian men?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
24 Dec 2010 /  #127
Gypies/Indian-looking women

I think Gypsies came from Egypt:


There is a good graphical things available in here.

In any condition, whats the difference. If they are not economically in good condition, then it is the failure of our governments because they are after all our people in our lands. This is the fact unless you are ... well ... obsessed with your color as many crazy ppl are.

there are no super women and super men.

I know ... it came from the fact how some of my friends treat their women ... specially a guy I know who still writes poems literally on his wife after years of marriage ... he is nuts about her. And isnt that a good thing? I think it is ... even after them having children, it looks good.

Thats where it came from ...

My dad loves my mom alot too ... and I would like to be just as loving to my wife. But its nice to see marriages doing better than the best one you got to read in a book!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
24 Dec 2010 /  #128
I saw the problem in Skopje and Durres too. Irritating sods!

In Skopje they just used to leave their baby lying on a piece of cardboard in the middle of the bridge and expected people to give money.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Dec 2010 /  #129
Yeah, they tend not to do that here. You may find some gypos pestering you when eating at good places on the rynek. Thankfully, they usually take a telling but some don't know when to stop and then you have to put the foot down.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
26 Dec 2010 /  #130
You may find some gypos pestering you when eating at good places

That would definatly cause a sense of humour failure in me...bugging me when i am eating....!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Dec 2010 /  #131
Oh, me too, wildie! I try not to get too riled as they are kids but patience has limits.
bimber94  7 | 254  
27 Dec 2010 /  #132
That would definatly cause a sense of humour failure in me...bugging me when i am eating....!

Now you sound like a classical Frenchman, Mr Wilde. :D
Never get between a Frenchman and his lunch.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
27 Dec 2010 /  #133
I am pretty easy going under most circumstances , and i dont mind giving a bit of charity but if somebody starts pestering me for money while i am eating , sorry , they are gonna get a fork in their eye...
Crow  154 | 9535  
28 Dec 2010 /  #134
How many Gypsies in Poland?
Ireland4ever  - | 44  
28 Dec 2010 /  #135
It's good that poland is becoming more multicultural.

A black friend of mine said he is going to move from Ireland to poland because he hears it is very friendly people with a beautiful country.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Dec 2010 /  #136
I haven't counted them, Crow ;) Many in some places, not so many in others.

A little more MC would be fine in terms of bringing more options but I also like that Poland is one country which is relatively homogeneous. More variety in teaching would be nice as less Polish would be used in class.
nana  - | 40  
29 Dec 2010 /  #137
How many Gypsies in Poland?

not as many as is in Serbia. I noticed that gypsies are more integrated with serbian society (ex-Yu) than in Poland.

You have many famous people with gypsy origin - for ex. the member of "Top Lista Nadrealista" (Davor Dujmović if I remember well) and so on.

In Belgrade i saw gypsy orchestras. They ear money in that way. But I've never seen begging gypsies in the streets of Belgrade. Maybe I didn't see a lot ;)

BTW I work with gypsy families and it's VERY, VERY, VERY difficult job ;)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
29 Dec 2010 /  #138
You may find some gypos pestering you when eating at good places on the rynek.

They used to come around my block of flats.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Dec 2010 /  #139
They do that too in Zabrze more. They enter your place under false premises and swindle you. It happened to my wife's gran. In one district, you will likely be approached in the street.
bimber94  7 | 254  
29 Dec 2010 /  #140
When the 'Smok' bar mleczny still existed in Kraków, an Englishman I know had a chicken leg nicked off his plate by a gypsy kid, who ran off with it.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
29 Dec 2010 /  #141
an Englishman I know had a chicken leg nicked off his plate by a gypsy kid, who ran off with it.

Ha...thats quite funny...
3 Jan 2011 /  #142
When the 'Smok' bar mleczny still existed in Kraków, an Englishman I know had a chicken leg nicked off his plate by a gypsy kid, who ran off with it.

When I used to eat in the cockroach milk bar in Warsaw, there used to be an old tramp who came in and used to stick his filthy finger into people's bowl of soup and ask them if they were still eating it.

Shall I use him to make general statements about what all Polish people are like?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
3 Jan 2011 /  #143
there used to be an old tramp who came in and used to stick his filthy finger into people's bowl of soup and ask them if they were still eating it.

I definatly would not be eating it...but neither would he , it would go over his head...!

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