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I'm British in Poland and I think that it's time to go back to the UK!

28 Jul 2008 /  #121
Ce la vie.

C'est la vie

jena se qua.....

Je ne sais quoi

Just in case someone is trying to learn French :)

I did ! And ?

So you say that "We're crap but not as crap as China"? Fantastic...

No. I was merely posting an observation. No country is perfect. We could write reams about the UK and the way it functions along with all it's mistakes <which are reported and written about every single day >

Avalon  4 | 1063  
28 Jul 2008 /  #122
Lir..........you are an idiot!!!!..........I am NOT knocking my adopted country. I love it here and have a far better life than you have in the UK. The discussion was about the problems (for both foriegners and Poles) in dealing with the authourities and how the authourities deal with the people. After 6 years, I can handle anything that comes up. I have learnt patience and also, I now know a fair bit about citizens rights and EU consumer law, which, I can now make work to my advantage.

Every time I phone my relatives and friends in the UK, they tell me how much worse their daily lives are. They come and visit me for holidays and "envy" the life I have made here and the beautiful countryside I live in. You worry about the UK, I'll worry about Poland.
28 Jul 2008 /  #123
C'est la vie

Just in case someone is trying to learn French :)

I am not, but thanks;). I speak 3,5 that is enough for me for now.
28 Jul 2008 /  #124
you are an idiot!!!!....

Gosh what a temper. Had a bad day or something.

I have no need to worry about anything I have a very good life in the UK thank you very much , and I also can get a Polish passport.

Please do not be abusive towards me for posting my opinion, whether or not you agree with me.

This forum allows everyone to voice their opinion but they should not have insults hurled at them.

VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
28 Jul 2008 /  #125
This forum allows everyone to voice their opinion but they should not have insults hurled at them.

Which of course is just your opinion. Lots of people posting on here should have insults hurled at them constantly. Which of course is just my opinion ;)
28 Jul 2008 /  #126
my opinion

my opinion

i don't have an opinion about that....which is only my opinion...
28 Jul 2008 /  #127
I am not, but thanks;). I speak 3,5 that is enough for me for now.

I was just kidding about Miranda. Bet my knowledge of the French language is small compared to yours :)

Lots of people posting on here should have insults hurled at them constantly

Well I disagree with you because personal insults stop people from being able to discuss and voice their opinion no matter what their views are. Anything else is just pathetic really.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
28 Jul 2008 /  #128
I would love to agree with you but you obviously have more respect for some peoples' opinions than I can muster
Avalon  4 | 1063  
28 Jul 2008 /  #129
Not a personal insult...just stating a fact. Either you cannot read or you see something in the text that is not there.
28 Jul 2008 /  #130
Bet my knowledge of the French language is small compared to yours :)

I don't think so:)
28 Jul 2008 /  #131
Either you cannot read or you see something in the text that is not there.

How I read and absorb something and then compute it in my brain, which then enables me to reply as my mind sees fit is entirely down to me. Just as you do likewise :) But the difference between you and me is that I don't need to hurl a personal insult at someone.

I hope your day gets better for you :)

Btw you are not qualified to see into someones mind to see if they are an idiot or not. And what is that saying' It takes one to know one !'
Avalon  4 | 1063  
28 Jul 2008 /  #132
Yours posts are too juvenile for me. Sleep well.
28 Jul 2008 /  #133
Yours posts are too juvenile for me.

Gosh that's the best compliment I've had for ages. I just loved being called juvenile..... hehehe !

Sleep well.

Thank you, I'll try although it is very hot here in the UK today.

MrBubbles  10 | 613  
28 Jul 2008 /  #134
Gosh what a temper. Had a bad day or something.

No, you contribute nothing of value to the discussion but you are very quick to pass judgement on foreigners in Poland. All the man did was share his experience of a particularly hard time with the Polish authorities to add substance to the thread. Perhaps you could add something more than just extended tutting? I think not.
28 Jul 2008 /  #135
All the man did was share his experience of a particularly hard time with the Polish authorities to add substance to the thread. Perhaps you could add something more than just extended tutting?

Thank you for your opinion it has been duly read and noted :)

I also shared my views. Nothing wrong in that. I didn't insult him whatsoever. Everyone has a right to post their view as I stated before.

I add what I wish too. Please don't feel you have to tell me what to write !
finT  12 | 167  
29 Jul 2008 /  #136
DNZ's original post in this thread is very valid. I left Poland in April (after six years) as one has to give up trying at some point! Many of the reasons why I left are similar to reasons mentioned by DNZ. Foreigners are treated very badly in Poland, are given no help whatsoever and appear to be actively discouraged from everything they attempt to do, unless of course some f@cker can get a few zlotys out of them. Since being back in the UK I am amazed at seeing the social help that is thrown at Poles. I have met Poles here who in the space of a few weeks have gained employment, been offered council accomodation and only last week I read that the Scottish office is thanking East European immigrants and particularily Poles for increasing the birth rate in Scotland by 30% and helping stabilise a future workforce! A far cry from basically being treated as a dumb ass foreigner in Poland by all sectors of officialdom. Now, I'm sure there are Poles in the UK who feel hard done by and have not had a good experience of being here but in general there does seem to be an enormous difference of state policy towards people wishing to relocate within certain EU countries, without doubt Poland must be one of the most user-unfriendly ones. Before I get a barrage of abuse, I do want to emphasise that this is purely my thoughts on what appears to be the official way of making things difficult for people who want to give moving to Poland a go. If one argues that Poland is a poor country that cannot develop a proper social strategy within the EU then for God's sake stop shouting about what a fantastic powerhouse economy and success story Poland is, because that obviously ain't true!
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
29 Jul 2008 /  #137
The reasons you left are the reasons I wont move there permanently

Before I get a barrage of abuse

The barrage of abuse tends to come from the same people who dont actually live or try to achieve anything worthwhile in Poland. As with most people who talk loaud and say nothing, it's best ignored
29 Jul 2008 /  #138
Monsieur Lir ...........

Je ne sais quoi

Just in case someone is trying to learn French :)

Si j'avais voulu je ne l'aurais pas ecrit en francais cependant est ce que vous auriez vraiment compris Monsieur Lir.... Alors essayez d'etre plus reserve le prochaine fois que vous exprimez votre opinion.

But back to the language you’d feel most comfy with...lol........well we need to keep our temper down guys ok........... and thanks for enlightening us on this forum about how contented you both are with your lives in your respective countries........ .... this is really great guys and in such a contrast to a rather self-indulgent moaning sessions we had before...... oh dear........................................

29 Jul 2008 /  #139
Monsieur Lir ...........

Bonjour Olivier :)

I'm female <well last time I looked I was :)

My motto has always been it's more important to be able to communicate, no matter what medium you use to convey your thoughts, feelings, views and opinions. Olivier :) I was only kidding when I did the correction <just my sense of humour>


The barrage of abuse

I'm not sure if this is referring to me but I certainly didn't and never have posted abuse on this forum. If someone doesn't agree with someone then they have a perfect right to post their views/opinions. Whether or not you consider it is the correct view <in your opinion >

people who dont actually live or try to achieve anything worthwhile in Poland.

So who is actually trying to achieve worthwhile things in Poland and what is considered 'worthwhile' ?

Whether or not someone lives there is irrelevant to this forum. Many nationalities contribute and that's what is so good about PF. Just because someone moves to Poland and lives there <either long or short term> doesn't make them the only people who can comment. As most posters comment on many things about different Countries, of which they have never visited.
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
29 Jul 2008 /  #140
Whether or not someone lives there is irrelevant to this forum.

Yes but not to this thread.

As most posters comment on many things about different Countries, of which they have never visited.

There is a name for these people too, but as you are a lady I would not be so debase.
Lir are you under the age of 15? just the way you write some things.

It is difficult to have a coherent discussion with people who do not even remotely understand the circumstances and who have miss intemperated some of what has been going on in this thread.
29 Jul 2008 /  #141
miss intemperated

Are you under the age of 15 ?
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
29 Jul 2008 /  #142
I'm not sure if this is referring to me

LOL. Nope :)

Whether or not someone lives there is irrelevant to this forum

Perhaps. But I prefer giving credence to someone who is actually living the experience than someone who just has an opinion based on, well, not a great deal.

Just because someone moves to Poland and lives there <either long or short term> doesn't make them the only people who can comment.

Of course not. But if I want an opinion about a book then I will ask someone who has read it rather than someone who once walked passed it in a bookshop.

So who is actually trying to achieve worthwhile things in Poland and what is considered 'worthwhile'

I think in this context 'worthwhile' is getting a job, starting a business, making a family, building a life...
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
29 Jul 2008 /  #143
miss intemperated

Are you under the age of 15 ?

I think SeanBM is more likely under the influence... I use words rongly when I'm phished two
29 Jul 2008 /  #144
guys give her a break ....
Mme Lir is a respected member of this forum...........
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
29 Jul 2008 /  #145
Lir..........you are an idiot!!!!

Apologize for that...
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
29 Jul 2008 /  #146
i spy with my little eye: Handbags at six paces :).

guys give her a break ....
Mme Lir is a respected member of this forum...........

no matter who is who, if you disagree with something they say then you have a right to argue or discuss your point. Should not matter how long somebody has been on the forums or how respected they are.
29 Jul 2008 /  #147
tORNADO ....dont take yourself toooooo seriously.............
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
29 Jul 2008 /  #148
its nothing to do with myself, were talking about other people :)
Ireland Calling  - | 6  
7 Aug 2008 /  #149

Really sorry to hear life is a bit crappy for you right now.But most of eastern europe is the same no matter where you go..red tape everywhere, and double rules.1 lot for the natives and another for the foreigners.

I know only of Bulgaria, as that is where I have concentrated my time and energy.......and bit of dosh for past 4 years.

In BG, the way to get around things is........1st off get a polish friend that also speaks excellent english..........and one that you trust. Take them with you to all places. Get your friend to tell them you are a resident, not a part timer or tourist....attitudes greatly change then. Next contact your bank in the uk, and ask them what bacnk in poland do they work in tandem with...........In BG, I use first investment bank as they work with Bank of Ire. any money transferred is done in days.longest i have ever waited is 4 days.

Explain to the bank in the uk, you will be using this as a business account, so maybe open an account especialy for poland, get your EU international transfer papers. Now in BG, but i iamgine same in pol, you need the all important IBAN number, which looks more like letters from the alphabet than what we call an account number, you also need the swift code, same as our sort code.YOU MUST FILL IN THE FORM AS ACCURATELY as poss or they send it back.

Also get a seperate credit card, and notify them, it will only be used in poland or countries of transit.

As for your insurance...........well thats a whole diff ball game. If like BG then stay well clear, and buy your insurance in the uk for pol. reason?? wwell if like BG, if you have a claim, it can take months.if at all, and then 8 times out of 10 they will side with the BG, even if not your fault, and I belive from friends it is the same in a lot of east europe countries.

I don't understand why you can't rent an apartment, unless it is like dubai where you need alsoorts of papers, in BG you can rent what you want as long as you have the dosh

It looks like you are on the equivelent of 3000euro per month............what in the name of god do you work as pmsl...........oh the mind is ramblin here..............is that you I sa under that street lamp on you tube other night....business looked very brisk pmslo rofl................hope you have a sense of humour

Don't give up just yet, unless you really have too

12 Aug 2008 /  #150
Dude, you just don't get It... The whole problem is that people from outside Poland are treated the same way like people from inside of Poland.

AS a doddering Brit with various ailments brought on by sports injuries I'm treated better by the Casa Chorych than the population it was originally set up to serve. Embarrassing really.

I've always been well treated, except in communist times of course, when "different" people were something to be afraid of and some state servants would show their nerves by rudeness.

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