tornado2007 11 | 2270
27 Jul 2008 / #31
yeah, i could ask him if he had some lip gloss that i could borrow, i bet he'd dig it up in his shiny leather handbag mwahaha
yeah i would have to agree with you there, i think i would walk past hime with my back to the wall :):)
lol and why do you think they were all skinheads? Many polish guys have short hair or have no hair ..... just because they like that 'style'.
now now when did i say all Poles?? can you remind me please, maybe you could quote when i said that!!!!! I was pointing out that in Krakow compared to my local city, there were a lot more skinheads (Which stands for the style of haircut) than there are in my city.
Hope that sorts it out, i guess i will be labelled a 'Pole' basher for ever no matter what i say