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Average Food Bill in Poland - Family of 4

adamm19830  10 | 43  
12 Oct 2016 /  #1
Hi all,

A very generic question and I know it's difficult to answer as every family is different. My family of 4 will be moving to Lublin very soon and I wondered what an average monthly food bill is for a family of 4. Myself and my wife are 32yrs old and our children are 6yrs and 3yrs. We won't be going over the top with food, we are health conscious. :-)

Just your thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
Luke84  7 | 114  
12 Oct 2016 /  #2
Hi Adam,

I say you should be ok with 2-2.5K PLN per month for your gloceries... Fruits are quite expensive in Poland, we buy loads of them so this definitely top up the bill, if you like healthy food and eat loads of premium fish and seafood (3-4x per week) you should be looking at that price range.
OP adamm19830  10 | 43  
12 Oct 2016 /  #3
Thanks Luke. I currently spend between £500-£600 in the UK. After talking to a few Polish people here I was expecting that to drop to £300-£400 in Poland. I'll soon find out!
Sgt Bilko  - | 3  
13 Oct 2016 /  #4
Our family (2 teenage kids, healthy appetites) spend about 350zl (70 pounds) a week on food and eat reasonably well - fish, chicken and vegetarian mainly, red meat at the weekend occasionally. Meat and veg are very cheap compared to the UK and the wife, being Polish, makes huge pots of rosół (soup) consisting of a lot of root vegetables, a turkey neck and some cheap cuts of beef. Eaten with noodles, it's pretty filling which cuts down on the need for a large main course.

Mind you, the wife being Polish means the cosmetics bill each month is a different story...
terri  1 | 1661  
13 Oct 2016 /  #5
I believe that from 350-400 pln per week on the very minimum side. 400 pln works out at 57 pln per day for the 4 of you.
OP adamm19830  10 | 43  
13 Oct 2016 /  #6
Thanks guys for the input. Very Useful and sounds similar to what I was expecting so that's good. My wife is Polish too so I'm fully expecting the buckets of soup every day! :-)
jon357  72 | 23528  
13 Oct 2016 /  #7
400 pln works

I agree with that as a base figure. It's possible to spend less (many have to) and it's possible to spend much more. It all depends on how many basics you buy and how many extras.

I would guess that our two person household spends around 400zl max. per week. For that price we don't buy much processed food (we make our own bread and cheese, don't buy cakes, biscuits or much ready made) but we do buy good coffee beans and some alcohol which drives the bill up. We also eat out sometimes which keeps the bill lower.

If you entertain guests, the costs will be higher.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Average Food Bill in Poland - Family of 4Archived