Especially Germans do it..and can anyone tell me why?
Why many funny stories about Polish People in Europe?
Stereotypes i guess...
Especially Germans do it
In Spain the best upper sets do it.
Lithuanians and Letts do it...
Let's do it, let's tell funny stories about the Poles.
So here goes:
A man walks into a bar...
"Ouch!" he says.
Well, a bar can be similar to a poles. Both of them tend to be full of drinks.
Stereotypes i guess...
Or inferiority complex.
Maybe I can refer you to
Or inferiority complex.
You should know.
leave Grzegorz alone troll
21 May 2008 / #8
Especially Germans do it.. and can anyone tell me why?
I wouldn't know, maybe you should ask Bratwurst?
In Holland, we have our jokes about Belgians and Germans, but I don't know of any jokes about the Polish? Atleast, not yet..
leave Grzegorz alone troll
I'll say it again.
Stop stalking me. I thought blocking your abusive private messages would be enough! Obviously not.
I'll happily agree never to respond to one of your posts (no matter how retarded or rascist) if you agree to do likewise. Deal?
I don't think that many other European nations know that much about funny things that Poles allegedly do. Certainly b4 I came to Poland, I had never heard of many things 'Polish' and I think the same rings true for many fellow Brits. It was only in 2004 and after that the Poles started to come to Britain in numbers and thus raise awareness. I'd be willing to bet that other countries don't know that much about the Poles either. What funny stories for example?
What funny stories for example?
For example one gay ate the other one... no wait that's Germanic and not funny...
Exactly, there are a few jokes, as exist for many nations, but funny stories? Every nation has some funny stories, how come I don't know any about Poland? This is after 3.5 years of being in Poland
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
22 May 2008 / #13
Especially Germans do it
Garnichwahr? What does that mean?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
22 May 2008 / #15
That means: Detstimmtjagarnich!
Eager to do sth?
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
22 May 2008 / #17
Bratwurst Boy, sup? You still manage to post all day?
Yeah, sth, it doesn't mean south
re: Why many funny stories about Polish People in Europe?
- And why are you so curious about that? Because your ridiculing the Poles helps you lift up your crappy self-esteem, eh? Many mediocrities act like that, puffing themselves up with hubris at somebody's expense.
And what is your nationality, eh?
I can see nothing has changed in this forum; it remains a dump infested with Polonophobic racists and mediocrities who mob up against the Poles and attempt to strenghten their bruised sense of self-worth by bashing the Poles. I bet every one of you, racists, is a wretched coward, scared of physical pain and attacking us only because it is safe to do so over the computer. How about meeting me, Puzzler, in person, and showing what a strong guy you are? Would you dare, racist scum?
- And why are you so curious about that? Because your ridiculing the Poles helps you lift up your crappy self-esteem, eh? Many mediocrities act like that, puffing themselves up with hubris at somebody's expense.
And what is your nationality, eh?
I can see nothing has changed in this forum; it remains a dump infested with Polonophobic racists and mediocrities who mob up against the Poles and attempt to strenghten their bruised sense of self-worth by bashing the Poles. I bet every one of you, racists, is a wretched coward, scared of physical pain and attacking us only because it is safe to do so over the computer. How about meeting me, Puzzler, in person, and showing what a strong guy you are? Would you dare, racist scum?
I can see nothing has changed in this forum
Except for your name, Puzzy. If I go away for a while, should I come back as Oshy?
If I go away for a while, should I come back as Oshy?
- No, don't do that; you've got one of the sweetest nicks ever.
All the best, mate. Nice to bray to you again.
ConstantineK 26 | 1298
29 May 2008 / #23
I bet every one of you, racists, is a wretched coward, scared of physical pain and attacking us only because it is safe to do so over the computer. How about meeting me, Puzzler, in person, and showing what a strong guy you are? Would you dare, racist scum?
I don't like pain, but welcome to Moscow.
I can see nothing has changed in this forum
And your still an ever so slightly insane paranoic........still,fairly amusing on a slow day but,as ever,not doing the cause much good with your whinnging a bleating and moaning like a little girl who has dropped her icecream on the beach.....
I don't like pain, but welcome to Moscow.
- I am visiting Moscow soon. I am not fond of Russia as a state, but I start liking the Russians. As for my being allegedly such a pain, the proof contradicting this assertion may be for a Russian the fact that I frequently like to be feelin' no pain. By the way, I don't mind at all the Russians visiting Poland - I have travelled with some of them a few times and I can say only the best things about them. Nice, quiet, humble, warm-hearted folks, and excellent drinkers.
And your still an ever so slightly insane paranoic........ isty
- I'm afraid you've got no evidence of my alleged paranoia, but your post is certainly evidence of your being insulting and slanderous towards me once again.
As well as of your having a poor command of the tongue that is prevalent in this forum.
Sling on $hit, pal.
Why are anti-Polish jokes so short?
So the idiots who tell them can remember them!
So the idiots who tell them can remember them!
30 May 2008 / #27
Q. Why are there so many trees in krakow ?
A. So the germans can march in the shade.
A. So the germans can march in the shade.
What Germans ? I'd rather say 'To give some support for British drunks when they puke'.
An example of a joke where the name Krakow could easily be replaced with the name of any other city that has at some point in the last 150 years, been invaded by Germany. Paris, anyone?
30 May 2008 / #30
You couldnt say that about any british city, we fought like lions in the 2nd world war.
An example of a joke where the name Krakow could easily be replaced with the name of any other city that has at some point in the last 150 years, been invaded by Germany. Paris, anyone?
You couldnt say that about any british city, we fought like lions in the 2nd world war.