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As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion)

Polityka  3 | 7  
14 Jul 2010 /  #1
As EuroPride comes to Warsaw tomorrow- how long will it be before homosexuality is promoted as an equal in Polish schools?

It is surely time that the EU social chapter opt-out is removed and the 21st century comes to Poland.
mvefa  5 | 591  
14 Jul 2010 /  #2
how long will it be before homosexuality is promoted as an equal in Polish schools?

Yeah how date they! they should promote hate to this fraction of the population yeah, villagers, grab your torches!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Jul 2010 /  #3
how long will it be before homosexuality is promoted as an equal in Polish schools?

Given that they can't even teach sex and drug education on a consistent basis in schools, there's no hope for that!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
14 Jul 2010 /  #4
Same can be said for the UK too - Im also not aware of any "promoting" of homosexuality in schools over here either...

Not sure what the OP means, if she means the tolerent attitude, she might want to learn a bit of history, homosexuality was still a crime in the UK only 40 odd years ago...Yet it has never been considered a crime in Poland....which actually makes Poland a more "tolerent" country than England...
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
14 Jul 2010 /  #5
Yes, Poland should move on and realize that homosexuality is not a personal choice.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
14 Jul 2010 /  #6
what your problem? private thingy and should remain private, not parade itself on the streets ....its lunacy !
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
14 Jul 2010 /  #7
The only reason why they have to parade in the first place is to bring to attention to the public the rights that they are denied, for instance recognition in the tax system and civil partnerships.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
14 Jul 2010 /  #8
******** the only reason for parade is financial grant for organizers, what you talking about is not right but privileges ...
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
14 Jul 2010 /  #9
******** the only reason for parade is financial grant for organizers

Not really, women stopped parading in the street demand rights when they got the vote.

Now to:

the only reason for parade is financial grant for organizers, what you talking about is not right but privileges ...

You have no idea what you are talking about - a couple living together regardless of their sexuality should have the same rights - where a spouse can gain medical insurance because their husbands company supplies its so should a person in same sex relationship..this is just an example..there are 100s of others, you being an ignorant peasant, I wouldnt expect you to understand.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Jul 2010 /  #10
homosexuality was still a crime in the UK only 40 odd years ago...

Unfortunatly,the only reason it was decriminalised in the UK was far too many top government ministers,spies,buisness men etc were being blackmailed by various ***cough KGB cough*** groups. ie, "Give us the documents meester Bond or ve vill send pictures of you and young Dieago to the press and Police".
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
14 Jul 2010 /  #11
Whilst thats a nice story, I doubt its entirely true...It had a lot to with campaigning and more and more standing up for their rights...A few disgraced politions wasnt even a big thing back then.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
14 Jul 2010 /  #12
Sorry,but the active campaigning began post 69 ,later really here in the uk ,early to mid 1970s. It only really became large scale campaigning once the threat of prison had been removed , equel rights etc.

If you look at any of the "human rights" advances in this(UK) country they hve come through political expediency not moral outrage. Women only recieved the vote because the government of the day rightly saw that the women who were immancipated first,middle/upper class houswives were very likely to vote their way and secure tory majorities.

I know it doesnt sit well with the idea of good old liberal blighty but ,look at the facts and its plain to see.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
14 Jul 2010 /  #13
a couple living together regardless of their sexuality should have the same rights

why ?I don't think so!

you being an ignorant peasant,

ah me peasant :D ?says you? aspiring to the first level of middle class, tell you what my dear, libertarianism is passée is for commoners.

women stopped parading in the street demand rights when they got the vote.

damn shame they got the vote!
jonni  16 | 2475  
14 Jul 2010 /  #14
Whilst thats a nice story, I doubt its entirely true...It had a lot to with campaigning and more and more standing up for their rights

You are right.

A few disgraced politions wasnt even a big thing back then.

If anything, the various scandals held everything back.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jul 2010 /  #15
Why give homosexuals special preferential treatment? When will the 'Proud to be a Kleptomaniac' Parade finally be held? They also can't help being the way they are. Maybe legislation should be passed letting them steal with impunity. It's in their genes, after all, so they are not to blame!
jonni  16 | 2475  
14 Jul 2010 /  #16
Why give homosexuals special preferential treatment?

Who suggested preferential treatment?

When will the 'Proud to be a Kleptomaniac' Parade finally be held? They also can't help being the way they are. Maybe legislation should be passed letting them steal with impunity. It's in their genes, after all, so they are not to blame!

You think compulsive theft is comparable to human sexuality?

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives."

John Stuart Mill
mafketis  38 | 10911  
15 Jul 2010 /  #17
When will the 'Proud to be a Kleptomaniac' Parade finally be held?

That's really got to be just about the stupidest thing you've ever written. And it's not like there's no strong competition either......
Meowmeow  5 | 57  
15 Jul 2010 /  #18
Amathyst you are such angry, bitter person who spends too much time on here. I think we all know british are more tolerent to gay people than polish are. So what it was made legal before britain, means nothing. Do you have civil partnerships there? Laws protecting gay people...erm nope!
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jul 2010 /  #19
So what it was made legal before britain, means nothing.

It wasn't "made legal" because it was never illegal in Poland!

Does your stupidity know no bounds? Are you aware of what the punishment was for homosexuals back in the day in England?

Amathyst you are such angry, bitter person who spends too much time on here.

I just get annoyed when fookwits like you write shyte.

Do you have civil partnerships there?

Actually yes they do, because I live in England.

Laws protecting gay people...erm nope!

I dont actually think gay people need "protecting" what they need is for silly kunts like you to shut up and let them get on with it...Which 99% already do... The battle has been won...go take a nap and wait for the next worthy cause!
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
15 Jul 2010 /  #20
Why give homosexuals special preferential treatment? When will the 'Proud to be a Kleptomaniac' Parade finally be held? They also can't help being the way they are. Maybe legislation should be passed letting them steal with impunity. It's in their genes, after all, so they are not to blame!

How silly, what has thievery to do with sexual orientation?
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
15 Jul 2010 /  #21
Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives

I have come to the conclusion that gay people are gay from birth. So all the pastors and healing centers for gays can just shut their doors now and save their money. I believe gays should be allowed to be gay, to have a partner and enjoy freedom and and the rights that comes with that. Except from adoption.

But a study has shown that;

"While no more than 2% of male adults are homosexual, some studies indicate that approximately 35% of pedophiles are homosexual."

9. K. Freund et al., Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 10 (Fall 1984): 197.


"Child molestation and pedophilia occur far more commonly among homosexuals than among heterosexuals on a per capita basis, according to a new study.

"Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders that have dire consequences for our culture," wrote Steve Baldwin in, "Child Molestation and the Homosexual Movement," soon to be published by the Regent University Law Review".

"The rate of homosexual versus heterosexual child sexual abuse is staggering," said Reisman, who was the principal investigator for an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child pûrnography and violence. "Abel's data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls."


Now this has to be addressed and become known. I will also hope as gays get their "freedom" and "rights", that they will stop the gay parades and the extreme showing off that they unfortunately are prone to. I don't go around with a t-shirt saying; "I'm heterosexual" or demand special treatment. They are A MINORITY, and have to accept this and play accordingly. If I wear a Polish national shirt in a German bar, I know I will make people angry. I will sit quietly in my corner and accept that I'm the odd man out. The same goes for gays and lesbians. You are not mainstream, deal with it, live with it, and there will be no problems.

Varsovian  91 | 634  
15 Jul 2010 /  #22
Thanks for the info - interesting.

Hate the foul language others use - real lowlife speak :)
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Jul 2010 /  #23
some studies indicate that

And about 90% of kiddie fiddlers are Male,so your point is?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
16 Jul 2010 /  #24
Why give homosexuals special preferential treatment?

Why give heterosexuals special preferential treatment?

I't not about preferential treatment, but about equal rights, which they deserve, being human beings and all. But I stated that before in the status of acceptancy of homosexuality in Poland, which was so shamefully removed.

Overwhelming evidence supports the belief that homosexuality is a sexual deviancy often accompanied by disorders

Where does this "overwhelming evidence" come from? In the bus with 20 scientists of which 19 say there is going to be a bend in the road and 1 says there is not going to be a bend, so there won't be a bend then?

Pedophilia is unrelated to homosexuality in general.


M-G (gays should have equal rights. Period)
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
16 Jul 2010 /  #25
"an $800,000 Justice Department grant studying child prnography and violence. "Abel's data of 150.2 boys abused per male homosexual offender finds no equal (yet) in heterosexual violations of 19.8 girls."

"But in terms of numbers of children abused per offender, homosexuals abuse with far greater frequency; and boys, research shows, are the much-preferred target".

"In 1995 the homosexual magazine "Guide" said, "We can be proud that the gay movement has been home to the few voices who have had the courage to say out loud that children are naturally sexual" and "deserve the right to sexual expression with whoever they choose. ..." The article went on to say: "Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children's sexuality ... we must do it for the children's sake."

"A 1988 study detailed in Baldwin's report found that most pedophiles even consider themselves to be "gay." According to the study, "Archives of Sexual Behavior," some 86 percent of pedophiles described themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Also, the study found, the number of teenage male prostitutes who identify as homosexuals has risen from 10 percent to 60 percent in the past 15 years".


"An official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the CDC's estimate Monday that in the United States AIDS is fifty times more prevalent among men who have sex with men ('MSM') than the rest of the population. Dr. Amy Lansky revealed this statistic during a plenary session at the 2009 HIV Prevention Conference in Atlanta.

The CDC had already revealed last year that approximately 53% of the estimated 56,300 new HIV cases in 2006 were in homosexual men, with the African American population being particularly affected".


All I'm saying is, just be informed. I don't judge homosexuals as long as they don't bother me with it. Like gay parades, openly kissing in front of me and such behaviour. The fact that they are overrepresented in AIDS, HIV, other blood related diseases, sexual diseases, anal cancers and pedophelia should be known. Why hide the facts? If you go to the forest you don't eat the red mushroom with the white dots, you don't pick up the spider with the white cross on it, you don't swim in waters with strong currents. And you don't let a homosexual man babysit your 8 year old son. Common sense + understanding statistics = survival.

16 Jul 2010 /  #26
"While no more than 2% of male adults are homosexual, some studies indicate that approximately 35% of pedophiles are homosexual."

So what? 5% of Catholic priests are paedophiles, does that mean priests should not be left alone with children?

Common sense + understanding statistics = survival.

Given that you have the common sense of a sausage and have repeatedly proved yourself incapable of understanding the most basic facts, how come you are still breathing?

And you don't let a homosexual man babysit your 8 year old son.

Any child that has you as a father will have bigger problems to deal with than the sexuality of his babysitter.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
16 Jul 2010 /  #27
The homophobic card is constantly being played by the PC crowd and physical or verbal abuse of homosexuals is severely condemned. But why is the much higher incidence of domestic violence amongst same-gender couples swept under the ? We are we being told that taboos should be done away with and that homosexuality should be openly discussed in public and even taught to schoolchildren at sex ed classes. If so, why be so selective and censor the unsavoury sides of homosexuality?

Here is a link on homosexual domestic violence which is usually undereported anyway, so it is probably much higher than what has been empirically determined.

DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
16 Jul 2010 /  #28
Any child that has you as a father will have bigger problems to deal with than the sexuality of his babysitter.

Again, empty words from an empty head. You did not address any of the facts, but as usual start with personal insults. Keep it up Harry, it makes me look rather good.

16 Jul 2010 /  #29
How nice of you to completely ignore the part of my post where I did address the facts and instead quote only the part where I pointed out that any son of yours will have far more pressing problems than whether his babysitter is gay.

"some studies indicate that approximately 35% of pedophiles are homosexual."

So 65% of paedophiles are straight. Ban the perverts!
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
16 Jul 2010 /  #30
You ignore most of mine, I just return the favour. Mixing facts with personal insults is your favourtie game, Harry. I have never said I condone catholicism, or that I'm a supporter of it. So how can I defend it? And I believe that priests SHOULD marry. For heavens sake, what is more natural than a man and woman living toghether? Only a unnatural religion will ban that. So, Harry. I don't believe priests who are forced to live a life in celibacy should be alone with boys. And I believe that married priests would be a better solution for the catholic church.

So 65% of paedophiles are straight. Ban the perverts!

Straight people constitute 98% of the population, while homosexuals "only" constitute 2%, even you have to see that the numbers don't add up in the favour of the homosexuals, when 35% of the pedophiles are homosexual.

And Harry, please stop the personal bashing. (I've asked this of you many times). This is a debate forum, not your family holiday gathering.


Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion)Archived