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Polish people and racism.

spiritus  69 | 643  
30 Jun 2017 /  #931
@Dirk diggler

Don't forget that there are a lot of home grown muslims who feel the way you described earlier. It's not always down to a foreigner's mentality because they come from another country.

British born muslims have become much more hardline than the preceding generation.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
30 Jun 2017 /  #932
Yeah it seems that much of the large scale terrorist attacks are committed by the children of Muslims who settled in europe. Perhaps they feel like they don't fit in so they seek a sense of belonging and brotherhood at a radical mosque.
dudar  - | 24  
4 Jul 2017 /  #933
Muslims (not every) do not fit in because they came and keep coming to Europe for a different reason. It seems to me the majority of them live on welfare. They do not look for a job or try to integrate because they simply changed their bad living conditions for the better ones and Europe pays for it. And that's the moment when all these Muslims turn to religion and the false prophets are coming to 'guide' them to fight against their new European homeland. And of course some of 'refugees' or 'migrants' purposefully came and keep coming to commit attacks in Europe. There is a thin line between racism and dislike.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jul 2017 /  #934

I don't hate or dislike Muslims.. I hate anyone that kills innocent people especially my European brethren. At the moment the vast majority of those who are killing my European brethren - blowing them up and mowing them down either w aks or cars - are Muslims though.
dudar  - | 24  
4 Jul 2017 /  #935
I mean sometimes the dislike presented as racism and that are two different things. And of course killing of innocent is a great sin.
spiritus  69 | 643  
4 Jul 2017 /  #936
Muslims (not every) do not fit in because they came and keep coming to Europe for a different reason.

It's a bit more complicated than that.

Many Muslims were born in Europe and many more will continue to be born in Europe. They do not "fit in" with the host nation's culture but it can now be argued that they don't have to fit in as many Western European nations have sizeable muslim communities that reduces the need to integrate properly
mafketis  38 | 11137  
4 Jul 2017 /  #937
They do not "fit in" with the host nation's culture but it can now be argued that they don't have to fit in

The problem is that the values of the muslim ghettos lead to failure in the mainstream of the host nation which leads to frustration and despair and nihilism that canny imams are able to use to turn them into terrorists.

The profile of European born muslim terrorists is of a peace - a youth marked by avoiding integration and education and idolizing gangster figures then in yong adulthood they realize how many opportunities they've wasted and get religion (which they've avoided previously) and the pickings are ripe for radical imams.

If they were in their own culture they'd still be failures (because mainstream muslim cultural leads to failure in the modern world) but they wouldn't have the alienation and frustration.
spiritus  69 | 643  
4 Jul 2017 /  #938
a youth marked by avoiding integration and education and idolizing gangster figures

A very accurate description. Young Muslim men seem to think of themselves as Italian mobsters
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
4 Jul 2017 /  #939
Its a bit of a generalization maf but yeah I do agree with much of what you say.

The imams are just waiting to have some young outcast that's struggling to fit in.
dudar  - | 24  
5 Jul 2017 /  #940
It's a bit more complicated than that.

That's true, they were born in Europe, they got citizenship, but still they are just like those who keep coming. Generally, they have no education and they are easily affected by those who use religion as weapon. Of course some of them receive education but their views stay the same and that what makes them much more dangerous.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
5 Jul 2017 /  #941
Its a bit of a generalization

Find a European born terrorist from a muslim background that doesn't fit that pattern. It probably works differently for immigrants and converts but the native born pattern is crystal clear to anyone who looks.

Cultural factors and cultural values that immigrants bring with them don't disappear when they immigrate and multi-culturalism means that parents can (and do) prevent their children from assimilating into the local culture. Instead of transferring the culture they end up transferring their own culture shock trauma so that the kids grow up thinking of what should become their own culture as foul and contaminated.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
5 Jul 2017 /  #942
Some of the white jihadis are the craziest namely the converted ones from us australia Canada etc... So There's a few right there that don't fit that pattern

For native born or migrant yes... Many migrants that came recently due to sheer number alone have committed terrorist attacks esp from tunisia or people planning attacks once Syria got too hot for them and they came to Europe
G (undercover)  
22 Jun 2018 /  #943

Polish racism in Germany.

Just one more example:


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