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The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?)

f stop  24 | 2493  
7 Sep 2011 /  #151
Do they have computers? If he just tore it up, then there are probably no records how many tickets are issued and somebody/somebodies might be pocketing the money.
wielki pan  2 | 250  
7 Sep 2011 /  #152
I didn't have time to read through the thread, just the original post by Avalon.Entirely agree ;-)

Moonlighting please understand that like somebody once said that there are known knowns; there are things we know we know.
We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know....same applies to Poland we all know the negatives in Poland so why be upset, do we always need to give a ear bashing on these negatives. Lets be frank the author Avalon didn't do his home work when he came to Poland, he was motivated by self interest and greed.
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Sep 2011 /  #153
The system is pretty sh1t on an international level as wonderfully portrayed in this book.
Maybe Poland is worse than usual because of their grey governmental Authoritarianism past, and they(the people)are now victims. Now, that the system is gone, they are acting the way a bunch of Soviet Russian soldiers would have acted when their captain was not around. This could answer the reasons why office staff are so ultra bureaucratic and unhelpful,restaurant staff are useless,driver behave like apes with their imaginary third lane,people vote for very right wing parties,listen to Radio Maria,dance to Disco Polo.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
7 Sep 2011 /  #154
Lets be frank the author Avalon didn't do his home work when he came to Poland, he was motivated by self interest and greed.

^ Isn't that in the same spirit as the oft repeated (with shrugged shoulders) "To jest Polska?"
circa 2001
-Hey my light socket just came out of the wall when I unplugged the lamp- wtf?
-Oh you foreigners will complain about anything, just be happy you have a lamp....besides, it's Poland.

-Hey, the racks in this fridge are so tightly set so that a person can only put empty plates in it-wtf?
-It's Poland, just be happy you have something new.

This could answer the reasons why office staff are so ultra bureaucratic and unhelpful,restaurant staff are useless,driver behave like apes with their imaginary third lane,people vote for very right wing parties,listen to Radio Maria,dance to Disco Polo.

The remnants of a collective attitude that flourished for a brief time I suppose. A person can't change their past and can't change their way of thinking if their way of thinking is to not change their way of thinking.

That being said, these f*cktards need to seriously reconsider their collective driving. How can they kill and maim each other on their roads with such regularity and not acknowledge there's a problem?
milky  13 | 1656  
7 Sep 2011 /  #155
They can't see the forest because of the trees. They know not what they do.
OP Avalon  4 | 1063  
7 Sep 2011 /  #156
"he was motivated by self interest and greed"

Why do you make this statement? What have I said that could possibly bring you to this conclusion?
wielki pan  2 | 250  
7 Sep 2011 /  #157
thats the truth my friend and thats ok..its time to move on and make it happen, like I mentioned in my previous post its people like you and a bloke on the forum Seamus I think..who have a lot to offer the Polish people.. Enjoy Polska it has a lot to offer..
OP Avalon  4 | 1063  
7 Sep 2011 /  #158
thats the truth my friend and thats ok

I apologise. I did not realise that you had access to my bank accounts, current business plans and had met me personally or is it just an uneducated guess?
pawian  219 | 24792  
7 Sep 2011 /  #159
^ Isn't that in the same spirit as the oft repeated (with shrugged shoulders) "To jest Polska?"

You can say: We had a war, don`t you know? instead. :):):):)

And that is one of the reasons why Poland is like that today. War devastated this country and its people and we still suffer the consequences. Fekking Germans and Soviets! It is their friggin fault, they invaded Poland in September 1939! They are to blame.

Exactly, it isn`t only in Poland where people try to shift the blame onto others.

I have just come across an article about 3 drunk British soldiers who hijacked a boat in France and raided the lake where fishing competition was organised. They crashed into 5 boats.

And what?:

See who`s to blame:
Organiser Aurelien Mouchel said: 'It was a total disgrace. There were 45 boats involved but, because five could not put to sea on Sunday, we had to cancel the event.'

A spokesman for the ASA said: 'Everything has been blown out of all proportion. No charges have been levelled against the men. They borrowed the boat without the owner's consent, if you can call that stealing.'
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Sep 2011 /  #160
Pawian, I would have written WP in that case and not Wp. A difference there :)

Yup, no blame accepted APU. More proof being sought :)
pawian  219 | 24792  
7 Sep 2011 /  #161
=Seanus]Pawian, I would have written WP in that case and not Wp. A difference there :)

Oh, I see. You can be right. :):):):):)

Sorry, my fault to wrongly read Wp as Wielki Polak, instead of Wielki pan.

Please, forgive me.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
7 Sep 2011 /  #162
Not really, I would say this is all about attempts at getting your way.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 Sep 2011 /  #163
I dub thee forgiven and you win the royal medal award for admitting fault :)
9 Sep 2011 /  #164
Exactly, it isn`t only in Poland where people try to shift the blame onto others.

There are people of weak character the world over, there just seems to be more off them in Poland, than most other countries. lol
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431  
9 Sep 2011 /  #165
he's pointing it out just to bash Poland.

I disagree, I think that Delphiandomine loves Poland but he is not a Nationalist .
My Polish friends also critisize Poland for the same very aspects Delphiomine does when he describes the PIS voting Idiots, Polish Bureaucracy etc.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Sep 2011 /  #166
I don't think delph loves Poland, really. Like most of us, he has his likes and dislikes about life here. Being in amongst some Poles in their element is a great thing, esp if you speak the language.

However, the blame game is one which they love and play well.

Back to the OP.

Time to yourself without the constant calendar of family events? Tell me about it. I have enough commitments at work without my precious free time being taken away. Too much music to listen to as well.

There simply needs to be an identification of eager young folk. Many old biddies are past their 'prime' and need to step to the side. The state can fund some trips to the mountains and lakes for them.

The system of contracts is the worst. They don't honour it when it suits them. They will not include penalty provisions for themselves as that would indicate that they are in the wrong. That can't be ;) ;0 The thing is, most people just make it up as they go along, bumbling along like a leaf in a breeze.
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Oct 2011 /  #167
I have enough commitments at work without my precious free time being taken away.

Only PF is worth dedicating time.
pip  10 | 1658  
19 Oct 2011 /  #168
ok- back to the op. perfect example. when my daughter was 2 years she was at her babcia's house. my mother in law decided to play dress up and cut her hair. not a lot but about 1 cm. I was livid. Mil came over when she found out I was furious and brought the hair saying it was such a small amount and they were playing. My response was that I am the mother and I decide when she has a hair cut- not babcia. Of course, I was a terrible daughter in law and she left crying. Then for the two years following she would have comments like "I am only the grandmother" and other jabs at me.

But it wasn't her fault for cutting my daughters hair.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Oct 2011 /  #169
That would have driven me up the wall. Babcia's hair would have been shaved off completely for that ;) ;)
Ironside  50 | 12333  
19 Oct 2011 /  #170
I was furious

You exaggerate.

That would have driven me up the wall.

You are kidding right ?
pip  10 | 1658  
19 Oct 2011 /  #171
pip: I was furious
You exaggerate.

no, i was really foaming at the mouth. she has since but put in her place and she understands what her role of babcia is- life is much better.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
19 Oct 2011 /  #172
Time to yourself without the constant calendar of family events?

Oh god, that was the one thing out of any that got on my goat! I thought Easter was bad (dressing up the church and constantly getting ear-ache for not doing it right) but the THOUSANDS of bloody engagements, weddings for people we hardly even knew (of course expected to give a gift of money), trips outside the city at any given time. Don't get me wrong I loved getting away from the city, but not every time I had a single day off!!! Doesn't anyone understand what the word "relax" means!! grrrr

And it was all right for her to go out and socialise on days that I was working, but bloody hell I better not dare have a night out with my mates when she had to go home for the weekend!! Hypocrite!

Thanks Seany for raising my blood pressure :D
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Oct 2011 /  #173
You exaggerate

You dont have kids I guess :)
(not "smiling " at your lack of children as such...)

PIP. Mothers in Law have a nationality all of their own...:)
PWEI  3 | 612  
19 Oct 2011 /  #174
You dont have kids I guess

That IS doesn't have kids is very much a racing certainty.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Oct 2011 /  #175
DT, anytime ;)

Yeah, the social calendar is rather, um, filled :(
Ironside  50 | 12333  
19 Oct 2011 /  #176
Mothers in Law have a nationality all of their own...:)

My M inL is great! Maybe there is something wrong with you guys :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Oct 2011 /  #177
Mine too. She can even admit she is to blame which is a rare thing here :)
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
19 Oct 2011 /  #178
The Blame Game (Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!?)

Silly...We're wrong quite a bit!
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
19 Oct 2011 /  #179
pip, hair grows back, body parts don't, organs don't, specific parts of the brain don't.
That was very much an over reaction on your part.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
19 Oct 2011 /  #180
Still, it's her kid, For4.

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