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Ways of getting Permanent residency in Poland

25 Dec 2014 /  #31
if persons applied in germany refugee and claim is in under process then in between persons can go in poland and registered as in living apartment then he or she go back in germany ? then after five years he or she come again in poland and claim for parmenant resident ?
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
25 Dec 2014 /  #32
If you apply for asylum in Germany, you are not even allowed to leave the state (Bundesland) in which your claim is processed. I.e. if you claim asylum in Germany and your claim is processed in let's say the German state of Berlin, you are not allowed to cross the border to neighboring state "Brandenburg", never-mind leaving the country.
pigsy  7 | 304  
25 Dec 2014 /  #33
How do they check though?
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
27 Dec 2014 /  #34
Randomly and there is a good chance that they won't find out if you leave the state (Bundesland) for a few days. But, if you apply for asylum in Germany, you will mostly likely be housed in one of the refugee housing estates. Those estates have local workers (social services, immigration etc.). If you regularly disappear from your room for a number of days or weeks they will find out and you might have some explaining to do.

Also, in Germany you are obliged to carry some kind of ID at all times and German police do carry out random checks. Specially at train stations. If you are caught in another state as you are supposed to be in, you will again have some explaining to do.

Also, if you apply for asylum in Germany, you do not have legal status to remain in Poland. If your ID is checked here and it turns out that you are illegal and entered Poland from Germany, you will most likely be deported to the country you illegally entered from, in this case Germany. At the border, you will be handed over to the German authorities and again will have some explaining to do.

Worst case scenario is that your asylum claim will be rejected and you will be deported to your home country (as long as you have the necessary paperwork to actually travel).

In my opinion, if you already plan to break the rules for asylum seekers while your claim is being processed, you would deserve nothing else but for your claim to be rejected. We have rules in place for a reason and if you can not follow these rules, you have already proven that you are most likely unable to integrate into the community.
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Dec 2014 /  #35
they will find out and you might have some explaining to do.

Holy crap the Germans don't mess about eh....
pigsy  7 | 304  
27 Dec 2014 /  #36
Thats good lots of immigrants are abusing it.
JollyRomek  6 | 457  
27 Dec 2014 /  #37
Holy crap the Germans don't mess about eh....

I take that as sarcasm :)

Well, in recent years they have started to enforce rules a lot harsher than they used to. But, unfortunately, in a lot of cases they have deported the wrong people.

For example families from Kosovo and Bosnia which lived in Germany for over 15 years were suddenly deported. Sometimes the children were born in Germany, have never been to Kosovo and hardly speak the language of the country they are being deported to. There have been reports on immigrations surprising families with a visit at 4am, made them pack up their belongings and brought them straight to the airport without any notice. Three hours later they were in a country where they had no home anymore, no source of income and hardly anyone to go to. Even in Kosovo the 100 Euro assistance money to get "settled" doesn't go a long way.

Mostly these were families who tried everything to integrate in Germany, even spoke German at home so their children could get a decent education in a German school.

Then you have people, who before going to Germany to claim asylum already plan to break every rule possible and even ask about it on forums. Those are the ones who are most likely to get away with it, exploring every single loophole.

To be honest, it makes me sick......
Wroclaw Boy  
27 Dec 2014 /  #38
I take that as sarcasm :)

You should, because thats what it was.

To be honest, it makes me sick......

Same with most things really, the ones who have intent to play the system making it worse for others, just look at the banking sectors. Not sure i would class asylum seekers playing the system as sick though, especially seeing as us Europeans have it so much easier as a result of the birth lottery.

I wonder how the asylum seekers system in the UK compares to the German one, i heard that over here we tend to put them in areas where its not very affluent, out of sight out of mind kind of deal.

Everybody stick to the topic please
17 Jan 2015 /  #39
I have vise from poland , what are my chances to stay in poland and seek for saylem , Iam Iraqi
20 Feb 2015 /  #40

I am from Nepal.I got job opportunity for work in Poland, & I heard that can get permanent residence after worked 5 years ?
If there any chance to take my wife under my work visa or only after getting PR? how about that Process? how much is minimum salary in Poland and how much should pay tax & H Insurance?

How About Depend Visa in Poland? I am working in Poland for 1 year can i bring my wife on my visa?
14 Mar 2015 /  #41
if i work for 5 or 6 month by work permit visa in Poland can i apply my wife to bring with me ?
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
14 Mar 2015 /  #42
If you have at least 50 thousand dollars to invest, open a company and employ at least 2 (or 3, i am not sure) Poles you can have residency permit.

I have vise from poland , what are my chances to stay in poland and seek for saylem , Iam Iraqi

Are you Muslim or Christian?

If you are Christian, you can ask for asylum because you religion is persecuted.

Private message me.

If you are Muslim, look for another muslim countries like Jordan or Turkey instead of go to Poland.
jon357  72 | 22979  
14 Mar 2015 /  #43
if i work for 5 or 6 month by work permit visa in Poland can i apply my wife to bring with me ?

The work permit and the visa are separate documents. Some visas allow you to bring a spouse more easily than others. Have a look at some of the threads here by using the search function, Raaz. There is a lot of useful information.
23 Mar 2015 /  #44
Hi i just want to Know for permanent resident through Job what r the exact requirements in Poland e.g minimum salary . Nature of job . Ocording to ur study only or any odd job is also eligible etc
Monitor  13 | 1810  
23 Mar 2015 /  #45
Any full time job/s for 5 years continuously.
23 Mar 2015 /  #46
I would like to know some information regarding Business setup in Poland.
If I invest then can I get residence status in poland.
How much investment I need to setup business and then I can get immigration.
sunny11111  - | 1  
15 Apr 2015 /  #47
my girl friend is a Polish national and i m an Indian national we used to live together in UK for two year than she went back to Poland and i came back to India now we are planning to get married i already get tourist visa for three month should i apply for permanent residence in Poland soon after marriage
Elhadi  - | 1  
9 May 2015 /  #48
What if i have a residence visa valid for three years as employee in a Polish company and my job wants me to work out side Poland for more than eight months do i have the right to ask for a permanent visa after five years ?Or i am still need to stay not less than ten months a year!
Polsyr  6 | 758  
9 May 2015 /  #49
as employee in a Polish company and my job wants me to work out side Poland for more than eight months do i have the right to ask for a permanent visa after five years ?

Yes you can still apply because you would be going outside Poland on a professional assignment from your Polish employer. You are thereby excluded from the rules regarding uninterrupted stay prior to application.
5 Jun 2015 /  #50
If I'm living in poland illegally on schengen visa can possible to get PR ? Plz reply
jon357  72 | 22979  
5 Jun 2015 /  #51
Not really, unless you have a lot of money and even then it isn't easy. I think your best bet would be to look for another way. Are you married with kids to a Polish citizen?
Polsyr  6 | 758  
5 Jun 2015 /  #52
If I'm living in poland illegally on schengen visa can possible to get PR ? Plz reply

No way to go from illegal stay to PR in a single step.

There might be certain grounds to apply for asylum or tolerated stay but I don't know your case.

If you are married to a Polish citizen (and your marriage is registered in Poland) you might be able to get a temporary residence permit if you have been married for longer than three years and/or you have children together. If the marriage doesn't meet any of these two conditions then it is easy to dismiss as a marriage of convenience.
teargas  - | 71  
5 Jun 2015 /  #53
If I'm living in poland illegally on schengen visa can possible to get PR ? Plz reply


It is possible to obtain a tolerated stay permit, but these are only granted when there are significant extenuating circumstances.
kocham polska  
29 Jun 2015 /  #54
hi ,

i am indian , married to polish citizen, and we have one baby from our wedlock. i got 2 years visa now. we are living here and working here. after how many years i will get permanent residency ? is it 3 years or 5 years ?

what i really wanna know is , after getting permanent residency , can i work in any european or schengen country with polish residency card, or i have to take permission from that country to work there seperatly ????
Polsyr  6 | 758  
29 Jun 2015 /  #55
You will still need a separate work/residence permit. PR in Poland does not entitle you to work in other EU or Schengen countries.
30 Jun 2015 /  #56
is there any possibility to get a residence visa for bangladeshi citizens ?
The Joker  
25 Jul 2015 /  #57
suggest me something legal I don't want to get married I just want to be national of Poland can somebody please help
hmsfraz  - | 2  
27 Aug 2015 /  #58
Merged: immigration policy in Poland?

hello,i want to know complete procedure about getting residancy of Poland ,i already have Portugal residancy (schengen country)
how many month it will take,total value of money need to get residancy .....complete procedure .,,,please help
Looker  - | 1129  
27 Aug 2015 /  #59
Read this for a good start: residence-card.html

Of course don't forget about search button on PF - a bunch of threads about Poland's residency here.
raj11  - | 1  
28 Aug 2015 /  #60
hi monitor please let me know what does DLUGOTERMINOWEGO UE written on the card means . does that means person has got permanent residence . how much time on work permit it takes to get permanent residence

it is written POBYT REZYDENTA DLUGOTERMINOWEGO UE ... what doea this card means and does this person have permanent residence

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