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Chamonix  - | 12  
11 Sep 2015 /  #31
I'm no scholar of Genisis, my specialty is more the book of Daniel. But didn't the snake encourage eve to eat from the tree against God's wishes? Is the snake not referring to the anti-christ? Why have a festival for the anti-christ? Bit weird is it not?
jon357  72 | 22981  
11 Sep 2015 /  #32
Nope. In our religion, the snakes (as they do in Matthew) represent demons. We handle them and if we are true to our faith, they cannot hurt us.

If you think that's odd. look at some of the kooky stuff the Seventh Day Adventists believe in, not to mention those fruitcakes who deny evolution.
11 Sep 2015 /  #33
'What rubbish. The RCC is able to study the Bible in exactly the same way. "

In my RC catechism class the priests firmly stated that they would read and interpret the bible to us so there was no need for us to read it .

'What rubbish. The RCC is able to study the Bible in exactly the same way. "

In my RC catechism class the priests firmly stated that they would read and interpret the bible to us so there was no need for us to read it .
Chamonix  - | 12  
11 Sep 2015 /  #34
Deny evolution????? They merely want the theory proven so they can except it as fact. If i had a shop selling ****, then you Jon, i would want as my first and biggest customer. But not on a Saturday. For i would be closed on a Saturday. Bring many Zlotties mate.
jon357  72 | 22981  
11 Sep 2015 /  #35
Deny evolution????? They merely want the theory proven so they can except it as fact

No again. They deny it in the face of proof.

But not on a Saturday. For i would be closed on a Saturday.

Chamonix  - | 12  
11 Sep 2015 /  #36
Nice double post bunensis. I see what you did there and why you did it. It required the double post for emphasis.
johnny reb  46 | 7616  
11 Sep 2015 /  #37
There's no such thing as the "Catholic" Bible for a start.

That shows what kind of practicing Catholic you are because you are wrong through self admission.

Anyway, given that the modern Catholic bibles are very recent translations

Wait delph, you just said that there is no Catholic Bible, you can't have it both ways and yes there is a Catholic Bible, I use to have one.

Certainly the modern Catholic ones are going to be far better in translation than the King James version.

That is not true either but you being an expert on the subject without ever picking either up to read them I think you better sit back on this thread and stifle yourself and learn. Don't confuse Catholic Doctrine with the Holy Bible.

Sorry, but I find the anti-Catholic overtones here to be quite offensive.

You are the one that started the offensive overtones, we are just stating the facts to straighten your myths out.

Does it really hurt anyone if a Catholic prays to a picture of Mary?

Ah, thou shall not worship plastic statues (pictures) or idols maybe ? Mary can't save you, only God's grace can save you. Pray to Him.

Since when in Christianity has the Bible been the sole source of truth?

Since the beginning delph, find me something in the Bible that is not the truth since you seem to be a biblical scholar.

Jesus himself was making all sorts of stuff up regularly.

That is just plain blasphemy delph and shows your ignorance to the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Cyrilraj you have came to the wrong forum as you can see to ask for such advise from heathens that profess to know Christ's teachings.

I suggest that the moderators close this thread as nothing constructive will become of it besides both the saved and unsaved will be offended by offensive overtones.

Isn't there a rule on the P.F. about posting on religion ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Sep 2015 /  #38
They merely want the theory proven so they can except it as fact.

Come on, anyone that struggles with evolution is clearly a nutjob.

If you think that's odd. look at some of the kooky stuff the Seventh Day Adventists believe in, not to mention those fruitcakes who deny evolution.


It seems that the founder certainly got many things wrong!
johnny reb  46 | 7616  
11 Sep 2015 /  #39
In my RC catechism class the priests firmly stated that they would read and interpret the bible to us so there was no need for us to read it .

And you didn't find that quite odd that someone wanted to be in control in such a manner where you couldn't read it for yourself to challenge something that you maybe didn't quite understand so you could grow in God's word or just take some mortal man in a dress to interpret scripture to instill guilt so they could be in control of your life and personal relationship with God ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Sep 2015 /  #40
That shows what kind of practicing Catholic you are because you are wrong through self admission.

Oh dear Johnny...

Wait delph, you just said that there is no Catholic Bible, you can't have it both ways and yes there is a Catholic Bible, I use to have one.

There isn't. The translations depend on the source material - for instance, Americans use this - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_American_Bible - while Irish Catholics use the Jerusalem Bible. The American one comes from an earlier version that was translated from this - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulgate - while the Irish one came from a French-language source.

Therefore, there is no "Catholic" Bible.

That is not true either but you being an expert on the subject without ever picking either up to read them I think you better sit back on this thread and stifle yourself and learn. Don't confuse Catholic Doctrine with the Holy Bible.

I'm sorry Johnny, but if you don't understand how translation techniques have improved since the times of King James, then there's no hope for you.

Anyway, most Catholics I know aren't bothered by which version of the Bible they read, unlike the Seventh Day Adventist and other loony "Christian" cults.

You are the one that started the offensive overtones, we are just stating the facts to straighten your myths out.

What facts, apart from the fact that Catholicism is no more "wrong" than your loony cults?

Ah, thou shall not worship plastic statues (pictures) or idols maybe ? Mary can't save you, only God's grace can save you. Pray to Him.

I don't think you understand the basics of the Catholic Church, do you?

Since the beginning delph, find me something in the Bible that is not the truth since you seem to be a biblical scholar.

I think you're rather missing something here...

Still, I find it rather funny to watch you (and others) reveal your real feelings about Catholics.
johnny reb  46 | 7616  
11 Sep 2015 /  #41
Come on, anyone that struggles with evolution is clearly a nutjob.

Seems YOU are struggling with it delph, does that make you a nutjob, no need to answer, we already know the answer.

Therefore, there is no "Catholic" Bible.

It doesn't surprise that there be more then one kind of them so you are still wrong.
The one I gave away that said The Catholic Bible on the front of it certainly was a Catholic Bible delph.

but if you don't understand how translation techniques have improved since the times of King James, then there's no hope for you.

Oh but I do understand delph as I now study from an N.I.V., it is you who doesn't study any of them so that is why you are so ignorant on this and proceed to make an ass out of yourself again.

unlike the Seventh Day Adventist and other loony "Christian" cults.

than your loony cults?

Do I detect a bit of anti-Christian overtone here ? (Do as I say not as I do huh delph)
Go google the word "CULT" delph as you have clearly used it out of context which only confirms your ignorance all the more.

For the second time delph, you have contributed NOTHING to this topic but unrelated insults and ignorance.
Quit digging your hole deeper and give up because you are way out of your league on this Topic.
You are no longer worth a response because you are so far Off Thread with your stupid remarks.
Atch  21 | 4149  
11 Sep 2015 /  #42
What do the catholic church do? They make graven images and then bow down to them.

A common misconception. God's word regarding graven images refers to investing physical objects with divine properties, perceiving the object itself as a God. Catholics don't worship objects. The objects are purely symbolic. People like to gaze at the benevolent countenance of Our Lady or the beautiful little Infant of Prague whilst praying. It often helps people to focus their mind; they meditate upon the face of the statue whilst they pray but they are not praying to the statue. The objects, like all pieces of art, vary in quality and design, some are tacky and vaguely hideous, some are quite lovely, but none are divine.
Chamonix  - | 12  
11 Sep 2015 /  #43
Give me a couple of hours Atch to take the dog for a walk and put some dinner on then i'll reply my friend.

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