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ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Mar 2010 /  #271
What's the difference between the destruction of Warsaw and a Polack? The first one was clever.

Well then, I have one for you too TheOther.

What did the little German boy get for his birthday?
Easy bake oven and a G.I Jew.

Funny? Or

What's the difference between a jew and a vampire?
One is a blood sucking vampire, and the other has wings.

Why combat them? Why not have a laugh and laugh them off?

Watch for reaction to these.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Mar 2010 /  #272
They are pretty distasteful, SHT. Why joke in that way about Jews, or anyone else for that matter? I would ask you to try and imagine the torment and sheer hell that Jews went through before being brutally killed. I've been to Auschwitz and I can imagine, albeit in small part, their harrowing ordeal.

Did they deserve that? NO!!
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
13 Mar 2010 /  #273
After all he is wrong only about 75 percent of the time.

75%? Zimmy - you must be a Nazi! LOL

On a more serious note - MW you see everything in black or white but there are many view points on pretty much every subject. I was born in Wrocław, Poland but feel the treatment the German population of Breslau after the war was very unfair. Does that make me a peo-German Nazi? I simply think that often the truth is somewhere in between. Also, it's perfectly ok to agree to disagree.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Mar 2010 /  #274
Yet that’s exactly what the Jews in US do by spreading the Polak Jokes. Funny how one is considered distasteful and the other just a joke. Imagine that.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
13 Mar 2010 /  #275
ShortHairThug, you missed my point completely. 'Jokes' about concentration camps, war crimes, Jews (referring to Nazi stuff here) and so on are as much off-limit to me as 'jokes' about the bombing of Dresden or Hiroshima. There are certain things in life one doesn't joke about. If you don't understand that, well ... then there is no point to discuss this any further.

A harmless joke about the humourless Germans, the stupid Poles, the tight-fisted Scots is nothing compared to the above.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Mar 2010 /  #276
I'm not a Pole so I can't be overly touchy. Still, I defend that which is unjust. If those Jews rub it in and try to stick it to Poles, then they are asking for retaliation.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Mar 2010 /  #277
A harmless joke about the humourless Germans, the stupid Poles, the tight-fisted Scots is nothing compared to the above.

Perhaps you haven’t come in contact with a Yankee version of Polak jokes, or perhaps you don’t want to admit to it now since you all think that they just should be ignored. Now I posted those to make a point and as an example illustrating that stereotype is nothing to laugh at, the more shock value the better to illustrate that point. In 21 century, and with supposedly well traveled and educated people there is no place for jokes like that be it about Jews or Poles or Scots period. Yet you are willing to laugh at one and condemn the other, Hypocrisy!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Mar 2010 /  #278
Scots must punch well with their tight fists ;) Well, I do anyway.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
13 Mar 2010 /  #279
Yet that’s exactly what the Jews in US do by spreading the Polak Jokes. Funny how one is considered distasteful and the other just a joke. Imagine that.

Stop perpetuating that nonsense.

Polak jokes are NOT as common as you think (unless you're hyper sensitive).

Those jokes started looong before WWII and had nothing to do with Jews. East Europeans (at the time most of them were from Polish areas) were the first group of immigrants to America who spoke no English whatsoever. Most immigrants of the past had some relatives in the US and picked up some English fairly quickly. Then a large group of Poles (and Ukrainians, Russians, etc.) came and often when looking for jobs they'd say "I'm Polak, no English". The locals soon started poking fun of them and thus the Polak joke was born. I read about it in Chicago many moons ago, I read it in a Polish local newspaper in a Polish restaurant that brought up the subject, a tiny "did you know? - comment that no one paid any attention to because it's such a non-issue. Hardly a "pro-Jewish establishment."

Of course, it probably makes you feel better to blame the Jews for it and for so many other things... In fact, I heard the reason the Polish grammar is so complicated is because the Jews messed it all up... Oh, and Panorama Racławicka in reality depicts Poles slaughtering the Jews... The Jews also faked the moon landing, the guards in concentration camps were all Jews and Hitler only pretended to hate them as in reality "Third Reich" when translated from German to Hebrew to Yiddish and finally to Aramaic and read backwards means "Third Masada."

Those pesky jewsky...

Your comments remind me of "conversations" (he yelled, we listened) we had with a neighbour of ours when I still lived in Sweden. He was a leader of a local VAM unit - Vitt Ariskt Motstånd (White Aryan Resistance). He talked but also looked like a short hair thug. Was that you Hans???
TheOther  6 | 3596  
13 Mar 2010 /  #280
Yet you are willing to laugh at one and condemn the other, Hypocrisy

There is a big difference between a 'joke' about something horrific like the Holocaust for example, and a joke about a snobbish Brit with bad teeth, don't you think? Why is it hypocritical in your eyes to make a distinction between something that is (IMHO) off-limits, and something rather harmless that is 'just' stereotypical?

Polak jokes are NOT as common as you think

I agree. Never heard a Polack joke here in the US. Well, at least on the west coast that is. Don't know about Chicago, though.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
13 Mar 2010 /  #281
This is why we can't have anything nice..........

I prefer to grow thicker skin and roll with it. Thin skinned people live miserable lives and suck the life out of everyone around them.

How I would love to give some of you "Irish sunglasses" and then take you to get drunk with me.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
13 Mar 2010 /  #282
Thin skinned people...

This has nothing to do with having a 'thin skin'. It's all about respecting certain boundaries, which is the basis of human interaction.

Let's have a few drinks now... ;)
papagarth  3 | 20  
13 Mar 2010 /  #283
a further note : Czeslaw Milosz made the simple note about Polish jokes : like the Irish and Italians ( and 'redneck's, i.e Rustics ) were uneducated peasants - The Germans were also 'funny sounding ' and had differnet cultures - but tended to be educated, Swedes and Norwegians hard working and in places like Wisconcin - far from the East coast - Chinese were so different, unfortunately, that they were more than just teased.

For the thin skinned, this is just an explaination - or, rather, a more complete one.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
13 Mar 2010 /  #284
Well today nobody in the TV media really pushes subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people anymore since they appear to have grown up, although it might pop up here and there like shots taken at other groups. It was more of a 60's and 70's thing which the Lefty TV networks pushed and then there was a residual of it in the decades to follow. But sad to say, although I don't know if you can say it was a "Jewish thing", there were many Jews (mostly leftists) that perpetuated it as in the case of NBC-TV boss George Schlatter and the producer of the CBS-TV show "All in the Family", Norman Lear, and many "entertainers" that were on Network TV like Joan Rivers, Don Rickles, Jackie Mason, Henny Youngman, Sid Caesar, Joey Adams, etc. Prominent "Joke books" against Polish people were by Jews like Larry Wilde (a Hollywood Lefty).

Usually when a subhuman intelligence joke about Polish people was uttered on national TV, the next day there were millions of people repeating that same "joke" to Poles they knew. Gee I wonder where they all got the joke from?? LOL

But having said that, there is good in bad in all groups of people and there are quite a few Jews who don't like Jokes against Polish people or against any group of people for that matter. Phil Mushnick of the New York Post spoke out in several of his columns against a Polish joke in a TV show. The "joke" was later removed from the show.

I forgot his name but the Rabbi who has a Catholic priest as one of his best friends, and call themselves "The God Squad" mentioned he thought Polish jokes and all ethnic jokes are bigoted and racist. His column was on Radio talk show host Laura Ingraham's website since Laura seems to like the rabbi.

I've heard Conservative Radio National Talk Show host Michael Savage on several occasions agree with his Polish callers that Polish "jokes" are hate-through-humor against Polish people. Actually it was Michael Savage WHO TOLD one of his Polish guests that jokes against Polish people CAME FROM THE NAZIS. As Savage said "The Nazi Germans felt the Poles being Slavic had less then human intelligence". These fair minded and knowledgeable Jews I give a lot of credit to.

So this just goes to show that you have good and bad Jews just like you have good and bad Polish people, etc.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
13 Mar 2010 /  #285
I think we've all been present at a party when someone has said something inappropriate for the setting or current emotional state of someone else who was present. Like so many things in life, its all about intent. If I think you are trying to insult me you get a warning, If you continue you get new glasses. Quite simple really. Most people are just trying to relate or bond in some fashion with you otherwise. Its really kind of situational. It can be risky to tell ethnic jokes at times but generally it helps break the ice and has always worked out for me. Kind of a shock therapy for the 800lb gorilla in the room sometimes.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Mar 2010 /  #286
Those jokes started looong before WWII and had nothing to do with Jews.

Perhaps you are correct, jews no longer spread Polak jokes, they are just being outright liars, obnoxious and willing to use any trick up their sleeve to demean Poles without even trying to be funny. Here's a recent example of such great jewish journalist in reputable Wall Street Journal article about Poles. My bad, that's East cost publication, no wonder it's so hard for you to find it on the West coast. What If They Gave Medals for Losing? Yup nominate the Poles, somehow omitting the Israelis who didn't even have one medal in this Olympics great reporting there. Fair, balanced and funnnnnnnny.

This has nothing to do with having a 'thin skin'. It's all about respecting certain boundaries, which is the basis of human interaction.

Agree, I guess I'll stat respecting you the same way.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
13 Mar 2010 /  #287
That article was a pretty sad attempt at humor IMO. I'm a middle America guy so I consider both coasts to be filled with fail and douche-baggery. :)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
13 Mar 2010 /  #288
Fair, balanced and funnnnnnnny

Yeah that Wall Street Journal Hannah Karp seems like another Anti-Polish media bigot. I wonder why he/she didn't mention what Israel should be given for barely even participating in the olympics? No lead for Israel? lol

The New York Times is a good example of a Left-Wing Anti-Polish hate newspaper. I would say 7 out of 10 times when ever the New York Times does an article on Poland its critical of Poland or if it complements Poland, its a back handed complement. Like Anti-Polish columnist "DAN BILEFSKY" did in his Feb 28 column "Changing Face in Poland: Skinhead Puts on Skullcap"

In it Anti-Polish Bigot Dan Bilefsky quotes an anti-Polish rabbi in Poland "Rabbi Schudrich" as saying:

After 1989, "Decades later, there is a growing feeling that Jews are a missing limb in Poland. The level of anti-semitism remains unacceptable, but the image of the murderous Pole seared in the consciousness of many Jews after the war doesn't correspond to the Poland of 2010"


Uh just one question to this Anti-Polish rabbi and the Anti-Polish New York Times???

If Poles were such horrible terrible anti-semites for so long? WHY were the Jews foolish and crazy enough to CHOOSE TO LIVE IN POLAND FOR ONE THOUSAND YEARS????? I guess Jews were a MAGNET TO POLAND because of all of Poland's "muderous anti-semitism" LOL

You'll never see the Anti-Polish New York Times ever do an article on the great rabbi Moses Isserles quote on Poland where Isserles said:

"IF it were not for Poland, the existence of the tribe of Israel would have been unbearable"

Nope the Anti-Polish New York Times will NEVER publish that. Just Poles are bad and Jews are good!

Then there was Anti-Polish New York Times Bigot columnist Paul Krugman who references some bad governments in 17th Century Poland and titles his Feb.5 article "Senate becomes Polish Joke" because he sees what he thinks are problems/corruption of todays Senate similar to the government of Poland THREE HUNDRED YEARS AGO.

Gee I wonder why ol Anti-Polish Bigot Paul Krugman didn't title his article "Senate becomes a Jewish Joke"? Or "Senate becomes a Jewish cabal"?

Yeah there are still Anti-Polish bigots in the media alright.
beelzebub  - | 444  
13 Mar 2010 /  #289
If I think you are trying to insult me you get a warning, If you continue you get new glasses.

Warning? I think if someone tried to "warn" me of what I could say he would get a hearty "f*ck off"....and if you tried to hit me because your ego was bruised over a joke you are not going to be pleased with the outcome.

This whole thread is a giant proof of the Polish sensitivity complex. You are your own worst enemies with this stuff. It's almost as if you WANT to keep things riled up so you can be the "victim"
LAGirl  9 | 496  
13 Mar 2010 /  #290
How about this one. how do real Polish men fight? by beating their wives girlfriends or daughters.LOL
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
13 Mar 2010 /  #291
Perhaps you are correct, jews no longer spread Polak jokes, they are just being outright liars, obnoxious and willing to use any trick up their sleeve to demean Poles without even trying to be funny.

SHT - I am so glad you are not French because if you were you'd have died of a heart attack long time ago if silly jokes bother you so much. If there's one nationality that ALWAYS gets made fun of in the US it'd be the French. Very often it's pretty innocent stuff but still - French are the true "victims" in this despicable "joke-gate"! ;)

"French - the only military with rear-view mirrors on their tanks."

Q: What's the motto of the US Marine Corps?
A: Semper Fi (Always Faithful)
Q: What's the motto of the French Army?
A: Stop, drop, and run!

Q: How do you confuse a French Soldier?
A: Give him a rifle and ask him to shoot it.

Q. How many Frenchmen does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A. One, because he holds the bulb and all of Europe revolves around him

"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." --- well, not a joke but quote by General George S. Patton

Q: How do you get a French waiter's attention?
A: Start ordering in German.

What do you call a Frenchman advancing on Baghdad? A salesman

Feel better? LOL

Seriously, I've lived in the States for quite some time and it's extremely rare to hear "polak jokes" whether on the East or West coast.

Your vicious Jew hate is just sad, hope one day you'll be able to free your mind and see people for who they really are - people.

The New York Times is a good example of a Left-Wing Anti-Polish hate newspaper. I would say 7 out of 10 times when ever the New York Times does an article on Poland its critical of Poland or if it complements Poland, its a back handed complement.

Interesting - have you noticed that The New York Times is even more anti-American than it is anti-Polish? Yes it is very leftist and that's why many call it Pravda of the East Coast. If you find an anti-Polish comment there somewhere usually it's because Poland might have somehow helped the NYT's biggest enemy of them all - the United States. (Yes, I'm generalizing and they do have some very good articles too.)

I read it every day by the way just to see how the enemy thinks. (Yeah, I also read Cosmo LOL)
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
13 Mar 2010 /  #292
Warning? I think if someone tried to "warn" me of what I could say he would get a hearty "f*ck off"....and if you tried to hit me because your ego was bruised over a joke you are not going to be pleased with the outcome.

I would never tell anyone what they could or couldn't say. I would inform you that I was unhappy about what you said. If your intent was innocent it would be a non-issue. If you intended to insult or humiliate me I would still let it go. If you intended to hurt me and knew that I was hurt by it and continued anyways, I would ratchet up your "verbal violence" to the next level. Keep in mind that I am talking about a face to face situation. Internet arguments get a free pass.

60 days is a short stretch to serve to provide someone an education. Kind of a vacation for performing a civic duty. The recidivism rate is extremely low.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
13 Mar 2010 /  #293
I don't think that I have to answer that. You know the answer already.

So answer me the other one. You said you liked nasty jokes. So which kind? Give me an example.

Sounds to me like you don't mind offensive jokes until they tread on your toes, which sounds a bit hypocritical.

What's the difference between the destruction of Warsaw and a Polack? The first one was clever.

Better, but stretching it.

This has nothing to do with having a 'thin skin'. It's all about respecting certain boundaries, which is the basis of human interaction.

I do actually understand, and respect, that some people have different boundaries. That's OK. It's good. I just have slightly more extreme ones than you, perhaps. You really would not want to hear the ones which make me squirm!

That said, it has long been a trait to laugh about the horrific because sometimes the reality is too hard to deal with at a certain time. I've known people pale at 9/11 jokes who would laugh at a Hiroshima joke. Sometimes distance and context are what make a joke permissable.

However, you said you liked 'nasty jokes', so as I said, give me an example and I'll tell you why someone else would find it offensive.
Paulina  19 | 4558  
13 Mar 2010 /  #294
This whole thread is a giant proof of the Polish sensitivity complex. You are your own worst enemies with this stuff.

Perhaps. But maybe there is a reason for this?
I've heard that there are "Polack jokes" in the US but never cared much about it. It's a country of immigrants and I knew there are probably also jokes about other nationalities.

But reading this thread was unpleasant for me, with all these jokes and some people defending them so strongly.
True, I've always had a "thin skin" in general.
Now even more after two or three years of disscusions with Russians on the internet :)

You write "get over this", but it's easy to say.
You're an American (and probably white, yes? ;)) and I doubt your nation (or, at least the white part of it, except for Jews ;)) ever experienced anything similar to what Poles, and Slavs in general, experienced during the nazi occupation. In the nazi propaganda Slavs were something between a Jew and a human :) They were meant to be slaves and were treated as such. As something worse. So MediaWatch's ranting is of course crazy but there is some truth to it, at least as far as Polish "sensitivity complex" is concerned ;)

But it's not only the nazi.
The Soviet and communist propaganda also made everything Polish before the communist rule in Poland look stupid, wrong. Even in the time of partitions those who partitioned Poland claimed that Poles aren't able to rule their own country and thus somebody has to do this for them :)))

After the collapse of communism it became obvious how much Poland is behind the Western countries (though Poles realised this even before that) - a poor backwater. It didn't add to our self-estime either :)

Generally, in Europe, I think, there is a kind of "West-East thing" (besides a "North-South thing", but maybe "North-South is not as vivid, I don't know). Countries in the West look down upon those East of them. So, let's say, Germany would look down a little bit upon eastern countries, Poland would look a little bit upon probably any country east of Poland, and Russia would look down a little bit upon the Asian republics, the Caucasus and China. And so everybody would be sensitive of what is said west of them ;) Well, except for the Western countries, of course :)

Anyway, maybe someone who tells "Polack jokes" could take this into consideration?
I think Poles after those 20 years lost most of this kind of inferiority complex, but probably not all of it ;) Maybe that's why there are so sensitive.

And why, beelzebub, telling these jokes is so important to you? Is your need of telling them more important for you than the fact that you can hurt somebody by telling them?

It's almost as if you WANT to keep things riled up so you can be the "victim"

Well, that's strange thinking... It looks a little bit as if you were looking for an excuse to tell them :/

Not everybody has such thick skin as you have. And don't have to. People are different and I try to respect that. For example, I don't tell or write certain jokes about Russians because I know that some Russians can find them offensive. I've noticed many Russians are even more sensitive of what is said about them than the Poles. They think people in the West consider them inferior, not even humans o_O It may sound strange but it goes back apparently even to the times of Chekhov (or at least I had such impression while reading one of his short stories - I don't know the title in English, probably "The Daughter of Albion" or something of this kind).

So maybe have more mercy for the Eastern people ;)))))

Ufff, I guess I wrote too much :P Sorry for the mistakes but English is not my native tongue and right now I'm too lasy to look all of this up in the dictionary ;P

Oh, one more thing - someone wrote earlier that Poles can't laugh at themselves. I think anybody who lived in Poland for a while and seen sketches of Polish "kabarety" (I don't know the right English word for it) about Poles and Poland and how Poles laugh at them, knows it's not true :)))
Softsong  5 | 492  
13 Mar 2010 /  #295
Very nice post Paulina.....heartfelt and intelligent. Thanks for sharing. And you did just fine, dictionary or not. :-)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
13 Mar 2010 /  #296
SHT - I am so glad you are not French because if you were you'd have died of a heart attack long time ago if silly jokes bother you so much.

That’s where you’re wrong; I appreciate a good joke just the same, so here’s couple more silly jokes for you.

How do you know jews are living nextdoor?
There's wet toilet paper on the clothesline.

What’s the difference between a Jew and a Canoe?
Canoe tips.

How was copper wire invented?
2 Jews fighting over penny.

Why did the Jews walk around the desert for 40 years?
They heard that someone dropped a quarter.

What happens when a Jew with an erection walks into a wall?
He breaks his nose.

Your vicious Jew hate is just sad

I disagree, I call it humor. Small prick, big nose, greed = funny. When it’s about French, Pole etc., that’s humor to you, when it’s about a Jew on the other hand that’s hate. You proved my point, stop before you make a complete as* of yourself. Need I say more on the subject?
Paulina  19 | 4558  
13 Mar 2010 /  #297
Very nice post Paulina.....heartfelt and intelligent. Thanks for sharing. And you did just fine, dictionary or not. :-)

Thank you, Softsong :)))
Juche  9 | 292  
13 Mar 2010 /  #298
all Polish must avenge disgrace Polish joke for it is proof of poor socialistic and lack of awareness of proper mindset bent on dislodge the power of imperialist lackeys plus Polish is nothing to laugh at for they are true guarantors of Juche ideal, self reliance and ingenious.
f stop  24 | 2493  
13 Mar 2010 /  #299
Juche: what auto language translator should I re-run this through for it to make sense?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
13 Mar 2010 /  #300
I guess you have not Juche yet. He has a distinct style:)

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