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Do Polish People steal a lot?

grubas  12 | 1382  
1 Feb 2010 /  #181
Sure polish people steal and there is absolutly nothing wrong with stealing from foraigners.The germans were robbing Poland for centuries ,same for russians,austrians,swedes and others.brits french spaniards portugese were stealing all over the world.Some steal as we speak.polish people still have a lot of stealing to do before they even the scores.Besides that, y do westerners make such a big deal of dirt poor polish person(?) taking a little bit since they all r so wonderfull and wealthy???
jonni  16 | 2475  
1 Feb 2010 /  #182
absolutly nothing wrong with stealing from foraigners.

Stealing is stealing. And most Poles who steal, steal from other Poles.

before they even the scores

What score, why 'even' anything.?

y do westerners make such a big deal of dirt poor polish person

Why do you use "y" and not 'why'? And provide a source for your nonsense that "westerners" make a "big deal" about anything.


Keep ur textspeak 2 urself, u chav.

so wonderfull and wealthy

Not all are "wonderful" and wealthy. And Poland isn't a particularly poor country. People steal anywhere. Most who steal, do it from greed, a few from necessity. Very few to "even the score".
McCoy  27 | 1268  
1 Feb 2010 /  #183
Do Polish People steal alot?

TheOther  6 | 3596  
1 Feb 2010 /  #184
LOL. Eager to reach 2000 posts?
grubas  12 | 1382  
1 Feb 2010 /  #185
Why do you use "y" and not 'why'

bcoz its shorter than "why". same 4 (for) r(are) u(you) and so on dude.and im not a chav.have no idea how did u reach that conclusion.
krysia  23 | 3058  
1 Feb 2010 /  #186
bcoz its shorter than "why".

That's why you a grubas coz toooo lazy to even write
Cheery  10 | 126  
26 Jul 2010 /  #187
Thread attached on merging:
Is Poland a nation of thieves?

Czarnkow1940  5 | 94  
26 Jul 2010 /  #188
No its quiet the opposite Poland has been stolen from for hundreds of year if anything its Poland neighbors which are the thieves.
26 Jul 2010 /  #189
Is Poland a nation of thieves?

George8600  10 | 630  
26 Jul 2010 /  #190
No its quiet the opposite Poland has been stolen from for hundreds of year if anything its Poland neighbors which are the thieves.

Well put.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Jul 2010 /  #192
There are some thieves here, like everywhere. It was more a thing of the past to go into Germany and steal their cars. Times are better now :)
noreenb  7 | 548  
26 Jul 2010 /  #193
I guess somebody forgets that a new thread except a title has to consist at least a few words as an introduction.
Cheery  10 | 126  
26 Jul 2010 /  #194
yous have to keep your doors locked, no?
Varsovian  91 | 634  
26 Jul 2010 /  #195
There are certain cultural differences between countries when it comes to stealing. Neighbours engage in petty theft, in villages especially.

The usual items stolen are chickens and fruit. part of the problem is the lack of fences - the border between farms is usually marked by a line of turned turf, and this is an obvious target for getting one over the neighbour. And the spark for decades of low-level warfare. My parents-in-law suffer from this whenever they come to babysit. The chickens can be killed (and frozen), but the tomatoes and fruit remain.

In the suburban context the focus shifts somewhat. If you try to rebuild a broken fence, the neighbour will agree to everything, then when the old fence has been dismantled he will say that is was originally put up in the wrong place.

Also, if your plot is not being lived on, it is open season for the neigbour to dump anything he wants there - even to pump out his septic tank.

This are alien environments for many people on this forum - hence the kneejerk reaction along the line "there are thieves in every society", which is obviously also a valid remark. However, "opportunity makes the thief" is also true and has shaped this very much peasant society.
Cheery  10 | 126  
26 Jul 2010 /  #196
Do you know of a society devoted to thievery in Poland? Like a nationalised one?
wildrover  98 | 4430  
26 Jul 2010 /  #198
Polish people lived through the war years , then had to deal with Russian occupation , and it became normal to lie , cheat and steal in order to survive....Some people were much better at it than others....

The people who went through these times passed on their ways to the next generation , and for some this less honest way of life became normal....

These days you often have people who are quite well off , living in areas where they are surounded by poor people...In such cases there is always going to be the temptation to take from somebody who it appears can afford to replace the stolen items...

I myself have had a load of stuff stolen by village youngsters who no doubt think i am a rich Englishman...The fact that the Police are a bit useless is not much of a detterent...!

Are all Poles thieves...no of course not , i have some great Polish friends that i can trust completly and despite the fact i lost a few items from my farm i feel my stuff is more safe here than it would be back in the UK.....

I think possibly petty theft is more common in Poland , but real crime is pretty rare , at least around the country areas where i live , and on the whole i fear crime a lot less than i did in the UK....
Varsovian  91 | 634  
26 Jul 2010 /  #199
My experiences:


The fence episode involved a poor person.

Dumping of garden waste and stealing (digging up) a tree - a rich engineer neighbour.

Parents-in-law - pensioners with a small farm, their peasant neighbours stole chickens and fruit ... and anything that wasn't tied down.

The septic tank episode was a trick performed by a well-off retired army colonel - on my brother-in-law.

So that's pretty much a cross-section of Polish society.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Jul 2010 /  #200
Do you know of a society devoted to thievery in Poland? Like a nationalised one?

Doctors will never ever turn down a bribe.
Midas  1 | 571  
26 Jul 2010 /  #201
yous have to keep your doors locked, no?

Pretty much standard procedure on Main Street, U.S.A. these days as well. Don't know what that's supposed to do with anything.
jablko  - | 104  
26 Jul 2010 /  #202
I had my bike stolen. Nothing besides that.
southern  73 | 7059  
26 Jul 2010 /  #203
Yes,polish girls steal our hearts(in best case).
26 Jul 2010 /  #204
other threads by Cherry:

- Are there still vampires around Poland?

- Does anyone want to be my friend?

- Take me home.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
26 Jul 2010 /  #205
Are there still vampires around Poland?

Does anyone want to be my friend?

Take me home.

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Jul 2010 /  #206
other threads by Cherry:

While I agree that this is a clumsy thread, the other ones are funny and not so bad. You should never go and point out previous topics from sb else as I will come back to you, right in your face :)

I remember that sb once started a thread about mushrooms, for example :)


M-G (yay!)
wildrover  98 | 4430  
26 Jul 2010 /  #207
I remember that sb once started a thread about mushrooms,

Thats as silly as a thread about beans....! oh...hang on...i will get my coat...!
southern  73 | 7059  
26 Jul 2010 /  #208
Polish steal a little here and there but it doesn't matter when you see all these nice Slavs around.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
26 Jul 2010 /  #209

There have been similar threads, but OP had something to say on the subject except topic.
Congratulation you have been awarded Golden Coneyearly prize for the most stupid thread topic on PF.
Shape of the prize suggest what you can do it with it!

As an answer to your question nay

I-S (is Cheery stupid cuvnt ?)
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Jul 2010 /  #210
Polish steal a little here and there but it doesn't matter when you see all these nice Slavs around.

I am sure that seeing all those nice Slavs soothes you very much after some scumbag has stolen your wallet with 500 Euro in it and your credit card :)

Congratulation you have been awarded Golden Cone yearly prize for the most stupid thread topic on PF.

This means that Cheery finally takes over this award from Iron, wh0 has held it for the last 5 years. Other members were wondering when it would be that sb finally would take over this award from Iron.



M-G (yay!)

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