Have you ever noticed that a Polish person is never wrong!!!!
Whether it is a girlfriend, work colleague or a professional advisor, they are, never wrong. It is always somebody else's fault.
The architect makes a mistake, alters your plans and fails to tell the local authourity of the change, you get fined, but, the architect is not responsible, its down to your building inspector who, "only" signed off the change. Try taking this to court!!!! ( if you have 10 years of your life to waste}
The "clerk" at the local authourity who asks you to bring the documents you need and then tells you that you need several other documents. You are supposed to "know", you are the "dummy" because you do not understand the job they are paid to do!!!!
You park your car (next to other parked cars) and then get a ticket, you ask where the signs saying "no parkling" are and you are told that there "are none" and you should "know".
(as a foriegner, I am not physcic)
I do not want to spend every weekend with family or friends visiting. I would like some time on my own with my family. ( wrong, you are unsociable), this is normal?.
I was only talking to my sister/mother for 3 hours on the phone. The fact this is also a business line is immaterial. I am wrong again.
I can accept mistakes, I can put up with lies. I cannot repeat "cannot" underderstand why I should have to "pay" for everyone else's mistakes.
If a mistake is made here, nobody seems to pay for it, except me!!!. (When you talk to a lawyer, he/she tells you its a WASTE OF TIME} why do I have to pay (in time and money) for people who have no idea what they are doing?.
Untill Tusk, and whatever stupid government in Poland, realises, what a hell it is to, actually do business here, it will always be a backward country.
Nobody is reponsible. The stadiums for the 2012 football championships will be finished. Where are the fans supposed to stay? where are the roads to travel to the grounds? How can you build hotels when you have no knowledge where the roads are actually going to be?. After 3 years, the Polish government sacks one man, that makes everythibg ok. Nobody else is responsible.
The "A4" to the Ukarine (between Bresko and WierzchsĊawice has not been worked on for the past 8 months, why?, a dispute between the contractor and the government over payments!!!, did this happen in China, Greece, Seoul, or any other country which held a major event?
Always, somebody else is to blame.
When I make a mistake, I accept it, hold my hand up and get on with my life. It seems that the people of my adopted country, cannot do this.
I love where I live, I love the people. For the first time in 8 years, I am beginning to question whether this country will be right for me. I have tried to adapt, but there seems to be no logical thinking here, and, its not changing for the better.
Countries survive on "small business's" which create jobs and wealth. Its OK trying to lure the big companies here, but, they will only stay as long as the tax breaks and the wages stay low, then, they will move on.
I have the money so that I do not have to work, I could live off of the interest. This is no satisfaction to me. I want to help/create something here in Poland, but, the government makes it so difficult to even try.
When people "blame", foriegn investors, they ought to look at their own government which encourages the large companies that pay low wages.
Ask yourself, why, a country like the UK, has no VAT on new housing!!!, this encourages more development, creates construction jobs and boosts the economy.
Here in Poland, everybody has an uncle, cousin, friend who will tile their floor, build their houses, fence the property, landscape the garden,for, cash.
Where is the tax that should be going into in the economy?. Who is to balme for the fact you have to live in a "s**thole because your government does not understand "basic" economics.
I am sure the Polish government means well, but, I can also understand why the average Polish man drinks 500ml of vodka every night. He needs it to get through the next day.
A mesage to all the members of the "Sjem". Do not write a book in 5 years time about what is wrong. Put your hands up now and "change" the system.
Lets save 10 years and make this country, great, now!!!!!.
Forget your own ambitions!!!, the people are great!!!, listen to them.
Whether it is a girlfriend, work colleague or a professional advisor, they are, never wrong. It is always somebody else's fault.
The architect makes a mistake, alters your plans and fails to tell the local authourity of the change, you get fined, but, the architect is not responsible, its down to your building inspector who, "only" signed off the change. Try taking this to court!!!! ( if you have 10 years of your life to waste}
The "clerk" at the local authourity who asks you to bring the documents you need and then tells you that you need several other documents. You are supposed to "know", you are the "dummy" because you do not understand the job they are paid to do!!!!
You park your car (next to other parked cars) and then get a ticket, you ask where the signs saying "no parkling" are and you are told that there "are none" and you should "know".
(as a foriegner, I am not physcic)
I do not want to spend every weekend with family or friends visiting. I would like some time on my own with my family. ( wrong, you are unsociable), this is normal?.
I was only talking to my sister/mother for 3 hours on the phone. The fact this is also a business line is immaterial. I am wrong again.
I can accept mistakes, I can put up with lies. I cannot repeat "cannot" underderstand why I should have to "pay" for everyone else's mistakes.
If a mistake is made here, nobody seems to pay for it, except me!!!. (When you talk to a lawyer, he/she tells you its a WASTE OF TIME} why do I have to pay (in time and money) for people who have no idea what they are doing?.
Untill Tusk, and whatever stupid government in Poland, realises, what a hell it is to, actually do business here, it will always be a backward country.
Nobody is reponsible. The stadiums for the 2012 football championships will be finished. Where are the fans supposed to stay? where are the roads to travel to the grounds? How can you build hotels when you have no knowledge where the roads are actually going to be?. After 3 years, the Polish government sacks one man, that makes everythibg ok. Nobody else is responsible.
The "A4" to the Ukarine (between Bresko and WierzchsĊawice has not been worked on for the past 8 months, why?, a dispute between the contractor and the government over payments!!!, did this happen in China, Greece, Seoul, or any other country which held a major event?
Always, somebody else is to blame.
When I make a mistake, I accept it, hold my hand up and get on with my life. It seems that the people of my adopted country, cannot do this.
I love where I live, I love the people. For the first time in 8 years, I am beginning to question whether this country will be right for me. I have tried to adapt, but there seems to be no logical thinking here, and, its not changing for the better.
Countries survive on "small business's" which create jobs and wealth. Its OK trying to lure the big companies here, but, they will only stay as long as the tax breaks and the wages stay low, then, they will move on.
I have the money so that I do not have to work, I could live off of the interest. This is no satisfaction to me. I want to help/create something here in Poland, but, the government makes it so difficult to even try.
When people "blame", foriegn investors, they ought to look at their own government which encourages the large companies that pay low wages.
Ask yourself, why, a country like the UK, has no VAT on new housing!!!, this encourages more development, creates construction jobs and boosts the economy.
Here in Poland, everybody has an uncle, cousin, friend who will tile their floor, build their houses, fence the property, landscape the garden,for, cash.
Where is the tax that should be going into in the economy?. Who is to balme for the fact you have to live in a "s**thole because your government does not understand "basic" economics.
I am sure the Polish government means well, but, I can also understand why the average Polish man drinks 500ml of vodka every night. He needs it to get through the next day.
A mesage to all the members of the "Sjem". Do not write a book in 5 years time about what is wrong. Put your hands up now and "change" the system.
Lets save 10 years and make this country, great, now!!!!!.
Forget your own ambitions!!!, the people are great!!!, listen to them.