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Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland

gdyniaguy  1 | 281  
26 Jun 2012 /  #241
sorry that sentence did sound a bit random...
I mean prescriptions are free if you live in Scotland or Wales, but not if you live in England. Not sure about NI.

Not strictly true. In Enlgand.... If you are taking a life saving medicine (diabetics for expample) prescriptions are free, they are also free for pregnant women, the elderly, the unemployed and also the under 18's and i could imagine that some disabilities also get free prescriptions.

Those that do have to pay can buy a season ticket to get reduced medication and if you ask your chemist they should offer you a cheaper alternative if it is cheaper then the standard prescription charge (about gbp6).

There arn't alot of English that pay for prescriptions.
OP pawian  226 | 27471  
16 Aug 2012 /  #242
how much would big antlers cost in uk or us

  • 20120815499.jpg
teflcat  5 | 1024  
16 Aug 2012 /  #243
There are Roe deer antlers on ebayuk for between 10 and 60 GBP.
OP pawian  226 | 27471  
16 Aug 2012 /  #244
antlers i showed are red deer's.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
16 Aug 2012 /  #245
15 point Red Deer stag antlers 75GBP. ebayuk
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Aug 2012 /  #246
Tex Mex salsa
Poland about 14 PLN
UK about £2.00
teflcat  5 | 1024  
16 Aug 2012 /  #247
Tabasco 13PLN. Elsewhere?
OP pawian  226 | 27471  
16 Aug 2012 /  #248
WB, at last you found sth cheaper! Hahaha. But when i get back, i will check it. Hi hi
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Aug 2012 /  #249
Tex Mex salsa
Poland about 14 PLN
UK about £2.00

I found some excellent salsa in Poland out of a bag - but I can't remember the name :(
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Aug 2012 /  #250
its the old rule of imports costing a bloody fortune, when i first arrived in Poland i didnt really look at the prices of these types of things. When i started comparing items like salsa, soya sauce maybe imported curry paste and such i was initially shocked but not surprised.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Aug 2012 /  #251
It's well, well out of the way - but there's a Vietnamese market in Prague that I bought a load of stuff from - pastes, sauces, rice, etc - all of it ridiculously cheap and good quality.

I do notice though that the Polish producers are starting to make their own versions of this stuff - the salsa stuff I mentioned was about 3PLN for a decent amount.

Auchan is even doing huge jars of sweet and sour sauce for 3PLN these days - which is nice!
Wroclaw Boy  
16 Aug 2012 /  #252

Occasionally I used to drive across the boarder into the Czech Republic and pick up food items there, made a nice change to buy different products plus they did pretty decent bacon (well boćek) cheap.

I do notice though that the Polish producers are starting to make their own versions of this stuff - the salsa stuff I mentioned was about 3PLN for a decent amount.

Look at the ingredients of salsa for example and Poland has ample. Biedronka do a reasonably good home produced Tortellini - cheap.

A lot of people have issues with Biedronka, i used to shop there for tea bags and found lots of their products more than acceptable.

Macbook Pro 13" 5,599 PLN / 15" 8,499 PLN - POLAND

Macbook Pro 13" £999 / 15" £1,499 - ENGLAND

Take into consideration the wage differences between the two countries and this is extortionate, but the UK as you can see is already cheaper price for price.

FX rate today is 5.16 so £999 = 5,162 PLN
pip  10 | 1658  
20 Aug 2012 /  #253
I just came back from Sweden where everything is expensive. I mean everything. Gas was twice the price as in Poland. Food in restaurants is something like 75 pln for a hamburger. Everything we came across was at least twice the price.

we went to a water park and it was crazy. I thought pools in Poland were expensive- they are a fraction of what they are in Sweden.

It was a shock- it actually became a bit of a joke after the 2nd day. 30 pln for a scoop of ice cream.
milky  13 | 1656  
20 Aug 2012 /  #254
I just came back from Sweden where everything is expensive.

Sweden performs exceptionally well in overall well-being, as shown by the fact that it ranks among the top countries in a large number of topics in the Better Life Index.


It was a shock- it actually became a bit of a joke after the 2nd day. 30 pln for a scoop of ice cream.

the eat a lot if its expensive
1. Finland: 12.9 liters
2. Sweden: 11.5 liters
3. Norway: 11.5 liters
4. Denmark: 8.0 liters
5. Italy: 6.2 liters
6. Germany: 6.1 liters
7. France: 6.0 liters
8. Ireland: 6.0 liters
9. Greece: 5.9 liters
10: Belgium: 5.8 liters

Now the ice cream shop Glassiären is only open during the summer season and is popular mainly because of the HUGE ice cream's they serve. One scoop there is actually about four scoops. Which is why you don't order "one scoop" but "one flavor" of ice cream.

pip  10 | 1658  
20 Aug 2012 /  #255
you have been there?
milky  13 | 1656  
20 Aug 2012 /  #256
no, but Ive got family there and they say you can buy lots of ice cream and still live a comfortable life.
pantsless  1 | 266  
21 Aug 2012 /  #257
Man (or woman, whatever), After reading these musings, I must say you are nuts! How often does it happen to you? :):):):)

A late reply, but a reply nonetheless.

I got ripped off a few times. Everyone I know has gotten ripped off at the mechanics. Of course you find out well after the fact. If you haven't, your either living in denial or very very very lucky. I said f this and bought a bunch of tools and started fixing things myself now.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Aug 2012 /  #258
Everyone I know has gotten ripped off at the mechanics.

Define "ripped off".

I'm quite happy to pay good money for a good service. For instance, I could get the tyres changed in winter for as little as 60PLN. But I don't like the guys that do it for that price - so I take it to another place and pay 80PLN for the same thing, because I like their attitude. Same job, same quality - but they're nice to me there.
MoOli  9 | 479  
21 Aug 2012 /  #259
I could get the tyres changed in winter

Arent there all weather tyres available? or they just expensive in Poland?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Aug 2012 /  #260
There are, but I'm not fond of them - my car grips far better with the right tyres for the right conditions. All-weather ones aren't really suitable for when the snow/ice comes, and although they'll "do" - I'd rather have specific winter ones. In summer, you really notice the difference too with tyres specifically for the summer conditions. Driving all-year ones when it's 36c outside (like today) is just horrible.

The variation in conditions is extreme enough to warrant using both - although I did hang on with summer tyres until November or so last year...
MoOli  9 | 479  
21 Aug 2012 /  #261
The variation in conditions is extreme enough to warrant using both

Maybe for you if you are a new driver:)) I use them in Poland and here in states where the weather is same and in snow...but again I always use SUVs with all four wheel drive,maybe is different with cars.lol the only car I have is Maluch in states that I use in summer for joy rides,dunno what tyres it has were imported from Poland.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
21 Aug 2012 /  #262
lol the only car I have is Maluch in states that I use in summer for joy rides

The american version of it, Dude my backpack tent is bigger.
MoOli  9 | 479  
21 Aug 2012 /  #263
dude my pool motor is more powerfull then my MALUCHs motor but I love driving it around......I feel better then owing a 1957 restored chevy:)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
21 Aug 2012 /  #264
How low the mighty have fallen, walmart wages, gas prices it all hits home, guido takes his maluch to work, what's next? a bicycle made in china? Can't fight the progress a.
pip  10 | 1658  
21 Aug 2012 /  #265
that is not a maluch- it is a smart car- two seater. they don't make maluch's any more.

there is nothing wrong with having a car like that for the city. that is what it was designed for.
MoOli  9 | 479  
21 Aug 2012 /  #266
guido takes his maluch to work, what's next

LQQKS someone has problem reading the posts!And about work do you really think its 9 to 5 english teaching job in some rinky dink english school! Get upgraded at your age Mr Driver.
pip  10 | 1658  
21 Aug 2012 /  #267
no, but Ive got family there and they say you can buy lots of ice cream and still live a comfortable life.

I am calling bulshit on this one...much like your real estate expertise. arguing just for the sake of arguing. Sweden is expensive, I just got back from there on Sunday. Gas is twice the price, restaurant meals are expensive--mine alone cost 75 pln for salmon and salad. Bottled water is twice the price, bread, drinks--everything is twice the price.
Wroclaw Boy  
21 Aug 2012 /  #268
Timberland boots Poland 699 PLN

Timberland boots England £150

699 PLN = £135 @ 5.16 as of today's trading, take into consideration that UK wages are on average 4 times higher than Polish wages.
pantsless  1 | 266  
21 Aug 2012 /  #269
I have no problem with paying top dollar for good service. The problem is, as you should know, paying a high price rarely equates good quality or service, in Poland, and anywhere pretty much.

Ripped off, let's see. This was when I was still clueless with cars but drove a lot, like 30-40k a year. Went in to one place to get my rotors and pads changed. Got the quote with parts, they were expensive but I said ok as they were quick and professional (-sounding). Six months later the brake check light came on, why? My pads were almost gone, turns out they didnt do anything. The next garage that did replace them accidently snipped my brake pad sensor cable and didnt tell me about it.

Next. Went to get a turbo problem sorted out. The guy said it needed to be overhauled. 600zl. Drove the car for a month until my turbo blew up (that was my fault). When we took the turbo out nothing was replaced, no sign of him even taking it out. Turns he just hooked it up the computer, fiddled with the air/fuel mixture and thats it.

My cousin went to one garage to check why her ABS light was on. They reamed her good. First it was all the ABS sensors. Nope. Then the computer. Nope. Then they changed the ABS pump. Nope. Then the god damn brake lines. Nope. I thin they even changed her wheel bearings. I think she dropped 3-4k. Light is still on. She went to another mechanic, I dont remember what it was but it cost 50zl.

Ive been to over 30 mechanics in Wroclaw. Almost every single one is a liar or cheat or slips up somehow with some major issue. I got so pissed off that I bought a set of tools and jack and started learning how to do things myself and finally met two mechanics through friends of friends. Now Im a happy camper.

Arent there all weather tyres available? or they just expensive in Poland?

No, you really need real winter tires in Poland and in Europe cause uh... people drive when it snows. In the US, everyone stays home. And in some EU countries its the law punishable by a really hefty fine. And idiots who think 4 wheel drive and all seasons give them an excuse to fly when its snowing or icy... enjoy your accident.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Aug 2012 /  #270
Drove the car for a month until my turbo blew up (that was my fault).

How come it was your fault, out of curiosity? (don't like cars with them, don't like driving them, so I'm clueless about them)

No, you really need real winter tires in Poland and in Europe cause uh... people drive when it snows. In the US, everyone stays home. And in some EU countries its the law punishable by a really hefty fine.

As far as I know, in Poland - if you have an accident and don't have the appropriate tyres, you'll get the blame regardless if it was your fault or not.

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