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Fr. John Bashobora National stadium Warszawa (Warsaw)

jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Jul 2013 /  #31
Those who actively encourage to believe in fairy stories respect humanity even less.
Nile  1 | 154  
1 Jul 2013 /  #32
Humanity is an excuse for those individuals who do not respect or like people.
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Jul 2013 /  #33
Humanity is all of us together and individually.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
1 Jul 2013 /  #34
She was unhappy with the body/sex she was born into, she changed it.

She was unhappy with the body/sex she was born into, she changed it.

She has become the darling of the libertine set. So one is allowed to change one's gender but not one's sexual orientation. Just the mention of that is heresy to all the self-styles 'progressives'. Why is that?
jon357  72 | 22981  
1 Jul 2013 /  #35
Some people's bodies don't match their gender. Gender, like sexuality, is not a choice and cannot be changed.
smurf  38 | 1940  
1 Jul 2013 /  #36
So one is allowed to change one's gender but not one's sexual orientation

Dude you are free to put your Polish kielbasa wherever you choose to......so long as it's legal of course.
1 Jul 2013 /  #37
Hahahaha XD
jon stop spreading propaganda. We all know that gender is an ideology without any cover in facts!
Nile  1 | 154  
1 Jul 2013 /  #38
Humanity is all of us together and individually.

No, humanity refers to human beings as a group.
smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Jul 2013 /  #39
Gender, like sexuality, is not a choice

You might want to look up what a sex change is so.
You most certainly can change your gender if you are willing and have the funds.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
2 Jul 2013 /  #40
You most certainly can change your gender

Can you also change your orientation?. If someone is uhnhappy and uncomfortable with the orientation one was born into, can that be changed. There are treatment opporutnities available.Why is it that the LGBT crowd is so opposed to treatment and wants to deny that freedom to those potentially interested.
OP poland_  
2 Jul 2013 /  #41
Charlatan, that's all he is and a money-grabbing one at that.

Please provide factual proof with a respected source of Fr. John Bashobora quackery.

Your anti-Catholic posts are offensive and without foundation, I would like to remind you of the posting guideline copy below:

Do not insult, harass, or make blanket racist or derogatory statements!

If you continue I will have no alternative but report you, btw.

Please show tolerance of our beliefs your lies about Fr. John Bashobora are offensive.
2 Jul 2013 /  #42
Warszawski, i am signing under that declariot!
smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Jul 2013 /  #43
Can you also change your orientation

Depends on whether you have the technology to change your genetic code, do you? If not, then no, you cannot change your sexual orientation.
This is basic level high school biology, don't they teach that to you wherever it is you are from?
Next you'll be telling me that Evolution is a 'theory' Well, it evolution is a theory, then so too is gravity.

without foundation

No they aren't, I've posted plenty of proof in the random chat thread.
Read it and weep.....or you could forgive me, your religion says that you have to.

our beliefs

I have shown proof in another thread that your beliefs are not based on rational facts. You need to deal with that, not me.
I'm trying to help you escape from the nanny-apron strings of irrational spoon-fed drivel you've been fed.

I have not posted anything racist or anti-Catholic. You, with your weak argument and debating ability have already resorted to name calling and threats of physical violence.

I have only posted to show that religious beliefs are based on either fabrications or on elements lifted from earlier popular religions.

If you are offended I do most sincerely apologize, but that's your problem, not mine and the fact remains there is no proof for what you believe. Zero.

There is an abundance of proof to show that all religions are nothing but superstitious mumbo-jumbo.
You need to be more tolerant and accepting, not me, amigo.
jon357  72 | 22981  
2 Jul 2013 /  #44
You most certainly can change your gender

Only the external signs - something is inate.

If someone is uhnhappy and uncomfortable with the orientation one was born into, can that be changed


There are treatment opporutnities available

All of them discredited.

No, humanity refers to human beings as a group.

Read and understand a post before trying to reply to it.
2 Jul 2013 /  #45
Smurf, somebody really needs to go back to school.. Evelotution is still theory.. It has not been proved the same as the existence of a supreme being i.e. God.

For now there is no difference between adam and eve theory or the evolution

if u ask me, a lot of stuff written in the bible are meant to be taken metsphorically.
Like the book of genesis.. However since God is a supreme being, the creator he may have really crared Adam and Eve first.i guess i will ask the lord those and many more questions in Heaven.

Cheers and Godbless ;)
OP poland_  
2 Jul 2013 /  #46
No they aren't, I've posted plenty of proof in the random chat thread.
Read it and weep.....

You are absolutely correct it is all random chat with no fact.

I have shown proof in another thread that your beliefs are not based on rational facts. You need to deal with that, not me.
I'm trying to help you escape from the nanny-apron strings of irrational spoon-fed drivel you've been fed

I don't want your opinion, I would like to inform that you are being offensive to Christians.

I have not posted anything racist or anti-Catholic. You, with your weak argument and debating ability have already resorted to name calling and threats of physical violence.
I have only posted to show that religious beliefs are based on either fabrications or on elements lifted from earlier popular religions.

Smurf, please show credentials and qualifications of your World Religion / Theology Expertise and I can take you more serious. Please also provide examples of my name calling and threats of physical violence.
smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Jul 2013 /  #47
show credentials and qualifications

Ah yea, I forgot that you had to be a priest to have an opinion on religion.

Please also provide examples of my name calling and threats of physical violence.

I have already done so to the Mods.

Evelotution is still theory

So is gravity!!!!
Oh man, don't be silly, evolution has been proved again and again and again.

For now there is no difference between adam and eve theory or the evolution

There's a huge difference.
2 Jul 2013 /  #48
Smurf ;-) check in the dictionary what a theory is.. Evolution is just a theory, you are religious by believing that something without enough evidence exists, theas me.

Name me a difference between a theory of a devine Creator and a theory of evolution?? Both have quiete a lot of evidence.

jon357  72 | 22981  
2 Jul 2013 /  #49
You probably meant to say hypothesis rather than theory. A theory needs to be backed with evidence. There is no evidence for a 'divine creator' but rock solid (literally rock solid) evidence for evolution.
smurf  38 | 1940  
2 Jul 2013 /  #50
theory of a devine Creator

Has zero evidence, that's why it's called faith.

theory of evolution

isn't actually a theory anymore.

Some proofs for you:

3. What this video that proves evolution beyond a shadow of a doubt.



Natural selection, sexual selection, and food are the vehicles by which animals reach a never ending finish line. Summation, Chromosomes, Neanderthals, Vestigial Organs, Retro-Viruses, Fossils; there is an overwhelming amount of evidence in favor of evolution. No other theory has come under such scrutiny in recent times, and still withstood with such fortitude


Here's a very small piece of genetic evidence of common descent I have never seen a coherent creationist response for:
Ascorbic acid, vitamin C, is needed for almost all life. Humans cannot make it. It turns out we have all but the last enzyme required to make it ourselves. The final enzyme, L-gulonolactone oxidase, is absent. However, we do have a gene for it, but it has been torn to shreds by mutations. It is a pseudogene.


Further proof here:


Read more.
Nile  1 | 154  
3 Jul 2013 /  #51
Read and understand a post before trying to reply to it.

Wow! You gave me a chuckle. Please read your previous post once more with understanding this time.
Humanity - human beings collectively.
Individual a single human being , as distinguished from a group.
Humanity is all of us together and individually? You phrase sounds good but is meaningless.
jon357  72 | 22981  
3 Jul 2013 /  #52
I suspect you chuckle quite a lot at very little. As a society we a made up of individuals; the whole of humanity is athe ship of fools crewed by individuals. The question is, dare we sail away into uncharted waters or always stick to the home shore.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
3 Jul 2013 /  #53
change your genetic code

I thought the theory that a hiomosexual gene existed had been universally rejected as quackery.
Nile  1 | 154  
4 Jul 2013 /  #54
. As a society we a made up of individuals;

Indeed but it doesn't change a fact that you can be concerned about humanity but at the same time do not like or respect people as individuals.
jon357  72 | 22981  
4 Jul 2013 /  #55
So has Mr Bashobora done his Warsaw concert yet, and what was the outcome? Some of these things can be quite good to attend, mysticism aside.

Indeed but it doesn't change a fact that you can be concerned about humanity but at the same time do not like or respect people as individuals.

That is impossible - the two are indivisible.
smurf  38 | 1940  
4 Jul 2013 /  #56
I thought the theory that a hiomosexual gene

This article will explain:

It's not in written in our DNA sequence itself, they suggest, which explains why scientists have failed so far to find "gay genes," despite intensive investigations. Instead, it's written in how our genes are expressed: that is, in certain modifications to how and when DNA is activated. These changes can have environmental roots, so are not normally permanent enough to be passed from parent to child. But occasionally, they are

homosexuality is caused by epigenetic marks, or "epi-marks,"

These are compounds that sit on DNA and regulate how active, or inactive certain genes are, and also control when during development these genes are most prolific

Fascinating stuff really.
Nile  1 | 154  
5 Jul 2013 /  #57
That is impossible - the two are indivisible.

Not in my opinion.
jon357  72 | 22981  
5 Jul 2013 /  #58
Opinion is subjective - objective facts are all that matters.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jul 2013 /  #59
The fact is there is no universal argeement on what constitutes facts. Today's so-called 'objective' facts may be dismissed as fallacies tomorrow.
jon357  72 | 22981  
5 Jul 2013 /  #60
Indeed. People once thought that deities, virgin births, burning bushes and resurrections from the dead were facts. Today we know they are fallacies.

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