Give me biblical proves.
Proves ? Read Mathew Chapter 5, 6 and 7. All your proves are there and none are my opinion.
They are all the inspired words of Jesus, not mine.
Jesus is not speaking against observing all the requirements of the law, He is speaking against hypocritical Pharisaical legalism.
Such legalism was not the keeping of all the details of the law but the hollow sham of keeping laws externally to gain merit with God while breaking them inwardly.
It was following the letter of the law while ignoring it's spirit.
Jesus rejected the Pharisees interpretation of the law and their view of righteousness by works.
He preaches righteousness that comes only through faith in him and his work.
Read Ephesians 2:8 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so no one can boast."
That is why I just shake my head and bite my tongue when some unsaved soul thinks they have their fire insurance because they donated money to the poor, gave a bushel of potato's out of their garden to their poor neighbor, put twenty squid in the offering plate on Sunday, help his neighbor paint his house, does good works daily, is a very nice well mannered person, etc. is all it takes to get to heaven.
I hope that helps you with your question 1010 to "what kind of fulfillment of the law ?"
If not, PM me because the unsaved on this site are blinded and think this is nothing but silliness and love to mock and argue scripture.