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Let`s compare prices of services and products in Poland

OP pawian  226 | 27453  
25 Aug 2012 /  #301
WB, you loser, so many today`s posts from here went to the bin. It is your frigging fault because you started calling names.

Do sth with it, I don`t know, go to therapy or what. Take some pills.

Never mind.

Let`s continue.

My turn now: :):):):):)

Today we went shopping.
A packet of 5 corns on cobs costs £1 in Poland.

UK - you can get only 2 corns for that and that`s even half normal price.

There were packs of two corn on the cob going for half price at a £1 so I bought some.
f stop  24 | 2493  
25 Aug 2012 /  #302
Do Poles eat corn now?
OP pawian  226 | 27453  
25 Aug 2012 /  #303
Because it is modified?
Yes, they do. At least me. I can`t resist. But I always drink a lot of wine with it, so those harmful genes are sort of diluted. :):):)
f stop  24 | 2493  
25 Aug 2012 /  #304
my mother's family just grew if for feed. They were surprised Americans had such fondness for it.
I never ate corn until I came to US, I just made dolls out of corn cobs.
OP pawian  226 | 27453  
25 Aug 2012 /  #305
my mother's family just grew if for feed.

There are kinds of corn for cattle, indeed. Called "horse`s tooth."

I just made dolls out of corn cobs.

Wow, that is an unusual custom I never knew before.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
25 Aug 2012 /  #306
I laughed at the comments about corn. Years ago my then wife and I were invited to the capital for a governors dinner. There were only 8 of us sitting at the table. One of the women (a German who obtained American citizenship) wouldn't eat the sweet corn. She said that it was for animals. Her husband (a Pole who also was naturalized) looked embarrassed at her loud comment. Another person explained to her that it was a popular edible food. She still wouldn't eat it.
f stop  24 | 2493  
25 Aug 2012 /  #307
considering the havoc corn syrup and corn starch is wreaking on American diet, the Indians did not do us any favours. ;)
OP pawian  226 | 27453  
25 Aug 2012 /  #308
considering the havoc corn syrup and corn starch

Back to prices.....

Corn syrup can be expensive in Poland (yes, WB, I am so assertive that I can admit it! £yso Ci, co? ) Once I bought a small bottle (250 ml) to try. Not bad. But it cost about 20 PLN.
pip  10 | 1658  
25 Aug 2012 /  #309
I come from corn country in Canada- during the harvest you can get 12 for about 2 dollars- maybe more now.....I have lived in Poland for eight years- I am out of touch.

there are two types of corn. cow corn and sweet corn. cow corn- obviously for cattle. sweet corn for humans- however they are all genetically modified to the max that I stay away from all things corn.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
25 Aug 2012 /  #310
Corn is a really awesome product. It is truly a "superproduct" full of energy. It helps more than it harms.
f stop  24 | 2493  
26 Aug 2012 /  #311
Could be. I prefer a potatoes. Blame it on my heritage. ;)


I stay away from all things corn.

That must be very hard to do. Corn syrup and corn starch is in everything!
MoOli  9 | 479  
26 Aug 2012 /  #312
f stop
NO! now they into pop corns after joining EU!
pip  10 | 1658  
26 Aug 2012 /  #313
That must be very hard to do. Corn syrup and corn starch is in everything!

not if you only eat whole foods. They don't put corn in meats, fruits and vegetable, cheese-don't know. They may feed it to the animals- the jury is still out on that one- but we don't eat food from a box or package.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Aug 2012 /  #314
Back to prices.....


Single large kitchen sink UK
ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/S19896386 £70 or 362 PLN @ 5.17
Exactly the same sink in Poland
ikea.com/pl/pl/catalog/products/S19896386 £72 or 374 PLN.

Its actually more expensive in Poland for exactly the same product.
OP pawian  226 | 27453  
26 Aug 2012 /  #315
Exactly the same sink in Poland

What? Again IKEA? Do you work for them? :):):):)

OK, IKEA is quite expensive in Poland, as I see. That`s why we prefer not to go there.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Aug 2012 /  #316
IKEA is one of the busiest furniture retails outlets in Poland, you may not prefer to go there but i can assure you many Poles do.

There are 8 major IKEA stores in 8 major locations in Poland, theres a reason for that and it has everything to do with Poles shopping there, im sorry its more expensive in Poland though.
pip  10 | 1658  
26 Aug 2012 /  #317
I don't think everything is more expensive. Depends. Fabrics yes but furniture that is made in Poland- sofas, chairs--they are cheaper. Ikea tries to source as much as they can in the country before they go elsewhere. There is a monster Ikea furniture manufacturing factory in Poland (cant remember where- it is on the drive to the north) anyway, this factory ships to all other Ikeas in Europe.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Aug 2012 /  #318
Ikea tries to source as much as they can in the country before they go elsewhere.

No I don think they do based on the fact that the products are exactly the same in Norway, to Poland to the UK etc.. I suppose essentially the pricing structure needs to incorporate transport costs, thats the main variable here.

IKEA is an excellent company that's why the owner Ingvar Kamprad was at one point the 4th richest man on the planet. Contrary to what Pawian thinks they have a booming business in Poland.
OP pawian  226 | 27453  
26 Aug 2012 /  #319
IKEA is one of the busiest furniture retails outlets in Poland.

I don`t remember when we last went there, but I remember we bought a metal bunk bed 5 years ago. I checked its current price and again it is more expensive in Poland. :):):)

Oh, and we have had a bottle opener etc for about 10 years.

But that was all, and whenever we exchange furniture or sth, we go to other chain outlets, e.g., Black Red and White.

Depends. Fabrics yes but furniture that is made in Poland- sofas, chairs--they are cheaper.

Not exactly. I checked other products and the situation is similar to sinks or beds, as WB has just shown us.

Fortunately, IKEA isn`t the only place. You can buy similar products twice or even thrice cheaper elsewhere.

I suppose essentially the pricing structure needs to incorporate transport costs, thats the main variable here.

Nope, because much of the production takes place in Poland.

Contrary to what Pawian thinks they have a booming business in Poland.

Maybe. I am not an expert on it. I just know that I don`t like IKEA for disgusting offer. :):):):)
f stop  24 | 2493  
26 Aug 2012 /  #320
I'm assuming that the obvious has been stated already, that the average salary in UK is twice of that in Poland, so if the item is priced the same in both countries, Poles are effectively paying twice as much for it.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Aug 2012 /  #321
Fortunately, IKEA isn`t the only place. You can buy similar products twice or even thrice cheaper elsewhere.

For quality and price IKEA is very hard to beat., what outlets are you referring to that are twice or three times cheaper? "Red, Black and White" can be extortionate as can "Agata Meble" although i did buy a lovely corner desk unit at Agata for 1300 PLN. Im also quite familiar with Bodzio but they are crap, they still use nails and glue to assemble their products, they can be approx 10-20% cheaper than IKEA but you really notice the difference in quality. Not many people could assemble Bodzio units and have the wardrobe doors straight, you also have to measure and affix the wardrobe door mirrors with double sided sticky pads. Quite old fashioned really.

I'm assuming that the obvious has been stated already, that the average salary in UK is twice of that in Poland, so if the item is priced the same in both countries, Poles are effectively paying twice as much for it.

I think its actually more than four times higher in the UK - on average.

The average wage in Poland is something like 1600 PLN / month so just over £300, thats nothing in the UK.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Aug 2012 /  #322
Average wage is far higher than that - I don't recall the exact number, but it's around 3500PLN a month. In big cities, well over 4000PLN a month.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
26 Aug 2012 /  #323
I see pawi is still on the mission to "prove" that Poland is not a poor country, after failing to prove that Poles are making decent money, he's now trying "but it's cheaper here" tune.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Aug 2012 /  #324
but it's around 3500PLN a month

The last time saw a stat on here with back up evidence it was about 2000 brutto, it would be good to gain some kind of accurate figure.

Ive got an average in the UK of £30.7k / 159,000 PLN annually for men and £24.1k 124,500 PLN for women.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Aug 2012 /  #325
The last time saw a stat on here with back up evidence it was about 2000 brutto, it would be good to gain some kind of accurate figure.

3666zl. Won't have moved much since then, though..
OP pawian  226 | 27453  
26 Aug 2012 /  #326
I see pawi is still on the mission to "prove" that Poland is not a poor country,

Ooosp, you mistook me for sb else. You need to shorten your absencies from the forum to keep better touch with things here.

after failing to prove that Poles are making decent money,


he's now trying "but it's cheaper here" tune.

Yes, I am still trying though Wrocław Boy successfully combats my effort. :):):):)
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Aug 2012 /  #327
its ok, i have a tactical edge in that im not deluded by blind patriotism.
OP pawian  226 | 27453  
3 Sep 2012 /  #328
Shyt, I didn`t believe Wrocław Boy but it might be true what he says that some products are more expensive in Poland. I bought an external 750 GB disc for 350 PLN and checked the average price in the UK which is about 75 pounds. That`s outraegeous!!!
Vincent  8 | 800  
3 Sep 2012 /  #329
That's not a good price, for £5 extra you can get 2TB.
OP pawian  226 | 27453  
5 Sep 2012 /  #330
I checked Polish price of these disc and it is the same.

Well, good for Britons they have such strong currency. :):):):)

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