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IS Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole?

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
18 May 2011 /  #61

You are a hypocrite, period.

You are a Pole, on the social welfare, living in the U.S.

* When I say Period, do I still need to put one after the word?
jarnowa  4 | 499  
18 May 2011 /  #62
Why don't you work harder on your main focus ... :D ...

You Mr. need lots and lots of self confidence to realize that your problems lay within yourself, and not outside :)

What about staying ontopic? :)

Do you deny that mass immigration was a big failure in Western Europe? :)
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #63
Here we agree...I don't know why Germany's needs of skilled labor shouldn't/couldn't be fulfilled by EU-member workers...no need to look to other continents and cultures for that. Poland likewise.

Ofc we agree,why shouldn't we?Just think how great would be Germany or UK or France if they didn't allow foraign workers to settle.If EU needs workers some kind of Bracero program is an answer.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 May 2011 /  #64
mass immigration

I don't think there has been such a "mass immigration" in the first place, compared to the migrations this world have seen throughout its inception :).

I gave a link on the immigration policies I would like to see my country pursue :) ... you might aswell read that: Ideas for constructive Immigration methods for Poland.
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #65
And multiculturalism has quite a few advantages too... better restaurants and a improving local cuisine for instance... :

You can't be serious.If their is any demand for ethinc cuisine, citizen of Poland can open a restaurant,hire some Indians or whatever on short term visa,then replace them with another batch.I don't see any reason to allow some Indians or Africans(just an example) to settle in Poland only becouse some Poles want to have ethnic food from time to time.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
18 May 2011 /  #66
to settle in Poland only becouse some Poles want to have ethnic food from time to time.

Why only Ethnic food ... but also some ethnicity :) ... it looks so nice ... but ofcourse, with proper policies, proper people ... and there are many who love it :)
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #67
Today I was walking down ul Zlota and there was a group of about 10 blacks hanging around, nothing threatening.

So?Why are they hanging there?Maybe someone should pay some attention to what they are doing,you never know what they are up to.There is enough Poles hanging around,no need to import blacks to do that.
legend  3 | 658  
18 May 2011 /  #68

Personally I think its okay for North America to be a mix and I think Europe should stay white.
I would argue that here in North America people are more xenophobic than in Poland or some other European countries.
Simple there is 350 million people here. Just because you see colored folks living everywhere doesnt mean the people are more tolerant. America has millions and millions of racists.

Everyone is always speaking of Western Europe, America, etc.
Japan is doing just fine as a homogeneous country. In fact they are probably ahead of the "great" USA when it comes to development.
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #69
You are a Pole, on the social welfare, living in the U.S.

And?I paid my share to the system.Besides you probably don't know but we have a crisis here and jobs are scarce,also the jobs avaliable pay less than my unemployement.So tell me why should I work for less than I am getting chilling at home?You think I am stupid or what?And there are some Americans who already ran out of unemployement and they need these jobs more than I do at this point.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
18 May 2011 /  #70
I don't think there has been such a "mass immigration"

Millions of people from outside Europe, more and more moroccan, turkish and african suburbs and you still in denial? :D

When was the last time you've been in Western Europe? :D
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
18 May 2011 /  #71

And you are talking about sending people back to where they came from, so by your own opinion (not mine), you should leave the U.S.

Hence you are a hypocrite.
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #72
Millions of people from outside Europe, more and more moroccan, turkish and african suburbs and you still in denial?

provide some stats to back up your paranoid fantasies
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
18 May 2011 /  #73
grubas wrote:

And?I paid my share to the system.

how long did you pay into the sytem? how long have you been drawing from the system?
Stu  12 | 515  
18 May 2011 /  #74
also the jobs avaliable pay less than my unemployement

Jesus ... don't you have any pride??!! That's the problem with people nowadays: they expect everything comes for free. Disgusting! It's the same mentality some people are criticising in Turks, Maroccans and other immigrants. One shouldn't criticise them, but this revolting mentality.
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #75
how long did you pay into the sytem?

I paid into the system 7 years.Never sent any money to Poland nor anywhere else and I am about to bring the rest of my assets from Poland to the US as soon as the USD situation clears out.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
18 May 2011 /  #76
provide some stats to back up your paranoid fantasies

Stats, who needs stats if you have a pair of healthy eyes.

When was your last time you walked around in a large city in Western Europe?
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #77
I am about to bring the rest of my assets from Poland to the US

whats that a couple of rusty old bigos pots? I thought you were going back to Poland anyway.

as soon as the USD situation clears out.

He, may take a while that mate.
Stu  12 | 515  
18 May 2011 /  #78
See, so you are lying again. In a another thread you told me you have some assets"" in PL and that you would return soon. Obviously you won't.

You can't be trusted, can you?

Ehh, what can one expect from a parasite who doesn't want to work and just holds up his hand?! I guess if there would be a thread on how gypsies do the same thing, he would be all up in arms, how scandalous it is, bla bla bla.

Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #79
When was your last time you walked around in a large city in Western Europe?

Piast Poland  3 | 165  
18 May 2011 /  #80
Poland should try to encourage immigrants from Slavic countries instead of third world ones.
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #81
whats that a couple of rusty old bigos pots?


He, may take a while that mate.

Shouldn't take long.I will be willing to exchange PLN for USD at the rate 1.75-2.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
18 May 2011 /  #82

If the city is really large it will be highly unlikely not to see many people from turkey, africa, etc.
Unless you are now in Reykyavik of course.
grubas  12 | 1382  
18 May 2011 /  #83
You are a Pole, on the social welfare, living in the U.S.

I am not on social welfare,I get what I deserve and what I paid for for 7 years.Even if I wanted to get social welfare or food stamps I am not eligible.
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #84
If the city is really large it will be highly unlikely not to see many people from turkey, africa, etc.

I see plenty of foreigners from what would appear to be ethnic backgrounds, the point is its not as much of an issue as youre portraying, but then again ive never had a problem pulling women as you do so could never blame them as well as every other possible wimp out excuse as you have.

Poland should try to encourage immigrants from Slavic countries instead of third world ones.

Hows that going to work? and why would they come? what - Slovakia for Poland.
Piast Poland  3 | 165  
18 May 2011 /  #85
Hows that going to work? and why would they come? what - Slovakia for Poland.

Hope that Poland will become economically attractive in the future. Even more hope that fellow Slavs will react more quickly than third worlders to this. I dont mind some foreigners in Poland as its all interesting but nothing on the scale of France or UK.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
18 May 2011 /  #86
Would be good if the OP would register and we could sit on his head.
Maybe he was residing under the KM namiot?
Although passed today KM by bus and the fascists were gone. I hope they were fined for polluting the pavement - some city law could have be found?
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
18 May 2011 /  #87
Is Poland in danger of becoming the next multi cultural sink hole?

I don't think so. In fact multicultularism, or rather absorption of other cultures, worked rather well in pre-partition Poland. Western European 'trash' came here and integrated and prospered well, in fact I'd welcome them as they were the carriers of innovation and trade (e.g. the Mennonites in the Wisła delta).

Other question is the social benefits, or rather lack of them in Poland. You can't just bred like a rabbit and live off benefits - it's just pathetic existence (some 'żule' do this, however - for each child you get some 1000 Zlp, which translates to some 50 bottles of vodka - it's a real disgrace and tragedy in a country which considers itself 'civilised').

There's also a chronic shortage of social housing in Poland. Also most of new flats are built to be sold, not rented.
Offices are rather unlikely to offer such multi-lingual advice as it is for instance in the UK, where you get leaflets in all languages you could think of.

I suppose only people who want to work (more or less) and learn Polish will manage to survive and in a way will be 'forced' to integrate, at least partially. The unproductive ones will quickly find themselves becoming social margin.
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #88
I dont mind some foreigners in Poland as its all interesting but nothing on the scale of France or UK.

Ive heard immigration in Canada is one of the most integrated, is that not the case in your experience? I know when i was looking at Canadian visa's the waiting times and costs were extortionate, not sure if that reflects government legislation to curb immigration.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
18 May 2011 /  #89
Poland will be one of the last countries to become MC. Much depends on the decisions of their government but I can't see it anytime soon.
Wroclaw Boy  
18 May 2011 /  #90
Poland will be one of the last countries to become MC.

It aint a foreigner friendly environment and wont be for a long time, if for nothing else the language barrier and lack of work. The UK is as easy as pie, i walked into a clinic today and they had welcome in about 7 different languages. Certain UK establishments offer translations for basic questionnaires, even i was a little taken back by that - having lived in Poland for over 5 years.

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