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As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion)

plk123  8 | 4119  
19 Jul 2010 /  #121
Harassing people all day, like you do, is not compensation for your ignorance, plk123.

you're the one who is ignorant. all i am trying to do is to balance your idiocy with some sense.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
19 Jul 2010 /  #122
there is no such a thing, is there;)?

I thought there were groups for everything in America :D

all i am trying to do is to balance your idiocy with some sense.

We have all tried, it doesnt work, she's off the fairies..literally :D
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2010 /  #123
I thought there were groups for everything in America :D

that maybe true for other things, but in this particular case,although I might be wrong.
plk123  8 | 4119  
19 Jul 2010 /  #124
but his mother was probably the one responsible for his attraction to other little boys.

see? this is a dumb stuff you post that i am talking about.

When wasn't the environment toxic?

a long time ago.

yet there were gay back then too..


is a gay thing? seriously? wow, the ignorance..

I can say without a doubt at this point, that most of them, not all, but most of them are not gay by choice.


So estrogen imitators cause men to be attracted to men and women to be attracted to women?

Homosexuality isn't exactly a new phenomenon...

to cheehaw it is.. lol
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
19 Jul 2010 /  #125
Homosexuality isn't exactly a new phenomenon...

no, it is not, but if we think about the intake of soy, then half of China should be gay.
plk123  8 | 4119  
19 Jul 2010 /  #126
but if we think about the intake of soy, then half of China should be gay.

lol.. i was going to say that too.. it really would be most of SE asia..
cheehaw  2 | 263  
19 Jul 2010 /  #127
if we think about the intake of soy, then half of China should be gay.

they are. more so today than ever because the chinese like to abort girl babies. but that's another issue altogether.

anyway, using soy sauce and baking bread with soy flour are also 2 different things. Soy is fermented. look it up.

plk123. you are missing part of the equation, you need to think about this some more.

ummm. testosterone would make women attractive to women, not estrogen,,, excuse me but I must say ... duh. .. you have your thinking cap on as usual.
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Jul 2010 /  #128
half of China should be gay

Hopeful dreams.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
19 Jul 2010 /  #129
Men seem to be more feminized, and our culture suffers for it.
At any rate, chemicals in our environment seem to disproportionately affect men.

And to help with that, we have the leftist, marxist, socialist, communist movements that really took off in the late 60's. They deliberately have terrorized our children from a young age. They filled up all the positions in education, media and community organizing. From the leftist kindergarden workers, to schoolteachers and journalists. All the propaganda they are feeding in liberal, leftist schoolbooks, where the dad is at home with his aprin vacuuming, while the mother is out working as a plumber, nicely displayed in colourful cartoons alongside pictures of poor african slaves and evil white people in history. All this to condition the children to accept the new way of thinking. Our children are programmed to resist their parents, their home, their society and "rebel". "Question your parents!", "You have rights too!". This conditioning is beaten in to the young and impressionable minds, until they reach university where it all comes out to fruition. Free sex, drugs, student activities that are completely opposite to what their parents supported and fought for, are promoted openly. "It's normal", they say. It's the next generation...

Germany has always been in the forefront on all the "revolutionary" movements. Just look at the violent and communist RAF, the sex-industry, mass immigration, gay and lesbian rights, the EU, the German left side was always first in line to whatever opposed the "normal" European traditional family values or anything worth keeping. (The nazis excluded). This rubbed off on the rest of the world, and the 68-generations all around, started burning their bra's, holding up pictures of massmurderers like Mao and Stalin in communist marches, saying that up is down, left is right and that we should set the world on fire. Their brethren in Europe and the U.S, followed them blindly. The people on the barricades back then, like the previous foreign minister in Germany, Joschka Fischer, attacked police when he was young, wearing a motorcycle helmet. Nonetheless he was elected into parliament, and today he lectures around the world at prestigious universities!

From Wikipedia;

"In 1967 he became active in the German student movement and left-wing movement". "He studied the works of Marx, Mao and Hegel and became a member of the militant group Revolutionärer Kampf (Revolutionary Struggle). Fischer was a leader in several street battles fought by the radical Putzgruppe (literally "cleaning squad", with the first syllable being interpreted as an acronym for Proletarische Union für Terror und Zerstörung, "Proletarian Union for Terror and Destruction") which physically attacked a number of police officers. Photos of one such battle in March 1973, which were later to haunt him, show him clubbing policeman Rainer Marx".


And today they have what they wanted back then. A world in on the brink of total economic collapse, religious wars, massive immigration, uncontrollable druguse, sex is ok either which way, wherever, with whomever or even with children....check out this link from "Der Spiegel";

"Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive".


And Poland and eastern-Europe are now ripe for the picking. They have included them into the EU, given them the taste of money, financing leaders who follow the EU line and who will in the end make Europe into an "American state-system", of states within one government rule. Making the homosexuals victims and putting them on the barricades is just one of these "steps", that need to be taken to defragmentize the population, take away the general populus' feeling of "belonging" in a homogenous state, where things are safe and natural. After some years, people start loosing their identity to their country and their people, and start looking at the piece of land they occupy as "just another place", just like all the others. "We're all one world".

They call it baby-steps. First it's immigration, then it's "free" sex and homosexuality, then it's the currency, then the borders...then one day people will wake up and find out that there is a new world out there. They put up "minorities" against eachother and stirr in the calm waters...what comes up is what we see today, as people are fighting eachother instead of accepting eachother. Whites are evil, blacks are victims of racism, jews are victims of anti-semitism, gays are oppressed, on and on it goes..find a victim, point out the scapegoat and start protests...put people against eachother...fuel hate...start "Anti-defamation League" and "Anti-racist"-organizations to fight imaginary enemies. "Don't you know you're oppressed?". "Fight back!". Gay parades are just a cog in the wheel of the sh*t-stirrers, and they should stop this anti-social behaviour.

Off topic for a small minute...(But it all ties together)

Just think about this for 2 minutes. Without the massive immigration to Europe that the left side has implemented in the last half-decade, there would be no hatelaws, no skinheads, no neo-nazis or white supremacists, no terror-attacks by muslims like the Madrid or London bombings, no arrests of people who WANTED to commit terrorist actions like the Madrid and London bombings, no hijab/burkha debates, no problems with religious intolerance - on both sides -, no stories about abductions, honour-killings, no race-riots that span over weeks destroying property for billions of Euro's, no police cars burning, no busses burning or ambulances being attacked by hundreds of people and needing police escorts just to save lives, no attacks on homosexuals by specifically ethnic groups, no attacks and murdes on Europeans who live in multicultual areas, no race-mixing which produces a new generation of confused and angry humans, with no real identity, no overcrowded prisons, no drug wars or underground prostitution rings, no welfare scams on the scale we see today, no funding of terrorist organizations in 3rd world countries from Europe, no ghettoes across Europe, no issues with people dying on the beaches of Spain and Italy coming in overcrowede boats, no AIDS/HIV epidemy, no bird-flu epidemy, no gangrapes of European women, no sharia police in out streets, no "rising" anti-semitism, no overstreched hospitals, schools or welfare systems, no funding for hundreds, if not thousands of humanitary organizations that make a living out of all these things - paid with our tax-money, no housing crisis, no overdose epidemics among youths that we read of every year, no problems with unofficial taxi's, no ethnic streetgangs shooting and killing eachother and innocent bystanders, no illegal restaurants selling rotten food or nightclubs that sell illegal liquir and drugs. This list can be made ten times longer, but I'll stop with what I've mentioned above. What would our media write about? What would this forum look like?

Back on topic...

Homosexuals are part of our human biology, they are born that way, and can like some posters here mentioned be "made" that way by food-products, chemicals and other forces like stress, anxiety, hormonal imbalance by their parents, especially the mother. They have now found the complex genes that decide the birthing of a heterosexual or homosexual child, and found out that both the father and mothers genes can contribute to this selection if one become on or the other. Just like twins and other "anomalies", they have multi-faceted possibilties to become like this. Why propagate this anomaly as something "oppressed"? Just be gay and live normally. Why stand on the rooftop and shout it out? Why produce specialized organizations, magazines, tv-shows, shops and have parades and all the other things that make them STAND OUT, instead of BLEND IN? Yes, you are kinda rare, congratulations, we all are, now move on...

19 Jul 2010 /  #130

is a gay thing? seriously? wow, the ignorance..

... and you are saying they are excluded from that disease? wow, the ignorance ...
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
20 Jul 2010 /  #131
Not at all, what he was saying that it doesnt affect just gay men, look at the stats..

In 2008, half of all people diagnosed in the UK were infected through heterosexual sex, making this the single biggest exposure category.

Africans in the UK are affected by HIV and AIDS to a far greater extent than other broadly defined ethnic groups. Between 1995 and 2008, people of black African ethnicity accounted for 42% of the UK’s total HIV diagnoses, of which the overwhelming majority were attributed to heterosexual sex.25

The statistics dont lie and gay men are more aware of the risks:

Gay men are currently the focus of a number of HIV prevention campaigns in the UK. An important nationally coordinated campaign is CHAPS, which is funded by the Department of Health and run by a partnership of organisations, led by the Terrence Higgins Trust.

Another broad campaign is The London Gay Men’s HIV Prevention Partnership (LGMHPP) – a collaborative prevention effort implemented by AIDS-related organisations and funded by most London health authorities. Interventions include condom distribution, using media to promote prevention messages, newsletters and booklets, counselling and group work.

20 Jul 2010 /  #132
Not at all, what he was saying that it doesnt affect just gay men,

I know what he was saying. It's just ignorant to say that they are excluded. Well ...

Gay men are currently the focus of a number of HIV prevention campaigns in the UK.

and why is that?
plk123  8 | 4119  
20 Jul 2010 /  #133
... and you are saying they are excluded from that disease? wow, the ignorance ...

no the ignarant 1 is you as you seem to insinuate that AIDS is exclusively a gay thing.. aids kills more heteros then gays.. please educate yourself at least on a basic level.

I know what he was saying. It's just ignorant to say that they are excluded. Well ...

then if you knew then why are you saying stupid stuff like you did? you're the one who insinuated exlusivity, not me..

and why is that?

because obviously they are smarter then heteros.. in USA there haven't been any prevention campaigns in a long time and the most recent ones i can recall were always directed at heteros as gays are way more in touch about stuff like that then the general straight population.
20 Jul 2010 /  #134
no the ignarant 1 is you as you seem to insinuate that AIDS is exclusively a gay thing

Evidently, you see what you want to see. I was commenting on the remark that they are healthier than hetero population.

because obviously they are smarter then heteros.

No, there must be a valid reason for London health authorities to focus on gays.

And please try to focus more on the topic and make some valid points instead of trying to insult me.
plk123  8 | 4119  
20 Jul 2010 /  #135
No, there must be a valid reason for London health authorities to focus on gays.

one would think but like i said, the aids issue is not really an issue in the states so it kind of baffles me that UK is dealing with it these days..

Evidently, you see what you want to see. I was commenting on the remark that they are healthier than hetero population.

that's what i was saying about you.. you're the one who said first that it was a gay thing when in fact it effects peeps from all walks of life... it was more prevelent in the gay community in the late 80s, or so was thought, but ever since that has not been the fact..
southern  73 | 7059  
20 Jul 2010 /  #136
In 2008, half of all people diagnosed in the UK were infected through heterosexual sex

Yes,but if heterosexual population is 94%(gays are 6% in the UK and 3% worldwide) then the likelihood of sb being gay to have AIDS is 15 times bigger than the chance of being heterosexual and have AIDS.That is 94/50/6/50.

High risk groups:
1.Drug addicts(35% of victims)
2.Gays(40% of victims)
3.Prostitutes(10% of victims)

So if from heterosexual population we exclude the intravenous drug users and the prostitutes(who can also be gay but they have the same proportion among gays and non-gays) then being gay increases the chance of having AIDS about 30 times.In reality there is now even more increase in HIV cases among gays because they know that they can live longer by treatment so they no longer take precautions as they used in the past when there was real fear of death.The incidence of anal HPV infections which facilitate HIV transmission has increased drastically among gays for the same reason.
plk123  8 | 4119  
20 Jul 2010 /  #137
what comes up is what we see today, as people are fighting eachother instead of accepting eachother.

you are 1 paranoid hombre.. the thing is that people are fighting to be accepted.. you don't see that? hmm

Without the massive immigration to Europe that the left side has implemented in the last half-decade, there would be no hatelaws, no skinheads, no neo-nazis or white supremacists,

yup, that is all paranoia.. figment of your imagination
convex  20 | 3928  
20 Jul 2010 /  #138
ummm. testosterone would make women attractive to women, not estrogen,,, excuse me but I must say ... duh. .. you have your thinking cap on as usual.

Apparently that point just whooshed right by. So the plastics are mimicking testosterone in women and estrogen in men?
OP Polityka  3 | 7  
20 Jul 2010 /  #139
If everyone followed the simple guidelines it would be a much better discussion

Posting Guidelines:
- Stay on topic. If your post is not related to this thread, create a new thread or post in the Off-topic forum.
- Use the Search and Similar Threads features to avoid duplicating threads.
- Do not insult or harass others, play nicely!
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Just a thought...
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
20 Jul 2010 /  #140
you are 1 paranoid hombre.. the thing is that people are fighting to be accepted.. you don't see that? hmm

Maybe, but do you think that what I wrote was that out of touch with reality?

Why "fight"? Why is it so important to stand out and be "special", to expect preferrential treatment? Why not keep you sex-life to yourself and get on with the rest of us? The black/gay/whatever minority population have been so whipped into a frenzy that they believe everyone is against them. And the left side have to be the ones to blame for this. They see ghosts everywhere. In Norway they are unfortunately a big force and have the media's ear and the governments money. "Fight for you right!", their posters claim. Who are they gonna fight? I don't give a f if your bi-gay-like pink bubbles. Just don't stuff it in my face.

If you are gay, and go into a business meeting, nobody will will know, unless you openly show it to them. Nobody at my work knows anything about my sexual preferences, why would they care in the first place? I could love to put on a hat and army boots to be happy...so what, I don't walk around with it, showing off. Gays can be gay when they are with their partner. To paint it on your forehead is no solution. I know, I speak from experience. I used to be a skinhead. After a couple of years among those people, "everyone" was out to get us, we were being followed, stalked, refused entry at pubs and bars, our schools fought us, we were kicked out of our jobs and many other things. We felt "outside" and that we had to "fight" to be ourselves. Of course, it was all just in our heads. I can perfectly function, have my opinons and live a normal life without being a skinhead. So, if gays just "tone" it down a notch, stop wearing womens clothes and makeup publicly...hey, nobody will care and they can be "normal". If I shaved my head, put on my flight-jacket and boots...just to "be who I am"...well, then that comes with a price. It's called living in a society. Gays need to know where and when to tell people what they are. Being gay doesn't need to be "an upward battle", if you choose for it not to be. And if you HAVE to be VISIBLY gay, then move to a predominantly gay area...

yup, that is all paranoia.. figment of your imagination

Again..do you think all/many/some of these things would exist in Europe without a 100 000 000 non-european immigrants amongst us? None of the examples I listed would exist, so there would be none of them..I know, it's a radical thought.

27 Aug 2010 /  #141
“Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.”

John Stuart Mill

Look at the Netherlands or the UK, one country that adopted the liberal policy, another that is sinking in political correctness, lessons need to be learned from failures.

I am talking about Poland accepting changes in their society, what are you talking about?

There has been significant change in Polish society since 1989, far greater, than the UK or any other western European nation. Poland is catholic country, and we only have to look at how the gay activists react towards the Catholic church, this attitude, swings public opinion negatively.If the gay activists disagree with laws and teachings of the church, they must enter into discussion with the church and put the case forward for change.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
27 Aug 2010 /  #142
I do believe that so called "tolerance" torwards homos is no more then just a fad, a current fashion. In twenty years or so, it will disappear, as it is unnatural and harmful to the society, and homos will be treated as any other perverts.
27 Aug 2010 /  #143
You are way off the mark. The pink $ has far to much power in all sectors to just disappear, maybe in 20 years people will stop complaining about being discriminated against as a means of a crutch and start living their lives as part of society instead of looking for special treatment.
kondzior  11 | 1027  
28 Aug 2010 /  #144
What I meant, the general public sooner or later understand that it is nothing wrong to "discriminate" against people whose choices have merited such a treatment.

Or maybe someone developes a cure, some drug or medicine, to help these people out, if it is, in fact, biologically determined.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion)Archived