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Will Polish people be accepting that im only half polish?

OP Gary Grzelak  1 | 20  
13 Jul 2011 /  #31
What makes you say that? arnt all whites brothers in this war? do you have somthing agaist Non poles? Do you think i should not live there?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Jul 2011 /  #32
arnt all whites brothers in this war?

You definitely won't be welcome in Poland with such an attitude.

We definitely don't need any more illiterate racists here.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
13 Jul 2011 /  #33
Gary - you just don't get the specific sense of humour some poeple on this forum have ;)
OP Gary Grzelak  1 | 20  
13 Jul 2011 /  #34
Sir, The reason i want to come to Poland is because Canada is getting to Multicultural, the families on Minorities are being treated better then the native white people. i know for a fact Poland is good for me because of the rasicm i have been put through in Canada. Chinese people targeting me because i live in Vancouver. the fact there all whites are brother is true because we all come from Europe, i find a brotherhood with all whites that couldnt compair to enyone else. it is not a race issue. the fact of it is i personly feel i would do better in a diffrent inviorment.
legend  3 | 658  
13 Jul 2011 /  #35
The person in question has never lived in a large multicultural city like Toronto, Chicago or Vancouver so they wouldnt know. Instead they label us with the ad hominem attack: racists.

People like him have been so brainwashed that they think wanting to live in a white society is racist. Even if it is racist it doesnt hurt no one in most cases. Light racism is nothing to worry about imo.

I lived in Toronto and moved to a more white suburban city. Its peaceful and quiet, little to no crime, compared to where I used to live. Ever think of doing that around the Vancouver area?

If you want to go to Poland go ahead though.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
13 Jul 2011 /  #36

arnt all whites brothers in this war?

If the cap fits, wear it.

If you want to go to Poland go ahead though.

They just wouldn't like some foreign racist coming back. Sure he might be half Polish, but the guy is obviously semi-literate, can't handle where he lives and people in Poland would be either annoyed or amused that someone who has failed so badly in the land of plenty needs to escape to a place he's never been to and has little connection with except some ancestry.
legend  3 | 658  
13 Jul 2011 /  #37
If the cap fits, wear it.

Everyone is racist to an extent.

They just wouldn't like some foreign racist coming back. Sure he might be half Polish, but the guy is obviously semi-literate, can't handle where he lives and people in Poland would be either annoyed or amused that someone who has failed so badly in the land of plenty needs to escape to a place he's never been to and has little connection with except some ancestry.

Nothing here portrays him of being semi-literate. Hes asking questions before he comes to Poland.
People in Poland wouldnt care for the most part. Ive been there many times for many years and they never cared. Keep it to yourself and no one will care.

Johnny come to Finch/Jane in Toronto and youll want to leave in days I guarentee you.
All that happens is shootings daily. Theft. This is what a multicultural place brings. Slums like the area I mentioned. If you wanted to leave I guess your a racist too? Cant handle the society.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
13 Jul 2011 /  #38
Everyone is racist to an extent.

Speak for yourself.

Nothing here portrays him of being semi-literate. Hes asking questions before he comes to Poland.

First of all his semi-literate writing.

People in Poland wouldnt care for the most part. Ive been there many times for many years and they never cared. Keep it to yourself and no one will care.

I live in Poland, and people would recoil if he said that in polite society. Also I doubt he'd be able to 'keep it to himself'.

I come from one of the most multicultural places in the world and there's less crime than Greater Warsaw or Gorny Slask. It has its good areas and its bad ones but they aren't explicitly deliniated by ethnicity.

I suspect his real reason for wanting to escape to a country he has no real connection with is a bit more complicated.
David_18  65 | 966  
13 Jul 2011 /  #39
Also I heard there are alot of Skinheads in Poland, Would i be a target because im only half Polish?

I would wear a bulletproof vest if i were you!

Kidding! You'll be alright :)
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
14 Jul 2011 /  #40
I would wear a bulletproof vest if i were you!

There aren't actually that many in Poland, and those there are tend to live in the boondocks. And wouldn't speak much (if any) English. Most of those guys aren't even much cop in their own language.
BBman  - | 343  
14 Jul 2011 /  #41
Poles are very interested in the Polish expat community and even half-Poles. You'll be quite popular, especially among the ladies.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Jul 2011 /  #42
Sir, The reason i want to come to Poland is because Canada is getting to Multicultural

As I said - stay in Canada, we don't need any more half-literate racists - we only just got rid of a lot of them!

Poles are very interested in the Polish expat community and even half-Poles. You'll be quite popular, especially among the ladies.

Hahaha, perhaps he'll be popular with Magda from the village (who doesn't speak a word of English) - but with anyone worth knowing - they'll shun a Canadian racist. I can tell you that from all my female friends, none of them would give the time of day to such a person.

I suspect his real reason for wanting to escape to a country he has no real connection with is a bit more complicated.

There's probably nothing for him there - hence the racism.
OP Gary Grzelak  1 | 20  
14 Jul 2011 /  #43
You'll be quite popular, especially among the ladies.

Well now I have to go. Haha :)
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
14 Jul 2011 /  #44
Gary Grzelak, my parents went to poland last year and they told me that not only 'skin heads' attack random people. My mom is very honest and she told me that 'they' love to harass colored people, english-speaking people, tourists in general. Hell, they were approached by them (in their cabin) 4 times while on a 2-hour train trip in north-east (podlasie) poland. One threatened to take my mom's purse unless she handed over a bottle of vodka she brought for her cousin in bialystok. lol

****, i'm fully polish and i'm scared shitless to go there, especially to ride on a bus or train by myself.

Poles are very interested in the Polish expat community and even half-Poles. You'll be quite popular, especially among the ladies.

true... when i was last in poland for vocation in 1999, i was in a playground behind our building and the moment i told these kids swinging next to us that i was from Canada, all of a sudden 20 more kids ran over and huddled around us. lol .. they tried speaking english to me, i guess in attempt to practice theirs.
legend  3 | 658  
14 Jul 2011 /  #45
I come from one of the most multicultural places in the world and there's less crime than Greater Warsaw or Gorny Slask. It has its good areas and its bad ones but they aren't explicitly deliniated by ethnicity.

May I ask what city this mc place is from? Dont worry I wont knock on your door :)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
14 Jul 2011 /  #46
My mom is very honest and she told me that 'they' love to harass colored people, english-speaking people, tourists in general

You should tell your mom to stop lying.

You might think that just because you are from a foreign country people give a ****, well i have to disabuse of this fact, they don't give a ****, especially about a Pole who thinks he is better than his countrymen just because he lives overseas(:
pip  10 | 1658  
14 Jul 2011 /  #47
I suspect his real reason for wanting to escape to a country he has no real connection with is a bit more complicated.

I would agree with this. Especially since Vancouver is one of the best places to live both culturally and financially.
14 Jul 2011 /  #48
the fact of it is i personly feel i would do better in a diffrent inviorment.

I agree entirely: please go and knock on the gates of the nearest court and tell the first judge you find that he can either sentence you to ten years or you will rape his daughter and then he can sentence you to ten years. With an attitude and an IQ like yours, you will do marvelously in prison.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2123  
14 Jul 2011 /  #49
From my experience Poles tend to accept me more as a Pole then Norwegians accept me as an Norwegian. It's probably becaouse of the "exile culture"
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
14 Jul 2011 /  #50
Will Polish people be accepting that im only half polish?

Native Poles will only buy you half-a-drink. They will only toast to half prosperity for you. They will sing "50 years" and not "Sto Lat" to you. If you need help, they will meet you half way. After paying for your meal, you will only get back half your change. When Polish thugs surround you they will only do so in a semi-circle.

Frankly, the topic question is really stupid.
14 Jul 2011 /  #51
Native Poles will only buy you half-a-drink.

Given the nature of the original poster, he's rather more likely to get half a glass in his face than half a drink bought for him.
George8600  10 | 630  
14 Jul 2011 /  #52
I'm half Polish and I had no problem...sooo.

Speaking the language fluently also makes it irrelevant whether you're half or full; it's more or less how you present yourself to the social group.
BBman  - | 343  
15 Jul 2011 /  #53
we only just got rid of a lot of them!

Who is "we"?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Jul 2011 /  #54
Not including you, that's for sure.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
15 Jul 2011 /  #55
will Polish people be accepting that im only half polish?

I doubt it. It is unacceptable. I wouldn't.
Aaron_Stoke  1 | 14  
15 Jul 2011 /  #56
I live in a town of around 15 thousand people in Poland.Im not half Polish,I dont speak Polish yet ive never had any problems at all infact if anything id say people are more accepting here than if i was to change cities back in England.

What i would advise you to think more about is what you will do here and how much you are willing to do it for,the wages are a joke compared to what u would be used to and its not as though the cost of living is any cheaper.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jul 2011 /  #57
In all seriousness, how is someone going to know if you're "half Polish" or "full Polish"?

He could get a t-shirt printed with "Hey Im Half Polish" emblazoned across the front, there would be no doubt left in peoples mind as he walks by as to what at least one half is, he could then have "Hey Im Half Canadian" emblazoned on the back just so they know what the other half is :) Just an idea...
legend  3 | 658  
16 Jul 2011 /  #58
@aaron perhaps true but consider this:

Here in Canada the majority of the things are more expensive than other First World Countries.
I know the Australians have it real bad as well.

Canada is for example an oil rich country...
The US gets gas for a lot cheaper than here.
The gas prices here are ridiculuos. And sadly Canadians keep paying.
The same for internet, electronics and most utilities.

I have seen several people from my quite heavy Polish neighbourhood return to Poland (some came back and some stayed in Poland).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Jul 2011 /  #59
Does it include you? An english language instructor/hermit living in poland for a couple of years who still can't speak Polish?

Still bitter that you spent 5 years in Poland teaching only Callan?

The pen, the pen.
Lenka  5 | 3485  
16 Jul 2011 /  #60
I don't really care if you come to Poland or not but...believe me-people usually have their own lives and problems and you being half Polish won't be high on their lists of things to worry about.I don't like your attitude "white ppl share European ancestry" but that's just me thinking that you should judge ppl for who they are and not because of other things.If you get beaten it would probably be because you will say something like that and not because you are half Polish.And another thing-how this skinheads will know you are half Polish?Do you suppose they are asking everybody if they are Polish and ask for proofs?Or you intend to make yourself a T-shirt mentioned earlier?

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