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Slogans and designs on Polish T-shirts also represent culture of Poland

pawian  226 | 27364  
1 Jun 2019 /  #1
Hey, guys, why don`t you get yourselves a Polish T-shirt with a politically incorrect slogan and design? Or a patriotic one for a change? Or just a funny one? I see my students wear them to school and some are very intriguing.

Which one do you prefer?

  • Early to bed, early to rise, so you walk the dog.

  • I am going to be a priest just like my father

  • Polish 303 Squadron during the Battle of Britain
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jun 2019 /  #2
Or a patriotic one for a change?

I mean, it's a good way to tell everyone that you're not quite normal and should be avoided.

Wear the Kotwica on your arse and show everyone how patriotic you are!

(I really wish they would actually enforce the law on this, putting national symbols on all sorts of junk is disgusting)
2 Jun 2019 /  #3
Are such T-shirts allowed at public schools? If so, Poland is not so politically correct (which is a good thing as long as there's no discrimination on either part ;)
antheads  13 | 340  
2 Jun 2019 /  #4
would this be allowed in your school? :)

  • sl300.jpg
Ironside  50 | 12928  
2 Jun 2019 /  #5
students wear them to school

They should wear nit uniforms.

putting national symbols on all sorts of junk is disgusting)

Nah, you are crooked.
antheads  13 | 340  
2 Jun 2019 /  #6
They should wear nit uniforms.

No. School uniforms are an anglo saxon pathology. students should have individual freedom. Of course problems will arise between socioeconomic classes. rich girls wearing stuff etc, but that is the price we have to pay.
gumishu  15 | 6228  
2 Jun 2019 /  #7
I can relate to the first one ;)
Ironside  50 | 12928  
2 Jun 2019 /  #8
No. School uniforms are an anglo saxon pathology.

Nonsense, it is 19th century innovations. Freedom to do what? They are minors,dumb kids they don't know about freedom. Since gov dabble into education should socialize kids as much as possible. Schools in 19th century were doing a better job, uniforms came as package and look nit what cannot be said about kids wear.
antheads  13 | 340  
2 Jun 2019 /  #9
Nonsense, it is 19th century innovations.

We live in the 21st century.

Since gov dabble into education should socialize kids as much as possible.

All the more reason to give young adults (and future voters) as much individual choice as possible
Ironside  50 | 12928  
2 Jun 2019 /  #10
We live in the 21st century.

So? It is only a date, human nature is the same.

as much individual choice as possible

What choice? Stay at home F whatever moves and do drugs counting on parents to foot the bill? Those who wouldn't are those schooled by parents from the young age or some freaks of nature.

Kids are stupid and have no point of reference and teens are just suicidal due to hormones,

School took the role of community, tribe, society and partly parents. In the past children were accultured by their large family, aunties, uncles and so on, they learned from them their respective roles and were pushed as teens into a role of a wife and mother or a husband and fathers.

They were never left alone to contemplate their bellybutton nothing good coms from it.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
2 Jun 2019 /  #11
I mean, it's a good way to tell everyone that you're not quite normal and should be avoided.

First, I laughed a lot but on second thoughts. that is a very radical view. :):):)

Are such T-shirts allowed at public schools? If so, Poland is not so politically correct

Each school has its own regulations. I suppose that most schools allow anything on condition it doesn`t break the law, so certain T-shirts would be forbidden, e.g, the one propagating drugs or violence or immoral behaviour etc.

They should wear nit uniforms.

My kids who went or still go to private Catholic schools have to wear uniforms. But most state schools don`t require them.

Schools in 19th century were doing a better job, uniforms came as package and look nit

That`s a really funny view. Following this reasoning, are you going to drive to work by a horse carriage, as it was immensely exploited in the 19th century.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
4 Jun 2019 /  #12
would this be allowed in your school? :)

Could we have a request - when you post a pic of a Polish T-shirt, can you also translate the slogan? It`s an English speaking forum and not all members and users know Polish. .

There are hundreds designs with winged riders motifs:

  • images644x461.jpg

  • pol_pm_Koszulkapatr.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
10 Jul 2019 /  #13
A quote from a popular comedy, I sometimes hear people say it: I don`t know, I have no idea, I am not familiar with it - I am loaded with work! Or: Loaded with work I am. :)

  • niewiemnieznamsi.jpg
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Jul 2019 /  #14
I like the last one the most. Is that from teespring by any chance? My mc sells shirts on there
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
11 Jul 2019 /  #15
Sorry, I have no idea who designs and sells those t-shirts. I am only interested in slogans.

How about this one?

Nasty, but still a lady.

  • koszulka_damska_bial.jpg
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
12 Jul 2019 /  #16
Wredna doesn't mean nasty, it means more like two faced, conniving, etc.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
12 Jul 2019 /  #17
Yes, it does mean nasty. :):) But your meaning is also possible.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
12 Jul 2019 /  #18
I see that apart from dealing with culture in slogans. we are also playing with translations here Good. Correct me whenever I am wrong. :)

I dig on inked chicks.

  • z16099106QKoszulka.jpg
Lenka  5 | 3526  
12 Jul 2019 /  #19
In this slogan I would deffinately use mean. To be fair I would rathet use mean as translation
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
12 Jul 2019 /  #20
Yes, mean is also possible, just like nasty. Google nasty- wredny. :)

PS. Yes, we can provide all possible synonyms, but let`s not forget this thread`s primary aim is to show culture/attitudes through humourous or serious slogans and designs on T-shirts.

This one shouldn`t raise any doubts about translation: :):)


  • koszulkapolskabial.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
22 Jul 2019 /  #21
Who will save the world if not me? It seems a charity T-Shirt.

  • bus21030x685.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
12 Aug 2019 /  #22
Warsaw Rising motives are quite frequent on T-shirts or sweatshirts. I see them everyday in my school.

  • koszulkapatriotyczn.jpg

  • gyAktkqTURBXy9iNzhmZ.jpg


  • koszulkapowstaniew.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
26 Aug 2019 /  #23
Political slogans.

Direct support for PiS is rare. I found only two designs.


  • 4350484_item_1.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
19 Oct 2019 /  #24
2 or 3 years ago, when PiS started to break constitutional law, a clever copywriter invented this succinct slogan - Constitution with 2 highlighted words: you and me inside. That was to remind PiS about certain democratic principles.

Here, Lech Wałęsa loves to wear that garb.

  • 6c6ac1c4c4b344b9a.jpg
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
27 Oct 2019 /  #25
Poznań is considered one of the most liberal cities in Poland.

The slogan - The Free City of Poznań - also bears historic connotations.

  • DKUda_aWkAM9kYB.jpg

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