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I'm from Polish descent. CAN YOU GUYS EXPLAIN THE EU TO ME?

Crow  154 | 9463  
26 Apr 2010 /  #91
Hitler would have loved EU


Nazi agenda in the E.U exposed

Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Apr 2010 /  #92
Well, Hitler just wanted to unite Europe in a different way ;)
Crow  154 | 9463  
26 Apr 2010 /  #93
Hitler weakened Slavs, he prepared ground for today`s EU
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Apr 2010 /  #94
Quite probably, Crow. However, he targetted Jews FAAAAR more.
Drac90  1 | 74  
26 Apr 2010 /  #95
yes and because of that Jews are now targeting our money :D
Crow  154 | 9463  
26 Apr 2010 /  #96
However, he targetted Jews FAAAAR more.

its questionable when you put it in global prospective

European Jews (Jewish magnates) always inclined to western Europe, rather then to Slavs. Actually they were quite anti-Slavic and together with magnates from western parts of Europe played significant role during era of slavery, in time of hunt on Slavs

If we understand that and if we know that Hitler in fact defended interests of western European magnates, we can imagine that there is possibility that in some `grandiose` plan, western Europe had mission for Jews. That is creation of Jewish state on Near East. With Israel- Jewish state on Near East, western Europe actually acquired that region in very sophisticate way. We are especially ready to believe so if we understand traditional western European tendency to combine with North Africa and Near East, since Roman times.

Quite probably, Crow.

more then probably

Does any of this explain the EU ?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
26 Apr 2010 /  #97

Sure: Bureaucrats, tax collectors, ne'er-do-wells, lawyers on the payroll of the bankers and corporations.
Crow  154 | 9463  
26 Apr 2010 /  #98

yes. We speak of ruling class of EU, we speak of people that really hate all what is Slavic

EU has its fundamentals in interests of western Europe which are historically anti-Slavic
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
26 Apr 2010 /  #99
yes. We speak of ruling class of EU, we speak of people that really hate all what is Slavic

Of course: To them Slavs are like dogs salivating, waiting by the table for their scraps.
richasis  1 | 409  
26 Apr 2010 /  #100
Israeli President: We are buying up Manhattan, Hungary, Romania and Poland

On the 10th of October, 2007, at Hotel Hilton in Tel-Aviv, Israeli President Shimon Peres stated the following: "We are buying up Manhattan, Hungary, Romania and Poland."

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
26 Apr 2010 /  #101
Israeli President: We are buying up Manhattan, Hungary, Romania and Poland

There was a whole thread on this in 2008...I would like to know what they own in Poland, what they have 'bought up'.
guzzler  1 | 88  
26 Apr 2010 /  #102
Crow the EU is a rich man's club run and controlled by the wealthiest family in the world. The second wealthiest family in conjunction with the first run America. The first is Zionist the second is Baptist. Israel is the weapon platform for the wealthiest family in the world, who are responsible for the existence of Zionist Israel. And where do you think Israel conjured up this wealth to buy Poland, Hungry, and Manhattan, from selling oranges?.... The only people that ever made them feel insecure was Hitler, and Napoleon not because of their intentions towards the Jews. More because of their economic policies.
richasis  1 | 409  
26 Apr 2010 /  #103
There was a whole thread on this in 2008

I didn't know that - this being an old clip, I was sure to show its date. :)

I would like to know what they own in Poland, what they have 'bought up'.

EDIT: This is not today's article. This story is dated 10/01/2008

Israeli Investors, Businesses are Flocking to Poland

"Real estate developers investing in residential and office buildings, shopping malls, medical centers, hospitals, cinemas, food and beverage."

"Reports of Israeli investments in Poland indicate that there is an ever-growing Israeli presence in Polish real estate and hi-tech. But no one really knows the true extent of Israeli investments in Poland, because a number of Israeli companies are registered or merged under different names in other countries..."

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
26 Apr 2010 /  #104
All good points...However, Hazari target Russia also, because of tremendous wealth there, and because they once controlled a big part of it (Khazaria).

"Reports of Israeli investments in Poland indicate that there is an ever-growing Israeli presence in Polish real estate and hi-tech.."

Bad news for Poland...And quite correct: no one knows how much they have because of their 'stealthy' nature, at least when they are first 'buying up'...When they have 'bought up' then you get a situation like in the US, where they get bold.

Boy, we are getting some good posts here.

Does any of this explain the EU ?

Do you like Jazz or any music where the musicians can improvise?
richasis  1 | 409  
26 Apr 2010 /  #105
When they have 'bought up' then you get a situation like in the US, where they get bold.

Ah, yes... and therein lies the problem. True, the US is a prime example of this.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
26 Apr 2010 /  #106
What would you guys do without the Jews...ROFL!
Crow  154 | 9463  
26 Apr 2010 /  #107
the EU is a rich man's club

forget about it

If EU continue to force its aggressive policy it would generate such a war that nothing won`t remain, nor from rich man's club, nor from EU. In a blink of an eye, /for example/ once safe British islands would prove to be worse place for living and some other places as most attractive peaces of land with great perspective

All good points

i know

Hitler, and Napoleon

Hitler and Napoleon were both on the same job, looking from the wide historical perspective. They both were true anti-Slavs. They both were true sons of western Europe
richasis  1 | 409  
26 Apr 2010 /  #108
What would you guys do without the Jews...ROFL!

Well, then, there would always be the Nazis :)
Crow  154 | 9463  
26 Apr 2010 /  #109
What would you guys do without the Jews...ROFL!

EU isn`t story exclusively about Jews

EU is story of combined German, Jewish, French, Arabian, USA, Turkish and British interests. They are all united when it comes the moment to deal with Slavs. Currently, they dram of Russian resources, Serbia is served and Poland is on menu.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
26 Apr 2010 /  #110
What would you guys do without the Jews...ROFL!

True, Bratwurst; they would lose their raison d'être on this forum. What kind of difference does it make if Jews buy up Polish stuff, American stuff or Farawayistan stuff? I don't get paid a penny less or more if they do. Nobody else on this forum does as well. So, what does it matter? Nothing at all. Just jealousy.


M-G (tiens)
richasis  1 | 409  
26 Apr 2010 /  #111
EU is story of combined German, Jewish, French, Arabian, USA, Turkish and British interests

True, but how many influential people from 'the Tribe' exist within these nations?
Crow  154 | 9463  
28 Apr 2010 /  #112
speaking of EU,.... i think that like the UN, it's an organization which has become (probably always was) infested with an extremist left-wing ideology which seeks an utopian world with no nations (especially not Slavic), no `religion` (except Islam eventually), disagreements or points of difference (even if it means violation of international law and treaties). So EU is a delusional idea of a world of `peace and harmony`, while actually speaking of EU we speak about non-democratic conglomerate, some kind of Corporate Republic.

This, from someone commenting on Richard Dawkins book The God Delusion:

"I hope that we'll have some day a planet-wide, religion-free, peace-and-love Utopia: so does the good doctor Dawkins and so did the late John Lennon."

sums it up- it seems to be a very widespread idea, and they're the sorts of maniacs who are destroying countries in the name of their philosophy.

And here's a song by John Lennon, which sums it up even better:

Imagine all the people
Living for today

Clearly a Communistic or Socialist utopia but, what is especially mind blowing, presently with Nazi and Sharia law admixture

Yes. Yes, i sow how EU destroying worlds. i am witness of my time
pawian  224 | 27191  
1 Oct 2019 /  #113
here's a song by John Lennon, which sums it up even better

Yes, indeed, it is about the EU.
Miloslaw  20 | 5107  
1 Oct 2019 /  #114
. I also hear EU skeptics predicting the collapse of the EU.Is it more beneficial to be in it or not?

The EU will collapse eventually,
Countries are better off out than in if they have any economic clout.
Luxembourg is better off in.
Britain is better off out.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
2 Oct 2019 /  #115
Britain is better off out.

Try to get a good deal (or a deal at all) with the US when you are on your own. Britain will find out the hard way very soon. Good luck! You'll need it.

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