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Polish Attitudes toward America

Alltimegreat1  16 | 67  
8 Sep 2017 /  #1
Most Germans just repeat what they hear on the news and are not shy about expressing their (uninformed) negative views especially about America, but also Russia, Poland, Hungary, Syria, and basically any other country that doesn't tow the line of the German government.

I'd be interested to know what the average Pole thinks of America.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Sep 2017 /  #2
Most Germans...

You met most of them?
nothanks  - | 626  
8 Sep 2017 /  #3
We are arguably the most Pro-USA nation in Europe mostly because it is a bargaining angle against EU and especially "Russian aggression". But the support ain't what it use to be in the 90's before relative free travel for polaks ("American streets are paved with gold!"). The main negative is the culture. But polaks that move to the USA overwhelming stay permanently which is not the case in Western Europe. Mostly because the biggest positive is the $$$. Easy to find work (especially in Chicago if you can't speak English) and live a decent live as long as you want it bad enough. The Cold War era is still fresh so the endless opportunities that capitalistic America offers is very attractive to polaks. IMO if I'm gonna be living in multiculturalism (Western Europe and increasingly Central & Northern) then I might as well get the most bang for my buck as they say and do it in America. But again, the culture is a growing problem and I am not sure how that will play out as polaks increasingly have a negative opinion of what is occurring in Western Europe and much of that is western civ, which is heavily molded by pop culture in America. Ultimately polaks just want an opportunity and USA is number 1 in that department
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Sep 2017 /  #4
But polaks that move to the USA overwhelming stay permanently which is not the case in Western Europe

Have you considered that it's much more complicated and expensive to move back home from the US than from the U.K. or Germany for example?
gumishu  16 | 6182  
8 Sep 2017 /  #5
Most Germans just repeat what they hear on the news and are not shy about expressing their (uninformed) negative views especially about America,

we need America to be a counter-weight to Germany and protection against Russia - most Poles view Americans favourably - even Trump is not despised in Poland for the most part
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
8 Sep 2017 /  #6
@Nothanks, Poland may well be the most pro-Trump nation in Europe today. Pro-American, I'm not so sure:-) Remember too that not all the news is reported accurately by the conservative media!

At least until the past twenty years or so, Albania was thought to be the most sympathetic country to the US, freely admitted to by the Albanians themselves following the demise of the Hoxa regime.
jon357  72 | 22979  
8 Sep 2017 /  #7
the most pro-Trump nation in Europe today.

They're positive about all US presidents since they are essentially distant. People there care more about domestic issues.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 Sep 2017 /  #8
we need America to be a counter-weight to Germany and protection against Russia

How do you see Poland's future? Important EU member state or American poodle #2?
gumishu  16 | 6182  
8 Sep 2017 /  #9
Important EU member state

right now Macron and Merkel are diggin up the foundations of the EU - namely the freedom of capital movement and freedom of business operations - I am not sure this is the same EU they are envisioning we agreed upon in 2004 - there is also of course the issue of immigrant quotas - should I also mention that Polish farmers receive 2 times lower subsidies than their German counterparts (not to mention the French farmers) - or that Germany despite loud outcries against Putin is actually essentially in bed with him (see NordStream 2)
Crow  154 | 9260  
9 Sep 2017 /  #10
Let me tell you how persons like me, which are 300% Polish, thinks of Merika. Well, its Merika. Good cow and bad tiger, at the same time. Much better if it shows to you its cow face. Then you get your share in `American dream`. But harry, before this once wonderland didn`t crumble under increasing pressure of Multi-Polar world.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
9 Sep 2017 /  #11
Trump is not despised in Poland for the most part

No, probably not despised, but it depends on the demographic. The same kinds of people like his bombast and vulgarity in the US and Poland. More educated people usually just shake their heads when they read about his daily lies. There is some relief that there are some 'adults' in the administration now, even though they are military ones. The growing assertiveness of Congressional Reps is also an encouraging sign.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
9 Sep 2017 /  #13
The same kinds of people like his bombast and vulgarity in the US and Poland

its not about liking it..its about understanding that few rude words doesnt define man.Hitler and Stalin were extremely polite warm people.and???
i would rather prefer rude honest person than cynical lair such as Hiraly.who were talking about peace and love and tolerancy all day ,while wrecking middle east with her mujaheddin.

sure Trump isnt perfect,nowhere near.but between him and Hilary there was no choice.that woman would be disastrous for all of us.

Is Roger5 really Miss Lindsey?

whos miss lindsey?
OP Alltimegreat1  16 | 67  
9 Sep 2017 /  #14
Lindsey Graham, an effeminate neoconservative anti-Trump senator
peterweg  37 | 2305  
9 Sep 2017 /  #15
Ok, obviously you are an American Trump supporter.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
9 Sep 2017 /  #16
If you check out his profile, I think you'll see that he resides in Frankfurt and is probably a German national:-) There is a vocal minority of Trump supporters in Merkelland, few and far between though they may beLOL
cms  9 | 1253  
9 Sep 2017 /  #17
Unless is Frankfort Kentucky - natural home for Trump supporters.

Anyway he is not popular here - polls have given him only 23 percent of Poles trusting him to do a good job. Half as popular as Bush and three times less popular than Obama.

The reasons are obvious - he is a liar and a bigot with poor judgement and no knowledge of the world outside America except what he has gained from building golf courses.

Respect is difficult to build up and easy to lose - it will take the US many years to recover its image in Europe.
Joker  2 | 2211  
9 Sep 2017 /  #18
Most Americans really don't care what Europeans think about them.

he is a liar and a bigot with poor judgement and no knowledge of the world outside America except what he has gained from building golf courses.

A common falsehood form the liberal msm, just rubbish. Trump has accomplished more in 6 months than Obama ever did. Now, Trump has to clean up the North Korean mess Obama left behind. Which for a guy with "NO Knowledge of the outside world" is doing very well compared to what others have been afraid to do!

eir heads when they read about his daily lies.

Care to elaborate or just more fake news?
Joker  2 | 2211  
9 Sep 2017 /  #19
I'd be interested to know what the average Pole thinks of America.

I`d be interested to know what the average Pole thinks of Germans moving into Poland to escape the Muslim overtaking of Germanistan?

Merkel wants to let in 300K more refugees, or is that figure high?

Anyhow, I heard they are buying property in Poland on a massive scale.
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
9 Sep 2017 /  #20
I heard they are buying property in Poland on a massive scale.

I live right on the border, no Germans, but plenty of dutch and brits, no one can buy more than half a hectare of land with a house or 3000sm of agricultural land unless they are a local farmer, so no german invasion yet.
Lyzko  41 | 9563  
9 Sep 2017 /  #21
@Joker, the average Joe The Plumber-type from Oshkosh or Booneyville, USA doesn't care much about what ANYBODY says or thinks, 'cept for those who agree with 'em!:-)
gumishu  16 | 6182  
9 Sep 2017 /  #22
Anyhow, I heard they are buying property in Poland on a massive scale.

they are buying property or rather already bought swathes of land through Polish "słupy" = people with little money but ready to be willless instruments in the hands of Germans - mostly in previous German territory - they offer much higher prices than local farmers can afford - there was an effort to curb this by current governmet (like dolnoslask said) but it's hardly perfect
jon357  72 | 22979  
9 Sep 2017 /  #23
I heard they are buying property in Poland on

On a small scale, and Poles are also buying in Germany. No bad thing either way.

Hard to know how this relates to America, except to sho the contrast between the freedom there of land ownership compared to the restrictive practices that still exist (though there's a time limit before the law expires) in certain parts of Europe.
Joker  2 | 2211  
9 Sep 2017 /  #24
It's a good thing that they put an moratorium on foreigners buying up Polish land.
jon357  72 | 22979  
9 Sep 2017 /  #25
Fortunately it's very limited under the terms of the accession treaty and isn't observed that much.
cms  9 | 1253  
10 Sep 2017 /  #26
Well one American is interested what Europeans think - the person who started this thread. I know you Trump voters have trouble concentrating.

I imagine such attifudes of disdain for the the rest of the world were also common in other empires just as they started to decay - in Britain in the 30s or in the last stages of imperial Rome and China. America is still a great place but Trump will cost its position in the world very dear because he is making every other big nation think about their own resources and how not to rely on the US.

What has Trump achieved in 6 months, apart from firing all of his team and replacing them with his family ? Nothing.

Zero evidence of Germans paying Poles to buy land for them ! It is difficult enough to buy farmland if you are Polish.
Joker  2 | 2211  
10 Sep 2017 /  #27
What has Trump achieved in 6 months, apart from firing all of his team and replacing them with his family ? Nothing.

Heres a couple of things for your Czerwone Jablasko pity party.

Unemployment 4.8%
Budget Surplus $182B
Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch conformation, and there will be more appointments.
Killed the TPP - Thank you!
Border Security - 40% fewer illegal crossings.
Dakota Pipeline - Something Obongo deflected for political reasons.
Government Agencies - Trimming the fat off overblown agencies and ridiculous regulations freeing us to use our own natural resources.
Consumer Confidence- 126.6
Paris Climate Agreement - Horrible deal for America
Reinvestment - $78B

Next he's going to have to clean up the North Korean mess, something nobody else has been able to do!

they are buying property or rather already bought swathes of land through Polish "słupy" = people with little money but ready to be willless instruments in the hands of Germans - mostly in previous German territory

The Germans are realizing how PCness has destroyed their country and what a miserable failure Merkel has become. The people with money are desperately seeking new options to move away from Germanistan.
NoToForeigners  6 | 948  
10 Sep 2017 /  #28
Political Correctness is a Weapon of Mass Destruction invented in The West and used by The Westerners against themselves. Terrorists just Laugh Their Asses Off.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
10 Sep 2017 /  #29
Zero evidence of Germans paying Poles to buy land for them ! It is difficult enough to buy farmland if you are Polish.

it happened in the past before the new restrictions - starting back then when land was first given for sale by Agencja Nieruchomości Rolnych
Crow  154 | 9260  
10 Sep 2017 /  #30
I suggest to my sisterly and brotherly Poles that they start to bag USA to just f*** off from Poland.

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