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What do decent Poles think about true rightists ?

Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
10 Mar 2019 /  #61
You seem pretty oblivious to the right side of politics wish to resurrect aspects of the second Polish Republic. So I can only understand your post either inflammatory or downright something that ancient Greeks called people that have no understanding of politics
Shitonya Brits  
10 Mar 2019 /  #62
@Ms Griswold

I'm not oblivious at all. I know exactly where you are coming from.

You are just showing that you are part of that older generation which young people today reject because of your rank greed and hypocrisy.

And since you admit you are a capitalist and open to immigration then unbridled market forces should determine your fate as well.

As you know old people are living much longer than many pension and health care programs ever planned for. The costs are unsustainable.

Your solution is that Poland and Western nations should keep importing migrants to ensure you can continue to live a comfortable existence until the grim reaper finally comes knocking on your door.

The better solution would be to ship you lot off to low cost third world countries instead.

Many are Catholic and the weather is much nicer year round.

The migrants who would be looking after you in the West can do so instead in their own home countries. The West can still pay for your upkeep there but savings will be achieved by the huge downward adjustment in your new cost of living.

As you know, all migrants are highly skilled, over qualified teachers, doctors, lawyers and IT specialists who do no harm. So the care they give you will be first class!

Since according to you and the OP we are all the same at the end of the day. And since the world is a open market place for you then naturally you won't mind being exported to spend your sunset years somewhere south of the Equator.
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
10 Mar 2019 /  #63
Immigration is really just a code word for "cheap labor", as I've posted before:-)
As soon as native Europeans are willing once again to do those jobs which low-wage, non-white
Third Worlders are doing, you will see a miraculous drop in immigration!

Cut off the need at the supply vs. demand level. Problem solved.
Shitonya Brits  
10 Mar 2019 /  #64
Native Europeans used to do low wage work for centuries. It was called serfdom.

The immigrants today may be willing to do low wage work in the West but only because it is significantly higher than that in their home countries. This is why many countries around the world rely on the billions in remittances sent back each year from their diaspora.

Immigrants however do not want to do low wage work their entire lives in the West. Not with the high cost of living which they must bear alongside the native populations who naturally expect a higher salary for their work.

Indeed, despite the aging cosmopolitan diversity merchants cheering about the great selection of restaurants migrants bring to the West, there is not a single one of these migrants slaving away in kitchens and bussing tables who want that for a career. Not when they see their Western customers arriving in expensive cars and wearing designer clothing and jewelry which they want too but could never afford.

This is the schizophrenic duplicity of the Left. They scream for open borders for the sake of diversity and then decry capitalism for keeping migrants poor.

Since all governments pass regulations and tax businesses and wages anyway, then rather than subsidising low wage migrants to further enrich businesses, they can make adjustments accordingly to ensure that native populations can do any job and still afford to live and raise a family in their respective European countries.

This is how to solve the problem.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
10 Mar 2019 /  #65
...you will see a miraculous drop in immigration!

Third world immigration to Europe is not fueled by the demand for cheap labor. It's wars and the difference between the extreme poverty in their countries of origin and the perceived wealth in Europe that draws people to the continent. Jobs for farm hands and unskilled factory workers for example are on a rapid decline in the western world. Automation will kill most of these positions within the next 10 to 15 years.
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
10 Mar 2019 /  #66
By wars, you're referring to "wars of attrition" no doubt. Automation marginalizes the need in capitalist countries such as the US, Canada and the UK for a skilled

workforce. Then, the Reagan Era (which didn't happen over night either!), the slow death of hundreds of thousands of jobs in a Darwinist drive to eliminate certain people from society as part of a major eugenics plot, removing descent, affordable medical care, housing, the usual basic issues, in short, the systematic dismantling of the New Deal.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
10 Mar 2019 /  #67
The new deal principles don't work in a society where over a third of able bodied people don't participate in the labor force on top of all the tens of millions of low iq people at low wage jobs that are subsided by the government since their income is too low to pay taxes. During fdrs time there were 40+ people working for every 1 retiree, now there's less than 4 to 1. After taking out the McDonald's workers, landscapers, etc and others who don't pay taxes and only people making a good income and thereby paying a lot in taxes I'd be surprised if we're at even 2 to 1, 1 to 1
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
10 Mar 2019 /  #68
Then we simply must retrofit it so that it does work, period! Where's the talking point here, Dirk?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
10 Mar 2019 /  #69
Like I said, get rid of all the people who aren't contributing. IDC how just get them out, make them leave, turn them into animal feed, I really don't care. And stop importing more low iq mud people!

Unless you have a better idea that would actually make a difference....

Either that or reward the ones that are actually contributing and give those that aren't a vegatative existence untill they start contributing. That's how our society works now, except the rewards for those who contribute are becoming less and less to the point where it's not better for a person making 40k a year to just go on disability or some other benefits and work a cash job to supplement
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
10 Mar 2019 /  #70
@Ms Griswold

I am amazed you don`t realise such basic things. Changing the poster`s name from Mr Grunwald to Ms Griswold immediately makes your whole opinion/utterance sound untrustworthy. Doing so, you lose a lot of argumentative power. In result, you are wasting time because nobody will take you seriously. It`s pure psychology.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
10 Mar 2019 /  #71
Europe is a diverse continent, in which Christian, Muslim, Jewish and secular traditions have been present for centuries. Including Poland.
Shitonya Brits  
10 Mar 2019 /  #72
"Diverse Europe" has had conflict and been at war every century from the present and all the way back to c. 5000 BCE:


Most of these were due exactly because of the very reasons you are celebrating with faux virtue signalling.

Go leave your high school Ivory Tower sometime and talk to real people in real life.

Europe is very, very restless again.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
10 Mar 2019 /  #73
Including Poland.

Not anymore. And that's how the majority of modern polish citizens like it.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
10 Mar 2019 /  #74
Diverse Europe" has had conflict and been at war every century from the present and all the way back to c. 5000 BCE:

Yes, true, but thanks to the EU, the conflicts have taken a civilised shape.

And don`t expect there will be no conflicts at all - such a situation is called Utopia or Paradise.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2138  
10 Mar 2019 /  #75
@Dirk digger
Poland is more diverse then you think, just not in the A4 blueprint you imagine it.
You honestly think Poles today only have ancestry of West Slavic tribes? That there aren't dozens of different local customs throughout Poland?

Indeed EU is keeping the peace, but aren't you even a bit worried about who is controlling steering wheel? If an undemocratic elite of no background drive themselves by an ideology that tried to destroy Poland. I very much hope they are kept on their toes.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Mar 2019 /  #76
Indeed EU is keeping the peace, but aren't you even a bit worried about who is controlling steering wheel?

I'm more concerned that no-one is.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
10 Mar 2019 /  #77
If an undemocratic elite of no background drive themselves by an ideology that tried to destroy Poland.

Sorry, the only ideology that ever tried to destroy Poland was German fascism. Marxism/Soviet communism was harmful to Polish interests but it didn`t plan her destruction. Soviet-controlled Poland was a valuable asset in the communist block.
mafketis  38 | 11283  
11 Mar 2019 /  #78
I'm more concerned that no-one is.

Well that's the problem with bloated institutions.... they become too slow and ponderous to actually do much good and they react to problems by.... becoming slower and more bloated. Essentially every new initiative of the EU will (by design or not) make it slower and more ponderous and less in control...
Spike31  3 | 1485  
11 Mar 2019 /  #79
What do decent Poles think about true rightists?

Decent Poles are true rightists and true rightists are decent Poles.

I've got a better question for you, @pawian: does spam-posting insinuations instead of real questions brings any quality to a discussion table? Or maybe your feeble mind was captivated by a Karl Marx's notion that "quantity is transformed into quality"? :-)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
11 Mar 2019 /  #80
This was said by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) or maybe by some ancient Greek philospher earlier on, anyway the notion was thouroughly elaborated by Hegel.

Decent Poles are true rightists and true rightists are decent Poles.

This is as true as an opinion that every Pole is a Catholic.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Mar 2019 /  #81
That there aren't dozens of different local customs throughout Poland?

Of course there are. But all those people are polish save for maybe the kashubs and silesians who are more German. Nonetheless, modern Poland is not some multicultural society the way the us, UK, Germany, France, etc are. And quite frankly that's how the majority of poles like it. According to a cbos poll half of poles don't even like ukrainians. With Muslims and Arabs it's 3/4.
11 Mar 2019 /  #82
They do not like anybody except themselves and trust me no one in the west including Germans likes them either. Those Polish bums all over berlin are much worse than any Ukrainians in Poland. They dont want to associate with their own rejects but hate the more successful ukrainians? what a joke of a people they are.

I bet you that if they do a Pole in Germany they would say the same thing as they think of Ukrainians themselves.

There is this Ania Spysz for instance who wrote this little book called being Polish I read in prison. I reached out to her on social media and realized what happens to Poles who make it in the west: they become smug toward their countrymen and think they're bit **** all of a sudden. She all of a sudden claims to be this super hacker or coder wearing a hoodie and thinking shes the **** because some company called Stackery hired her after what she told me at least she took a 3 month boot camp course in coding. Do you guys really think you can just transition ir switch careers from a writer or the creative fields into it with one course especially?

Just my opinion at least not to throw her under the bus just the vibe I got and questions I have. Either way she acted smug when she stopped responding to me on linked In just because I told her my story or Ive done time. Like she doesnt know about our opinion in the west and how many Pollacks end up doing time when hitting the west anyway. She thinks shes this big coder hacker now. what a joke. At least her bookw as good thiugh.

A genius or the next steve jobs? after one online course or boot camp now shes a full time developer eh?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Mar 2019 /  #83
Do you huys really think you can just transition ir switch careers from a writer or the creative fields into it with one course especially

Yes, there's a company in wroclaw that does I believe a 6 month intensive programming and coding course and upon successful completion they'll offer you a 10k z a month job.

If you start telling a girl that doesn't know you at all about how you've done time and how bad it was she's obviously going to be uncomfortable.
11 Mar 2019 /  #84
Still. Even if say you are right. That is still six months and ntense probably every day from morning to night program right? Either way, how do you know people graduating it get 10k a month salaries or what percentage or them even get jobs?

What about graphic designer. How long do I need to start making any sort of real dough off that and where do I sign up?
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
11 Mar 2019 /  #85

You don't "get rid of" people for no reason! That's not Christian, it's not human! G-d is the measure of all things, and never forget it!!

The downfall of many a man has been their unbridled, unrepentant hybns:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
11 Mar 2019 /  #86
Either way, how do you know people graduating it get 10k a month salaries or what percentage or them even get jobs?

Because one of my friends in poland took the course and now works there. Everyone who successfully completed the course passes. Also I'm talking about 10k zl a month, not USD.

That is still six months and ntense probably every day from morning to night program right?

Probably. Nothing is free. Surgeons spend 12 years in school that's why they make 300 400k USD a year.

What about graphic designer.

IDK about graphic designers. There is an over abundance of them at the moment and they don't make very much especially compared to developers, coders, etc. Even in the us when employed full time they only make 20 an hour and the freelance ones are constantly under bidding each other just to get work.

Well you want new deal policies to work right? That's what your arguing about. Unless the labor participation rate increases it's simply impossible.
OP pawian  226 | 27817  
11 Mar 2019 /  #87
But all those people are polish save for maybe the kashubs and silesians who are more German

Now it really sounds like Kremlin puppet trolling. Did they tell you to stir ferment in the Polish society at any cost? Rich Mazur was more decent. :):)
Lyzko  44 | 9731  
11 Mar 2019 /  #88
We're talking then about re-education, pawian.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
11 Mar 2019 /  #89
This is as true as an opinion that every Pole is a Catholic.

Not every Pole yet - according to statistics - more than 90%, to a greater or lesser degree, is.

This was said by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Sure, it was Hegel and marxism was based on Hegelian dialectics. I used Marx as a point of reference because he is more "popular" and recognised by a society, thanks to his infamous works, than Hegel. So let's not be snobs here and use a simpler references whenever it is available :-)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
11 Mar 2019 /  #90
Not every Pole yet - according to statistics - more than 90%, to a greater or lesser degree, is.

Those statistics are worthless. Even the Catholic Church's own statistics show less than 40% bother to attend mass, and that's on a day that's announced well in advance.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / What do decent Poles think about true rightists ?Archived