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Homosexuality in Polish Culture

teflcat  5 | 1024  
29 Jun 2011 /  #181
I'm as tolerant as the next guy but I think there shouldn't be special treatment for people based on their sexual proclivites.
My elderly aunt was recently burgled by gays. They were never caught and there's no hope of the police ever finding the culprits.
29 Jun 2011 /  #182
How do you know they were gays?
teflcat  5 | 1024  
29 Jun 2011 /  #183
Because before they left they rearranged the furniture, changed the curtains and put a quiche in the oven.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
29 Jun 2011 /  #184
then why isn't it OK for traditionally raised (straight) people

Do you actually think anyone sets out to raise Gay children??? WTF? So,a straight couple decide they want little Jonny to be Gay when he grows up......Ok,so,is he played subliminal Judy Garland records all night?

Bizzare how some people still dont see its not about how some one is raised or what they may somehow be "exposed to".

Simply put,how the hell could it be? I dont care how many gay pride parades go past my font door or how many geezers in leather chapps or sailor suits shashay past me Im not joining their party...........I didnt need some celibate old fruit in a pulpit to tell me not to like other men,I just dont,and nothing could convert me(short of a multi million $ pre nup with Johnny Depp,but only if he shaves really well.......) so what are you all scared of?
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
29 Jun 2011 /  #185
subliminal Judy Garland records all night?


Why not just accept how I feel about it? Why don't we just accept each other opinions without asking why? You know and I know that we'll start getting very "lively" sooner or later if we'll continue talking about it. You know my answer.

I thought you wanted people to have a civilized discussion. So I'm asking why you feel they shouldn't be able to raise children. I really don't know why. Why would anyone accept your opinions if you can't argument your point of view?

OMG. Now you're just making up silly stuff. Too funny!

I think I'm in a good company:

no, I didn't make a typo, but thanks

Apparently you were skipping class and smoking grass the day your Leftist professor went over statistics and percentages. Lol.

last time I checked, 1% is 1 out of 100. but that's ok, Llama, nobody expects you to get it. go on, say something about militant someone or other. you haven't said anything new or insightful for two days, why start now.

Could you show me the exact post?

It is the most disgusting thing it could ever happen to human - to be gay.
There is nothing more to say.

you're right, there is nothing more to say...
OP Darren...  
29 Jun 2011 /  #186
Hey all,

I didn’t intend for all of you to argue over this. Nor did I want this to become a slinging match.

What I will say is (when I hear of people saying that they don’t want their kids seeing two men kiss in the street) I find it strange that parents who have no problems swearing in front of their kids, letting their kids watch violent TV, who expose their kids to all manner of bad influences, and yet run for the hills when it comes to two men kissing (who have nothing to do with them and their kids at all). Do these married folk object to couples showing affection to each other – if so would they be ok wit their public displays of affection being curfewed as well?
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
29 Jun 2011 /  #187
if they are good parents they dont let any of their children see any of this, yeah, its a choice
to put the tv on to a violence, and if you swear in front of them they will say it too, same with
kissing, they see two older males kissing or females they will think its ok to kiss their best friend
on the lips and its not ok, people are funny about these things, adults just need to practice more
privacy, I think there is a time and place... its much different for a young child to see his parents
peck on the cheek or lips then it is for a young boy to see two men slobbering in public or even
two women.. its a huge difference. I think all adults need to keep it to a certain degree so the kids
can be feking kids and not worry about all this sex bullshyt.. thats what I think.

off to work. sorry if I am not on topic.. or if I am good, I jumped in the middle either way
thats my opinion..
2 Sep 2013 /  #188
many polish men are anti gay,i no many lads from poland,yet when they are on there own,no other polish around them,there attitude is ,once they have your trust,very pro gay.Ifound this with many eastern european lads,suppose its all to do with their culture.
Sparks11  - | 333  
2 Sep 2013 /  #189
I think that there is nothing "gayer" than macho posturing. Sports, guy's nights etc. Really, if you're secure in your manliness and sexuality, why would you care what other people are doing It's the same with everything, the people who know themselves and are comfortable in their own skin do their thing and let others do the same. It's the one's who scream the loudest about "issues" that are the most insecure.
jon357  72 | 23712  
2 Sep 2013 /  #190
That is pretty well spot on and backed up by psychological (and physiological!) studies.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
2 Sep 2013 /  #191
I am not a gay man but have noticed an increasing number of males and females in this city who probably are. Far fewer than the UK, but more are evident when I travel around than when I first came here 3 years ago. I have no issue at all with anyone's sexuality, by the way, it's not my business, but from a sociological point of view it is interesting to see the changes taking place in some Polish cities. For example, more gay people are evident (gay women too), and many more members of ethnic groups (in Wrocław, with a very marked increase in people who are of Oriental appearance).

I assume Oriental is still an inoffensive word to use!
Nile  1 | 154  
3 Sep 2013 /  #192
It's the one's who scream the loudest about "issues" that are the most insecure.

I must say that even a rule of thumb do not apply here.
jon357  72 | 23712  
3 Sep 2013 /  #193
No need for thumbs. Or even toes. Enough studies have been done on the matter.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
4 Sep 2013 /  #194
Really, if you're secure in your manliness and sexuality, why would you care what other people are doing It's the same with everything, the people who know themselves and are comfortable in their own skin do their thing and let others do the same.

Homosexuality is a contortion of a divine principle and it is for that reason that it is degenerate. Whether the homosexuals themselves are degenerate as well is besides the point. Liberals are so obsessed with their vision of individual "happiness" that i wouldn't be surprised if they attemped to normalize other forms of degeneracy, like zoophilia, or pedophilia.
jon357  72 | 23712  
4 Sep 2013 /  #195
a divine principle

That assumes that such a principle exists.

homosexuals themselves are degenerate

As I remember, you recently disclosed here on this forum that you struggle with your sexuality which is in opposition to your political and religious views. This rather proves the point that the worst homophobes are themselves sexually confused and personally neurotic.

Liberals are so obsessed with their vision of individual "happiness" that i wouldn't be surprised if they attemped to normalize other forms of degeneracy, like zoophilia, or pedophilia.

I don't think there is any evidence that people who carry out those acts are politically liberal and indeed the most notorious of the latter in the UK was a staubch conservative.

Do you mean the mirror test by that?

The what?
kondzior  11 | 1026  
4 Sep 2013 /  #196
That assumes that such a principle exists

Perhaps it's people like you and your complete lack of principles and standards that need such assumtion.

you struggle with your sexuality which is in opposition to your political and religious views

Look at the scared little liberal, using ad-hominem and petty shaming tactics because he cannot buttress his arguments in any way or form.

Lefists, lefists never change. How does it feels, having to cook up the most vile allegations, fully knowing that you cannot face kondzior's towering intellect head on?

I don't think there is any evidence that people who carry out those acts are politically liberal

You don't think, indeed, you did not thought your ideology through. That's a pretty arbitrary idea coming from a group that doesn't believe in an objective morality. Why is having sex with children wrong, whether they consent to it or not?

Ho wait, it infers on the happiness of the children in question. But then, does it mean that it is ok to make pedophiles suffer because to act out their desires would involve bringing pain upon others? By that rationale, why isn't it ok to make homosexual suffer, considering how deleterious to society their desires are?

This whole thing about basing everything on individual happiness is a bit confusing.
jon357  72 | 23712  
4 Sep 2013 /  #197
The post above is one of the most unintentionally amusing things ever posted here.
4 Sep 2013 /  #198
Homosexuality is a contortion of a divine principle

One does wonder, if homosexuality was so important to God, why didn't he mention it even once when he spent 30-odd years living here amongst us. Perhaps you could go into detail about that?

you cannot face kondzior's towering intellect head on?

Indeed: how can one fight what exists only in another's imagination?
Sparks11  - | 333  
4 Sep 2013 /  #199
Look at the scared little liberal, using ad-hominem and petty shaming tactics because he cannot buttress his arguments in any way or form.

I'm not going to really enter this argument, but...umm...

It seems like you are actually the one who hasn't offerered any support for his points and has resulted to name-calling and shaming. Jon at least offers an example of a politician. Can you prove that homosexuality is, in fact, destroying the fabric of society? Perhaps start by defining what a moral society is and go from there.... :)

Might be difficult to grasp, kind of like the comparison between pedophiles and homosexuals...I think you lost the connection with logic a bit. Recalibrate, recalculate and reformulate please.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
4 Sep 2013 /  #200
Well, the average person would say that they are both "unnatural". Which is true, albeit few people understand what that means at an higher level.

In terms of understanding how such things can affect society, consider, in the way of analogy, that "ugliness" is also unnatural, and a distortion of a divine principle. But ugliness, unlike homosexuality, has already been normalized, and ugliness is the single most pervasive aesthetic principle presiding all modern forms of artistic expression. Our society still cherishes beauty in a more superficial manner, such as physical beauty, but even there ugliness has a tendency to distort and twist beauty in a way that it becomes offensive and repellent, such as the hyper sexualization of the human body (particularly grotesque when it is applied to children), or the utter and complete lack of inner beauty and character in the way outwardly beautiful people are portrayed in movies or in the media in general. Indeed, ugliness of character has somehow become synonymous with being sexually desirable, with inner goodness and nobleness of spirit being equated with stupidity and sexual naivety. Some attempts have already been made at normalizing ugliness even at a superficial level, where beauty still clings by sheer force of popular demand among the majority of people, such as the Dove's "Real Beauty" campaign, which mercifully enough has turned out to be a complete fiasco. It won't be long until the usual suspects slap us with a "Brokeback Mountain" for ugly people, with the underlying moralistic message that if you somehow reject the normancy of ugliness and somehow feel disgusted by two disfigured people copulating with one another you are a bad, evil person.

So we have already seen how the proliferation and exaltation of ugliness has resulted in deep spiritual fissures in the fabric of western society, and the normalization of homosexuality follows the same trend.
4 Sep 2013 /  #201
Well, the average person would say that they are both "unnatural". Which is true, albeit few people understand what that means at an higher level.

You sure you really want to talk about paedophilia in a thread about Homosexuality in Polish culture?
4 Sep 2013 /  #202
its not gay if you do it to them is it......
its not gay if you dont push back....
ok its definitely not gay if you beat them up afterwards
jon357  72 | 23712  
4 Sep 2013 /  #203
deep spiritual fissures i

Which would assume that 'spirit' actually exists...
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
4 Sep 2013 /  #204
Well, the average person would say that they are both "unnatural".

The average person would then seem to have invested very little thought into what the word "unnatural" means i.e. the only thing which is unnatural in our reality is nothing as that seems to be the only thing that doesn't exist. If it can exist, then, like it or not, it is natural.

...Desirable and undesirable, normal and abnormal, those seem to be the terms you are trying to communicate.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
4 Sep 2013 /  #205
what's this holy roller's name again.....oh.......so, Kondzior wrote:

"Liberals are so obsessed with their vision of individual "happiness" that i wouldn't be surprised if they attemped to normalize other forms of degeneracy, like zoophilia, or pedophilia."

homosexuality is legal, well, in most developed countries anyway. pedaphelia or "zoophilia" as you call it, is not. i'd say this makes all that pretty silly.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
5 Sep 2013 /  #206
The average person would then seem to have invested very little thought into what the word "unnatural" means i.e. the only thing which is unnatural in our reality is nothing as that seems to be the only thing that doesn't exist. If it can exist, then, like it or not, it is natural.

The problem with the natural argument is that the revulsion people feel instinctively for homosexuals is also natural. Of course, try to argue with a liberal that homophopbia is just something one is born with. Lulz are bound to ensue.

Desirable and undesirable, normal and abnormal, those seem to be the terms you are trying to communicate.

Natural != proper. But improper != unnatural. What this means is that homosexuality is a deviation of a divine principle, but its existence is divinely mandated as well, in the sense that all possibilities are inherent in manifestation, including deviations and degeneration, in that manifestation, being other then God, cannot be perfect. Yet, manifestation comes from God, and is thus an extension of his nature, however corrupted this nature might become as manifestation grows distant from the source.

Homosexuality, as a deviation of a transcendental principle, falls right out of process of "consecrating" our fallen nature. To most people this may not mean much, including some of the most materially oriented Christians, who see nothing transcendental about life. But if you happen to be an individual with an instinct for transcendental values, and always made an effort to elevate things to an higher level, this business of certain individuals being "cursed" with a deviation which makes them unable to participate in any form of love and sexual union beyond its most vile and animalistic aspect, it is a very grave predicament to contemplate.

It would be easy to dismiss homosexuals as simply being evil, but that's obviously not the case which makes the problem very complicated.
Barney  19 | 1768  
5 Sep 2013 /  #207
in that manifestation, being other then God, cannot be perfect. Yet, manifestation comes from God, and is thus an extension of his nature, however corrupted this nature might become as manifestation grows distant from the source.

If pure genius exists how can the above be true?
dr toilet  
5 Sep 2013 /  #208
kondzior: in that manifestation, being other then God, cannot be perfect. Yet, manifestation comes from God, and is thus an extension of his nature, however corrupted this nature might become as manifestation grows distant from the source.
If pure genius exists how can the above be true?

And if gods so good how come hes dead
5 Sep 2013 /  #209

So "God" (if that is his real name) made so many animals gay for lulz
I wont say anymore as kondzior will never change the blinkered bigoted views pumped into him by his childhood priest
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
5 Sep 2013 /  #210
The problem with the natural argument is that the revulsion people feel instinctively for homosexuals is also natural.

You don't seem to understand. There is no problem with the "natural argument," at least not one that you've suggested. If some people feel revulsion (I do) at the thought of homosexual activity then that's natural and if someone feels nothing then that is natural and if someone likes the idea then that too is natural.

Natural != proper. But improper != unnatural.

That is incorrect. Proper and improper are subjective, therefore both are natural. Anything you've written arguing against that is false reasoning. You continue to confuse your opinion with fact. You have presented no facts to support your religious beliefs as being the morality by which one should observe the natural world and all phenomena which occur in existence. Until you do so, all that is merely your opinion and nothing else. Please learn to discern the difference between divine and distorted. Good luck.

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