speaking of EU,.... i think that like the UN, it's an organization which has become (probably always was) infested with an extremist left-wing ideology which seeks an utopian world with no nations (especially not Slavic), no `religion` (except Islam eventually), disagreements or points of difference (even if it means violation of international law and treaties). So EU is a delusional idea of a world of `peace and harmony`, while actually speaking of EU we speak about non-democratic conglomerate, some kind of Corporate Republic.
This, from someone commenting on Richard Dawkins book The God Delusion:
"I hope that we'll have some day a planet-wide, religion-free, peace-and-love Utopia: so does the good doctor Dawkins and so did the late John Lennon."sums it up- it seems to be a very widespread idea, and they're the sorts of maniacs who are destroying countries in the name of their philosophy.
And here's a song by John Lennon, which sums it up even better:
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Clearly a Communistic or Socialist utopia but, what is especially mind blowing, presently with Nazi and Sharia law admixture
Yes. Yes, i sow how EU destroying worlds. i am witness of my time