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Renewing work permits to get long term EU card?

22 Dec 2016 /  #1
Hi all,

I am from the UK and devastated by Brexit. I was hoping to move to Poland in a few years (I can't right now unfortunately as my step dad is terminally ill).

I wanted to work as an English teacher (yes I know the pay isn't great!) as I am a teacher in the UK but unfortunately I teach social sciences which aren't taught in Poland's international schools apparently.

I understand that if you do 5 years continuously in Poland then you can get an EU resident long term card. I would love this option if I enjoy Poland as much as I think I will (I have travelled there lots).

My problem is this - teaching contracts for language schools appear to be 9 or 10 month ones - September to June. So employment wouldn't be continuous as there would be breaks in them. I assume that a residency comes with the work permit, this would be broken too.

Does anyone have any thoughts or advice as to how to get around this or what I could do to ensure 5 years continuous residence?

Thank you so much in advance.

terri  1 | 1661  
23 Dec 2016 /  #2
Up to the time that GB officially withdraws from the EU (estimate 2 years) you have a right to live and work in Poland.
It might be worthwhile to contact all schools in the area you wish to go to to ascertain if they are interested in you. If you do not have any Trinity or Tesol 'teaching English as a foreign/second language' certificates - now is the time to get them.

Do not build your future on a pipe dream. Do thorough research first i.e. possibility of teaching, where, how much they will pay, where will you live - all those factors need to be considered.

If you do not speak Polish - try to learn as much as you can.
23 Dec 2016 /  #3
EU resident long term card.

Have a look at this link, it gives quite a lot of information:- /long-term-eu-resident-permit.html
OP Deborah_37  
23 Dec 2016 /  #4
Thanks both for your replies :)

I can't go just yet due to my step dad being so ill.
I have already started taking Polish classes (I went to summer school in Poland this summer, loved it!).

I have my teaching qualification in the UK and 10 years of classroom experience, though not in English so I will be doing my CELTA (have already researched where to do it and saved the money up).

I am just worried really about the short breaks between different contracts and whether this will damage my "continued residence" that I will need for the 5 years to get my long term stay card.

If only I taught a subject that they teach at international schools! Psychology and Sociology just aren't in demand in Poland unfortunately and I am not qualified to a high enough level to teach university.

Thanks again both.
24 Dec 2016 /  #5
If only I taught a subject that they teach at international schools!

If you do your CELTA then that should suffice. Not every language school will necessarily want someone who has a degree in English language too, though that would help. You have experience of teaching which combined with a CELTA should mean that you stand a good chance of employment. From reading through the threads on here though, you need to be careful of some language schools, and you aren't likely to be earning that much money either.

Good luck!
terri  1 | 1661  
24 Dec 2016 /  #6
You can always give private tuition.
OP Deborah_37  
24 Dec 2016 /  #7
Thanks very much.

I feel very trapped in Brexit Britain and very sad about it all. I adore Poland and respect the customs, people and traditions and would love to be part of it and contribute to society there.

Thank you for not laughing at my ideas :)

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