You still have not offered any evidence to back up your claims. So far you just repeated what I have posted. It in no way, shape or form confirm that a PESEL is needed or referenced to.
Why don't you call Poznan WORD and ask them for yourself? The information I have came straight from the horses mouth there.
But other people are suggesting that the relevant residency documents are enough - although anyone with them should have a PESEL generated for them automatically anyway (though I'm not certain if non-EU citizens will have it done?) . The exception may be Polish non-residents - but they'll be obliged to gain an ID card when they move to Poland anyway, thus a PESEL will be generated there too.
Oh, and there's the simple fact that the application form *asks* for it. While individual offices may be doing things differently, it's still asked for officially.
The information I have provided in an earlier posting states 'reamining in Poland for at least 185 days in each calender year in consideration of work or personal ties. Nowhere does it state that I will need a PESEL. It just mentions 'To obtain a Polish driving licence an EU citizen should'...
You'll have to obtain the relevant residency documents to fufil the 185 days criteria. It's not enough to have a EU passport and a contract for 9 months work - you need to be legally resident in Poland under the 5 year stamp for EU citizens. Once you fufil all the criteria, you'll have a PESEL automatically generated, which will be requested on the application form.
Since I am an EU citizen with an opportunity to work in Poland, enough said. The work opportunity will have me meet the requirements of the 185 days fairly easily. Since I will meet those requirements, then I can go for a driver's licence in Poland.
You really don't understand the residency situation, do you?
Poland has a system where you must legalise your stay within 4 days of arrival on the territory of the RP. For EU citizens, this process can be abused because no-one cares less - BUT - certain things depend on having legal residency. You can live and work here happily without having a registered address, but certain things are barred to you, and one of those things is obtaining a driving licence.
You have to be in possession of the EU 5 year residency permit in Poland in order to sit a driving test. You'll only get this once you've been here for 3 months already, and the process can take quite a while as it involves police checks and so on. Once you've done all this, a PESEL will be automatically registered for you - and the driving licence application form explictly asks for it. They may be able to override it - but I stress may, and it'll be up to the discretion of each driving centre. They also won't override the requirement to have valid residency documents - because these are the proof that you've been here for 185 days.
So please provide evidence to back up your claims insteading of trying to twist other postings to suit your own ends. Until such time, I will take the information I have printed out from the website I have mentioned as truth. And you are able to read that website in regards to what I have mentioned. Nowhere does it state anything about a PESEl.
I suggest that instead of relying on websites that may be incorrect, you rely on what they're actually *practicing* in Poland. You certainly won't get very far in Poland by waving English-language information around.
You do also know that Poland has mandatory 30 hours of theory learning and 30 hours of driving practice before you can take a test? Even if you only need the theory part, you'll still have to do the 30 hours before you can take the test.