I keep on being approached for money on the street by Indian-looking women carrying little kids.
Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland
delphiandomine 86 | 17823
21 Sep 2010 / #2
I keep being approached in the street by Slavic-looking guys looking for beer money.
I keep being approached in the street by Slavic-looking guys looking for beer money.
The romany Gypsies come from the area around the black sea, Rumania, Ukraine & Bulgaria. They are quite dark by nature and often beg for money! slavic languages are spoken in Bulgaria and The Ukraine, but in Rumania a latin based language is spoken! You can see them playing classic disco-polo hits on their accordians on the trains to and from Warsaw. Some experts even believe that serious rockers Kombi were influenced by these chaps!!
Romania should never join schengen. There should be a visa requirement for romanian citizens. Of course people who want legaly visit or work in Poland shouldn't have problems at all and have visa for free but those who want just beg for money and steal our credit cards should be removed from the country and never be permitted to re-entry.
I do like romanian people but romanian gypses really driving me nuts. There are organized groups of gypses who stealing ang begging for money in the city center and surroundings.
I do like romanian people but romanian gypses really driving me nuts. There are organized groups of gypses who stealing ang begging for money in the city center and surroundings.
The Ukraine
Damn, these people will never learn to write Ukraine appropriately: IT IS WITHOUT "THE" ARTICLE. YES!!!! UKRAINE IS UNIQUE AND ONLY OF ITS KIND IN THE WORLD - but there is no need to double underline its uniqueness. You don't put "THE" article in front of Uzbekistan or Uganda, do you? Do you put it in front of France or Albania? No, so why go against accepted norms of the spelling by diplomats, world renowned newspapers and organizations and the country itself when it signs documents written in English?
Thank you very much for your attention and hope it will help in the future to spell it correctly.
30 Sep 2010 / #6
Indian-looking women carrying little kids.
well gypsies ARE indians in fact. They have come to Europe in XV cent from India.
warsawmole 6 | 42
30 Sep 2010 / #7
When the little green men from Mars come along and start zapping us all (regardless of colour, race etc) maybe then we can all just agree that we are all part of just one race?
If you have to beg, then life must be pretty ******! Not easy for most of us to understand sat here typing on our expensive laptops!
If you have to beg, then life must be pretty ******! Not easy for most of us to understand sat here typing on our expensive laptops!
30 Sep 2010 / #8
When the little green men from Mars come along and start zapping us all (regardless of colour, race etc) maybe then we can all just agree that we are all part of just one race?
Who was talking here about race? Indians/gypsies are white but never mind...
warsawmole 6 | 42
30 Sep 2010 / #9
Yes, never mind!
30 Sep 2010 / #10
If you have to beg, then life must be pretty ******! Not easy for most of us to understand sat here typing on our expensive laptops!
No it doesn't work like that. It's their job. There is a some kind of Gypsie mafia who forced children to beg (they beat them) and to give all the money their collected to their bosses. The bosses build from those money houses like that:

I don't give them money because:
- giving money makes the children being abused (as long as that kind of begging brings money)
- those who begs has almost nothing from the money.
warsawmole 6 | 42
1 Oct 2010 / #11
forced children to beg
Exactly! The beggars have a **** life! I agree that there may be some business behind it but at the end of the day, the poor bast**d doing the begging is not having a good life!
Plastic Pole52 - | 67
1 Oct 2010 / #12
If you have to beg, then life must be pretty ******! Not easy for most of us to understand sat here typing on our expensive laptops!
Are you stupid or what? They beg because this is Gypsies way of life.Any of these women can buy 2 "expensive" laptops for their weekly "wage".
1 Oct 2010 / #13
Yes, never mind!
If you think that descibing people by their carnation is wrong then congartulations! You are another freaky american/brit who wants to be more saint than god. PEOPLE LEARN: COLOUR OF SKIN, JUST LIKE COLOUR OF EYES OR HAIR in nothing wrong! So it is also nothing wrong to describe people useing such features.
warsawmole 6 | 42
1 Oct 2010 / #14
Enterpreneurs then, is that a bad thing?
Congartulations to you too, whatever that means? I am definately no saint, just an ex British Army soldier who with hindsight wished he hadn't done what he was asked to do. But you are probably just a kid with great ideas and no idea what life is all about really!
If you think that descibing people by their carnation is wrong then congartulations!
Congartulations to you too, whatever that means? I am definately no saint, just an ex British Army soldier who with hindsight wished he hadn't done what he was asked to do. But you are probably just a kid with great ideas and no idea what life is all about really!
1 Oct 2010 / #15
Exactly! The beggars have a **** life! I agree that there may be some business behind it but at the end of the day, the poor bast**d doing the begging is not having a good life!
Beggers make really good money from begging. There was a press article about it and they can collect few hungred zł a day. So, actually they can afford for a laptop...
People don't respect Gypsies because they are pretty often openly against the rules of soeciety. They have their own codex - among the rules are such which:
- forbid them to collaborate with police in any case
- let them steal from non-gypsies (stealling from gypsies is forbitten)
They often don't send their kids to school delibaretly.
Of course there are some good Gypsy families but the majority make them bad face. Look on Italy how great problems they have with Gypsies and Italians are also dark-complexion... so why do you thing that it's a proof of racism?
Plastic Pole52 - | 67
1 Oct 2010 / #16
Enterpreneurs then, is that a bad thing?
They do it for ages man.They also steal and scam.Do you know what "cyganić" means in Polish?If you don't ask anybody.Oh and if they ever knock on your door I strongly advise you to NOT let them in.
And don't be so PC coz to the Gypsies you are "gadź".
Of course there are some good Gypsy families
I agree but what it is 1%?
warsawmole 6 | 42
1 Oct 2010 / #17
zetigrek, I don't particularly enjoy being approached by beggars either, some of them can be quite forceful in their approach; however you seem like an educated guy and it's not too difficult to tell the difference between a professional beggar and a real, "life is hard" type e.g professional beggars actually look quite healthy!
Personally I move the professional beggars on and help the ones that really need some help.
All I am saying is that everyone deserves a chance to feed their families and if I had to beg to do this, I would! That does not make me a bad man!
Just try and distinguish who really needs help and who is taking the p*ss!
Personally I move the professional beggars on and help the ones that really need some help.
All I am saying is that everyone deserves a chance to feed their families and if I had to beg to do this, I would! That does not make me a bad man!
Just try and distinguish who really needs help and who is taking the p*ss!
1 Oct 2010 / #18
I am definately no saint, just an ex British Army soldier who with hindsight wished he hadn't done what he was asked to do.
you mean what?
imagine I can't read in peoples mind...
But you are probably just a kid with great ideas and no idea what life is all about really!
So what is about?
Just a quick question there zetigrek, what makes you think this house was made from profits of forcibly beating begging children by the Gypsie mafia?
Or was it only meant as an example of what someone could do and actually be just some guy's house?

Or was it only meant as an example of what someone could do and actually be just some guy's house?

Plastic Pole52 - | 67
1 Oct 2010 / #20
Because it looks like a Gypsie house.It may be even their king's house.Yes, they do have a king.
1 Oct 2010 / #21
All I am saying is that everyone deserves a chance to feed their families and if I had to beg to do this, I would! That does not make me a bad man!
Of course you are right but in Poland begging or asking for help is a kind of shame.
I was abused few times by a begger (polish this time) which I thought I was helping. A women in middle aged was aproaching me to give some money for food or something like that. She rememebered my face so that when she was seeing me other times she was calling me out and chasing me through the streets to give her more money. Of course I did not give her any more money and very good I did not! Because in the short time I've seen her completely drunk in park looking after some 1.5 year old kid.
Now I only buy things if someone asks me in front of a shop but I never give money.
Just a quick question there zetigrek, what makes you think this house was made from profits of forcibly beating begging children by the Gypsie mafia?
I've seen a documanetry about it and alsoe read lots of press articles.
warsawmole 6 | 42
1 Oct 2010 / #22
And don't be so PC coz to the Gypsies you are "gadź".
I don't know what that means but am guessing it means a "meal ticket" or "easy target"
Like I've already said, if someone asks you for money, make a decision based on how genuine you feel they are. Not all beggars are scam artists raking in loads of dosh for themselves or their mafia bosses, some are genuinely just poor people trying to feed themselves and their families.
Painting all Gypsies with the same brush is just, well - stupid. Like saying that all Englishmen are gay (quoting from another thread today!)
1 Oct 2010 / #23
Just like saying that Poles are thefts but it doesn't change a fact that many are and we really earn such opinion...
Plastic Pole52 - | 67
1 Oct 2010 / #24
I don't know what that means but am guessing it means a "meal ticket" or "easy target"
That means that you are not a Gypsy and yes it makes you a target.
1 Oct 2010 / #25
I don't know what that means but am guessing it means a "meal ticket" or "easy target"
it means non-gipsy. Its like "goi" in jewish culture
Or was it only meant as an example of what someone could do and actually be just some guy's house?
Sean btw. you are welcomed to Pabianice. It's famouse place of the Gypsies palaces.
warsawmole 6 | 42
1 Oct 2010 / #26
Now I only buy things if someone asks me in front of a shop but I never give money.
I can completely understand how you feel about this. You try and help someone to get abused later on, really sucks!
Unfortunatley, those people who are not professional beggars also tend to have other problems other than no money such as mental problems, addiction etc.
It's hard not to just tell them to **** off, I know, all I am saying is sometimes, please try and understand how you would feel if that person was a brother, sister, friend etc.
Not all Englishmen are gay, not all Polishmen are alcoholics - know what I mean? :)
1 Oct 2010 / #27
i think most aren't gays :)
warsawmole 6 | 42
1 Oct 2010 / #28
You are obviously drunk :)
1 Oct 2010 / #29
you said: not all Englishmen are gay... ;DDD
Plastic Pole52 - | 67
1 Oct 2010 / #30
Just like saying that Poles are thefts but it doesn't change a fact that many are and we really earn such opinion...
No 99% of Poles don't steal,beg or scam.If anybody likes houses like the one on the picture go to Pabianice,Lodz suburb and if you want to see poor Gypsies go to Koszyce Slovakia.