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Are Polish people brave or scared?

pgtx  29 | 3094  
3 Jun 2013 /  #1
Are Poles capable to fight with the government for a better future just like others do? Could Poles show that they can DO instead of BLAB and WHINE?
Wroclaw Boy  
3 Jun 2013 /  #2
of course they could, they are human beings the same as the rest of us.

The Turks and the Greeks know how to riot thats for sure, we should all be a little in awe of them.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
3 Jun 2013 /  #3
yes Poland had noting to do with fall of communism it was the Turks and their solidarity movement
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Jun 2013 /  #4
Are Poles capable to fight with the government for a better future

Why would they?

Could Poles show that they can DO instead of BLAB and WHINE?

Again, why would they?
ifor bach  11 | 152  
3 Jun 2013 /  #5
The Turks and the Greeks know how to riot thats for sure, we should all be a little in awe of them.

You're in awe of people who trash their own cities. Figures.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
3 Jun 2013 /  #6
Are Poles capable to fight with the government for a better future just like others do? Like Turks do:

whats better future? reacher country? = social benefits = third world immigrants... no thx
jon357  72 | 23528  
4 Jun 2013 /  #7
Poles (or some of them) certainly did fight for a better life. Once against all odds in the last war and again during the Solidarity years. On the whole though, it is a very conformist nation. Very unlike Turkey whe there are three different mass demonstrations every weekend. Just down the road from me now, in the park between Dolmabahce and Taksim there's fighting going on. It's hard to imagine it escalating so far in Warsaw despite the oddball fascists who throw their toys out of the pram once or twice a year.
4 Jun 2013 /  #8
Poles (or some of them) certainly did fight for a better life. Once against all odds in the last war and again during the Solidarity years.

Precisely: Poles have been there, done that and got the t-shirt. At the moment there is simply nothing to fight against. The nearest thing that Poland has to a threat to national security now are the bitter and twisted hate-filled envious Radio Maryja listeners and a few thousand homosexual pin-up football hooligan racists, but ten years from now most of the former will have died out and the latter will have grown out of it.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Jun 2013 /  #9
to fight with the government

The problem in Poland is that nearly all "political class" and largely "elites" in general are made of imbeciles and punks, you need to have some replacement to start the fight, there's none in Poland unfortunately, so people just pack up and leave all this mess behind.
smurf  38 | 1940  
4 Jun 2013 /  #10
The Turks and the Greeks know how to riot thats for sure, we should all be a little in awe of them.


I find it heartening that people are standing up to the govt.
I saw it here too when the protests again ACTA were in full force.
Wonderful stuff.
I really hope the protestors in Turkey get their way, their PM is a proper nutjob.
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Jun 2013 /  #11
You're in awe of people who trash their own cities. Figures.

No Warren i admire people who have the balls to protest for their own rights.

I find it heartening that people are standing up to the govt.

Exactly, where would be today if nobody ever protested or rioted as were witnessing in Turkey at the moment.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
4 Jun 2013 /  #12
In 1992 -93 that option in Poland which have seen the need to remove all Soviets from they key position has been marginalized.
Since then Soviet secret services, journalist, prominent party members, judges and officers moved into so called new independent Poland and took most of prominent position, taking over banks and such.

That privileged position ensured they dominance on the political and economical scene. Michnik, Geremek and few others used people's trust to manipulate them and to struck the deal with Soviets to which they have never had mandate to make deal in the name of the nation.

Are Poles capable to fight with the government for a better future just like others do?

Well, lets see what will happen. For a few years now there are so called Marches of Independence on the 11th November.
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Jun 2013 /  #13
Turkish Revolution - What the corporate media is not showing you

Ironside  50 | 13046  
4 Jun 2013 /  #14
I see Harry that you have no problem with insulting Poles and talking smack about them on line. Last time you claimed that you attacking certain poster to protect image of Poland on the Internet.

I think that you are a part of the problem here not a part of the solution.
MrAlbert  1 | 16  
4 Jun 2013 /  #15
Yes, these are the warriors doing this in Poland as a way of life:

They are the same men who gave us the warsaw uprising.
Paulina  18 | 4546  
5 Jun 2013 /  #16
Really? So who gave the French the Paris uprising of 1944?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
5 Jun 2013 /  #17
As we all know the Germans were already backing up and the Allies were planted firmly on French soil. This vastly contrasts to the situation Warsaw was in. The Warsaw Uprising cost about 200,000 Polish lives and the Parisian one under 1,500 and it lasted less than one week. 90+ percent of Warsaws' buildings were destroyed or damaged. About 1 percent of buildings in Paris were. No comparison.
Meathead  5 | 467  
5 Jun 2013 /  #18
you need to have some replacement to start the fight, there's none in Poland unfortunately, so people just pack up and leave all this mess behind.

Exactly. Over the centuries Poles have lost their best and brightest to the diaspora.

Poland, a very old culture but a very young nation.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
5 Jun 2013 /  #19
Why would they?

why wouldn't they?

Poles have been there, done that and got the t-shirt.

some have, some haven't

The problem in Poland is that nearly all "political class" and largely "elites" in general are made of imbeciles and punks, you need to have some replacement to start the fight, there's none in Poland unfortunately, so people just pack up and leave all this mess behind

Exactly. Over the centuries Poles have lost their best and brightest to the diaspora. Poland, a very old culture but a very young nation.

So much correct in the two posts above
Paulina  18 | 4546  
5 Jun 2013 /  #20
I wasn't comparing the two uprisings.
I'm just curious whether MrAlbert thinks that the French were given the uprising by their football hooligans too or maybe by immigrants burning cars in the streets of Paris lol

I think MrAlbert did a disservice to those brave men and women who fought an uneven battle against the cruel Nazi occupier by comparing them to those people:

Aggressive hooligans throwing pieces of sidewalk at policemen who won't shoot them at spot are nowhere near people fighting and dying for our country. Normal people in Poland are afraid to go to football matches because of those ultras. That's all.
5 Jun 2013 /  #21
I see Harry that you have no problem with insulting Poles and talking smack about them on line.

I have no problem at all with pointing out that some Poles are brain-dead morons who have little more right to life than pond scum. However, I do not point that out because they are Poles, I point that out because they are brain-dead morons who have little more right to life than pond scum and they both threaten Poland and damage the good name of Poland.

If you were to say that I insult all Poles, you'd be lying.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
5 Jun 2013 /  #22
I have no problem at all with pointing out that some Poles are brain-dead morons who have little more right to life than pond scum.

To be objective, what right to life does or doesn't pond scum have?
5 Jun 2013 /  #23
Could Poles show that they can DO instead of BLAB and WHINE?

Many posters on here would have you believe life is a constant struggle in Poland, fighting daily to survive. The system in Poland is all about winners and losers, only the strong survive.

Where is the comparison between Greece, Poland & Turkey, maybe the people of the Med are more violent and turbulent in their demonstrations., their countries are in chaos and their economies are suffering, Greece has become the joke of Europe and Turkey is putting itself further and further back for EU vote. Now Cyprus I admire they said NO on behalf of all EU residents
5 Jun 2013 /  #24
To be objective, what right to life does or doesn't pond scum have?

Actually I suppose it has more right to life than those Poles: it doesn't choose to be so unpleasant, it just is. Those Poles could stop being unpleasant bigots, or at least try to stop being unpleasant bigots.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Jun 2013 /  #25
Actually I suppose it has more right to life than those Poles: it doesn't choose to be so unpleasant, it just is.

So who are you to say what the "right to life" actually is? Why is your definition any more valid than another's?

Those Poles could stop being unpleasant bigots, or at least try to stop being unpleasant bigots.

Maybe they are trying? Maybe they'd actually be doing a lot worse if they really let themselves go -you ever think about that?
What I'm saying applies to anyone you think to be a bigot. They could all be thinking: "who are you to judge us?" You know what I mean?

However some of them may actually be trying to tone it down and this is as far as they can suppress it. Scary isn't it?

At the same time I must ask you to consider the following:

Maybe their situation is a lot worse than you think it is and may be that's why they're like that

Maybe the education system isn't producing what it should be

Maybe the social system here isn't providing what it should be

Maybe their jobs aren't making what they should be

Maybe they're really f'n angry and that's sort of who fall into the cracks when you have "leaders" like the last many years have produced.

I'm not absolving anyone of personal responsibility here but have you ever thought of what it's like to be who they are?
Some people I've met have had really bad influences, and there are likely much worse cases.
Have you ever met some people and wondered what must have gone wrong for them?
Take a look around and figure out why it happens first.
If you do that and then still judge people so harshly then do it again until you get it right.
They have the same right to life as pond scum. Some might even say more.
Maybe, like a pond this is what our society produces?
Barney  19 | 1785  
6 Jun 2013 /  #26
F4 you're over analysing things some just look down on others.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
6 Jun 2013 /  #27
have no problem at all with pointing out that some Poles are brain-dead morons who have little more right to life than pond scum

You can only express your opinion about issues and you have no right to deny anybody the same right, let alone the right to life based on some ridiculous assumption.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Jun 2013 /  #28
F4 you're over analysing things some just look down on others.

I'm not looking down on anyone, to the contrary, I'm saying we shouldn't be so ready to look down on others. If you interpret that otherwise then you go ahead and do that.

Can we just agree saying pond scum has more of a right to life than some people makes neither sense nor has any objective validation?

Do I ask too much?
Barney  19 | 1785  
6 Jun 2013 /  #29
I'm not looking down on anyone

I know

I'm saying we shouldn't be so ready to look down on others.

I agree
Meathead  5 | 467  
6 Jun 2013 /  #30
Where is the comparison between Greece, Poland & Turkey, maybe the people of the Med are more violent and turbulent in their demonstrations., their countries are in chaos and their economies are suffering, Greece has become the joke of Europe and Turkey is putting itself further and further back for EU vote. Now Cyprus I admire they said NO on behalf of all EU residents

How many millions of Poles have moved to start new lives around the world? The diaspora reduces social pressures, if you're going to compare Poland to the Med this cannot be ignored.

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