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IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 May 2011 /  #91
That's true! The attitude of the 'stary kurwy' in the administrative centres is quite appalling. I went with my father-in-law one time and he just winked at me as if to say it's business as usual. Too many foreigners will be driven away by such attitudes. As cold as ice! The UK is a different story.

Poland has left a lot of excess baggage (old fogies) who will serve only white Poles reasonably well, and even then....
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
18 May 2011 /  #92
Ive heard immigration in Canada is one of the most integrated, is that not the case in your experience? I know when i was looking at a Canadian visa's the waiting times and costs were extortionate, not sure if that reflects government legislation to curb immigration.

Canada's population has grown almost 3 million in the last 5-7 years, so it defiantly is not against immigration. The situation in North America is very different from Europe. We here are all immigrants, in fact many are not even born here. Yes, integration is strong and is done willingly. However in the home everyone keeps their culture, whether, jews, arabs, indians, poles, and so on. Everyone is ok with this and no one even pays attention to it. There is no real majority because there are so many minorities.

North America has no real culture of its own, rather it is a collection of cultures so no one can really claim that immigrants are "taking over".

I hope my ramblings get the point across.
hubabuba  - | 113  
18 May 2011 /  #93
Heritage, history, identifying with ones past.

which You are loosing while becoming multicultural

Because they had no choice[quote=Wroclaw Boy]

no they had a choice, they could forget about their heritage and culture and melt into a new country, the reference to animal world is quite silly,

[quote=Wroclaw Boy] its a similar fashion to what happens in the animal world, like wolves marking their territory's etc.. Male tigers will kill other infant tigers to protect their territory and futures.

we are not that different to animals, it is all about surviving, and I want my country to survive

Its a forgone conclusion that it will happen eventually anyway.

No, just look at Finland,

Why not indeed.

You dont feel any connection to Your home country?

WB -Evolution is to evolve in sth better I really didnt see it in the West

so then you tell me why is so many polish in america,i didn't know that usa was in europe.

What US- a country of immigrants have to do with anythig?

They do integrate when immigration policies are good and the people of the home country also support this integration process.

Lodz,I understand You want the immigrants to be polonized, right?so, dont You think the immigration from similar countries is better?also Your policies are unreal

You think about taking in the students and educated people(the ones who are more open and therefore better to
asssimlite)but Poles are well educated, when we need immigrants we will need them for manual work just as it happens in the West, so do You believe some doctor should come to Poland to swipe the floors?

clearly so that you could have the whitest, most polish and monocultural society possible with everyone looking the same, speaking the same language, believing in the same religion, eating the same food.....cause that's what you got.

by putting the word "white" in You are trying to play the racist card?cant we have a serious conversations?I already explained my reasons

and hey suprise suprise I want people inPoland to speak Polish!!!!
being of the same culture, as for religion and food it is ones choice, what do I care?

I dont know many Pakis/Indians walking the streets of the UK wearing turbans and all that seek and Hindu clobber anymore, the second and third generation are Brits and proud.

this is not what I saw in UK,
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #94
North America has no real culture of its own, rather it is a collection of cultures so no one can really claim that immigrants are "taking over".
I hope my ramblings get the point across.

Your self confessed ramblings are bang on the button (excuse the slang) and apply to everyone, in every country, throughout this planet. If only US citizens weren't so brainwashed.....
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #95
North America has no real culture of its own,

BS.Americans created their own unique culture.

being of the same culture, as for religion and food it is ones choice,

Leave religion alone.I don't want religious state wheter it's muslim,catholic,protestant or whatever.
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
18 May 2011 /  #96
BS.Americans created their own unique culture.

Of gluttony and boorishness. If you can call it a culture. It is still rather a mixture of cultures that resulted in what there is now.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 May 2011 /  #97
You believe some doctor should come to Poland to swipe the floors?

Look enough said ... I think think your views are forward looking.

My country, my policies ... and my vote counts. Plus, I have decent friends from other countries and none swipe floors. They are doing good work and contributing positively to Poland.

I don't think that if you go Estonia you will find many Russians being Estonianized ... and same are in many other parts.

Stop those rants ... or continue in your country which is probably USA or some other place where you are creating havoc. Had you any love for Poland, you would love its wishes and its freedom. It's people have a history of being better than what you want it to become with your ideals.

Sorry to say but we will not be a SHUT DOWN foolish state ... and will integrate with the world and would like to see a little diversity too like the rest of the developed world. You don't like it? ... then find a country which is run by some Hitler and stay there :) ... simple.
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #98
which You are loosing while becoming multicultural

I dont care, we are a so called civilised species about time we acted like it.

we are not that different to animals, it is all about surviving, and I want my country to survive

Nobody said your country wont survive, a few immigrants wont change the fact that Poland will always have been Poland.

No, just look at Finland,

yes....and are they at war?

You dont feel any connection to Your home country?

i feel bigger connections to the planet, the survival of our species and the development of mankind. Patriotism is in the past, dont live in the past.

WB -Evolution is to evolve in sth better I really didnt see it in the West

rough with the smooth my man in a thousand years it will all be history.

What US- a country of immigrants have to do with anythig?

they had it almost right for many years.

this is not what I saw in UK,

Depends where you go, like i said earlier after a generation or two they will integrate anyway.

Look youre Polish, its not uncommon for Poles to think like this, in fact weve come to expect it, after a while you will change your opinion as you get older and wiser, more world widely, more exposed to what we all are, where we are going and what its all about.

I expect you are religious being Polish, what has religion taught you? love thy neighbour and all that, come on think deep and out of the box not what you have been taught or exposed too.
hubabuba  - | 113  
18 May 2011 /  #99
I am aware that some immigrants have good jobs, but the REALITY is the manual workers are needed and they are not good material for integration.

You are contradicting Yourselv by saying You want the diversity and then saying You want immigrants to be polonized, which one is it then?

As for Russians in ex CCCP countries it is a completely different story, when they moved there the land was Russian and they believe it should go back to Russia

My country is Poland my friend, and I am happy with it staying this way

You sound little looney, Your mentioning of Hitler just proves it
A J  4 | 1075  
18 May 2011 /  #100
Oh, this is just brilliant!

We have Grubas here, a Polish immigrant himself, who has probably been living in America for longer than six months since he's enjoying benefits, who out of *all* people, feels *he* has the right to tell other foreigners they can't work or live in Poland for longer than six months?

Comedy gold!

Ah! Jarnowa! (Buddy!) A Belgian - read foreigner - who lives in Poland, who *also* complains about other foreigners who *might* come to Poland. (Because they're actually not many foreigners in Poland, especially not if you compare Poland to England, which is harbouring at least two million Polish immigrants at the moment!)

So I'm asking all of you good folks back home who might be reading all of this nonsense: Can it get any better than this?? (I wouldn't believe it myself!)

Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #101
Your mentioning of Hitler just proves it

why is the mention of Hitler proving in any way shape or form? Hitler had a vision, granted he took some things to the extreme but many would agree with his fundamental principles.

Youre only saying that as youre a victim of your circumstance in that being a Pole youve been taught Hitler was an evil bast@rd, whilst im not denying that he wasnt you cant accuse someone of being looney based on the very mention of that name.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11698  
18 May 2011 /  #102
Nun ja...better they start thinking about these upcoming questions NOW as when it's to late.

There was no discussion in Germany and we invited just everybody back in the 60's...there are alot of tensions now because of that. Poland would be stupid if they don't try to learn from other countries mistakes.
hubabuba  - | 113  
18 May 2011 /  #103
I think We just have to agree to disagree, we have different priorities so we cant come to the same conclusion.
But just my last try:]
dont You think the world would be more intersting if You go to England and experience their culture and way of life, then go to

France, Kenia?intead of just more of the same everywhere?
btw, I am an atheist, but what I said doesnt mean I dont have respect ot love for other countries and cultures, it just meant I like to keep mine, and I definitely didnt like what i saw in the West

P.S it sound looney because whenever somebody doesnt agree with muliticultralism is called racist or hitler, it is soooooo over the top,
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #104
Poland would be stupid if they don't try to learn from other countries mistakes.

and the lesson is..... dont let any foreigners into Poland? its to early for any lessons to be learned.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11698  
18 May 2011 /  #105
dont let any foreigners into Poland? its to early for any lessons to be learned.

Nope...IMHO the lesson should be to concentrate on Europe...there is free movement inside the EU and a free choice of workplace. There is no need to import them from other continents and other cultures....

And that's what Grubas meant too....I think!
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #106
I definitely didnt like what i saw in the West

Agree to disagree or not, you dont really have a choice, its happening and im proud of it.

We live in a world where 40% of the worlds wealth is owned by 1% of the population, where 50% of the planet lives on less than £1 a day, your banging on about immigration based on wanting Poland to be for Poles, wake up mate, it aint your Poland.

Nope...IMHO the lesson should be to concentrate on Europe...there is free movement inside the EU and a free choice of workplace. There is no need to import them from other continents and other cultures....

I agree immigration should be controlled, it is being controlled, but what is acceptable? the locals are never going to welcome them with open arms.
hubabuba  - | 113  
18 May 2011 /  #107
at least two million Polish immigrants at the moment

You lost one zero, i heard it is 20 million

We live in a world where 40% of the worlds wealth is owned by 1% of the population, where 50% of the planet lives on less than £1 a day

and so?You cant take everyone, wouldnt it be better to help them make their country richer?
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #108
and so?You cant take everyone, wouldnt it be better to help them make their country richer?

Ohh the irony, i have 4 Polish shops within 10 minutes walk time to where i live right now, theres about 20 within 5 minutes drive time and Polands in the EU, we are making Poland a more wealthy country and lets not forget theres about 1,000,000 living and working in the UK. I was at the car boot sale the other day and there were Poles every where, quite arrogant i might add.

With all due respect youre not really in a position to comment on immigration. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander..
hubabuba  - | 113  
19 May 2011 /  #109
Ohh the irony, i have 4 Polish shops within 10 minutes walk time to where i live right now, theres about 20 within 5 minutes drive time and Polands in the EU, we are making Poland a more wealthy country and lets not forget theres about 1,000,000 living and working in the UK.

With all due respect youre not really in a position to comment on immigration.

I already answered that, You dont like it- complain to Your goverment, it is Your country.

EU is helping Poland that and later when Poland is richer we will not need to emigrate to other coutries, so again wouldnt it be better to help the poor coutries?then again EU is not doing it for free, the smart countries like Germany use our membership to their advantage, having many companies on our market and buying out whatever possible. The money we get are not for free
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 May 2011 /  #110
Much has to do with history and generations. It has been a long time since Indians, Africans, Chinese and Pakistanis settled in the UK. Poland will never get near that level of successive generations. Poland is hardly the best country in the world to attract true entrepreneurs.
chichimera  1 | 185  
19 May 2011 /  #111
The UK is a different story

At least "stare kurwy" have faces and names and if you know how to deal with them, you'll eventually get what you want...

In the UK Mr/Mrs Nice-Attitude on the other side of the telephone line will switch you from one polite voice to another, you'll spend a lot of time and money on calling 0845 but you won't find anyone who is responsible for answering your issue
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 May 2011 /  #112
The faces are as dour as they come for the most part. It takes forever and some people don't have the time to be messed around by old ditherers that make turtles look fast.

Perhaps you are calling the wrong lines ;)
Wroclaw Boy  
19 May 2011 /  #113
EU is helping Poland that and later when Poland is richer we will not need to emigrate to other coutries

Its so blatantly obvious that we can use exactly the same logic with African countries except even more so in their cases as they have untapped resources. Lets not be under any illusions here resources are what theyre after, global domination is where your argument leads.

OK so Poland was included within the EU (your words) for monetary gain, not based on ethics at all, what right has Poland as apposed to say Nigeria?

In the UK Mr/Mrs Nice-Attitude on the other side of the telephone line will switch you from one polite voice to another, you'll spend a lot of time and money on calling 0845 but you won't find anyone who is responsible for answering your issu

Its all digital in the UK (online), much better. I dont understand your argument.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 May 2011 /  #114
Very good points, WB. I wonder how much wealth more Polish people will see as opposed to payouts abroad and new immigrants coming in and sending money home.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
19 May 2011 /  #115
hubabuba wrote:

and I want my country to survive

and CLEARLY the arrangement they have now is superior. I mean hey, it's POLAND people!

grubas wrote:

I don't want religious state wheter it's muslim,catholic,protestant or whatever.

unfortunately you already live in one. just because the constitution stipulates seperation of church and state, doesn't mean the country lives accordingly. kinda like the Vatican doing things very un-Jesus'ey.
hubabuba  - | 113  
19 May 2011 /  #116
OK so Poland was included within the EU (your words) for monetary gain, not based on ethics at all, what right has Poland as apposed to say Nigeria?

You are putting words into my mouth, I didnt say it was included for monetary gain what I said was, that we are not just recipients, do You understand Polish?I watcheda great interview with Rosati about the topic, I can try and find it for You.But Poland was also not included because of some ethics- they dont play big role in politics(understable) Poland and other countries were included because EU wants to expand, be big as possible and competitive to growing world superpowers.They invest now and gain later

ehmm European Union is stille in Europe isnt it?so what would Nigeria do there?

Its all digital in the UK (online), much better. I dont understand your argument.

I had the same problems as chichimera in UK, with administration, doctors, nobody gave a damn, my general about them was rude, uninformed, and unhelpful, and then I come here and You people are complaining about the same thing in Poland, I dont know maybe it is a immgrant treatment?

and CLEARLY the arrangement they have now is superior. I mean hey, it's POLAND people!

do You have anything interesting to say?how old are You?stop talking out o Your ass
Wroclaw Boy  
19 May 2011 /  #117
You are putting words into my mouth, I didnt say it was included for monetary gain what I said was, that we are not just recipients, do You understand Polish?

im not, you kinda did, and yes.

European Union is stille in Europe isnt it?so what would Nigeria do there?

based on logistics Poland's EU accession makes sense, based on economics not so much, hey im not the one trying to keep Poland polish.

nobody gave a damn

I have and always have had issues with the UK medical system, but they dont really give a damn in Poland unless you stuff a 100 Zloty note in their pocket either.

How long have you been back, how are you readjusting to life in Poland? will you go back to the UK?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
19 May 2011 /  #118
I see plenty of foreigners from what would appear to be ethnic backgrounds,

And then you say it's just my "paranoid fantasies"?

the point is its not as much of an issue as youre portraying,

Bringing diseases from 3rd world, throwing their garbage out of flat buildings, higher involvement in violent street crime, much higher use of the welfare system and the health system, honour killings, stealing hot European women, making babies with women and then jump to the next, refusing to adapt to Western values, not showing respect for their host country.... not much of an issue you say?

Of course not all of them behave bad, i wouldn't even say that a majority of them is like that. But because already millions came to Europe, it's safe to say that among them there are thousands and thousands of parasites, criminals and other nuisances from Africa, Asia, etc. within European borders, costing European tax payers billions of euros and making many people unhappy (think of how many Europeans were murdered and raped by non-European criminals as opposed to the very few African/Asian immigrants that were victims of European criminals).

Just do some math, count the number of 3rd world immigrants in Europe and if only a small minority of them is scum there's no denying that 3rd world immigration is the worst that happened to Europe after WWII.
Wroclaw Boy  
19 May 2011 /  #119
OK girl repellant stop trying to put off your shortfalls on others, I'm not going to even read your nonsensical repetitive bile, read it once read it all before, the minute you actually manage to get a lay it will stop.

Its been what two friggen years now, since you registered. I dont know try some new after shave.. im fresh outta ideas for you.

Come to think of it youve never even chatted to females on this site, you need professional help mate.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
19 May 2011 /  #120
Poland will be one of the last countries to become MC.

The annoying thing is that - in case of Caucasean countries - there's a lot of pressure from nonwhites and their socialist friends to let in coloureds until the streets of even the smallest town have at least 50% nonwhites, but on the other hand Turkey can stay 100% Turkish without a problem, subsaharan Africa can stay 99.9% black, and also other nonwhite territories (Arab world, China) can be 99% homogenic without anyone protesting. It's only Caucasean territories that are forced to mix.

It aint a foreigner friendly environment and wont be for a long time, if for nothing else the language barrier and lack of work. The UK is as easy as pie, i walked into a clinic today and they had welcome in about 7 different languages. Certain UK establishments offer translations for basic questionnaires, even i was a little taken back by that - having lived in Poland for over 5 years.

I think it's stupid. English is the world's most important language. Immigrants who can't read English should get a kick under their lazy #ss instead of questionairies in their own language.

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