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Ways of getting Permanent residency in Poland

swissi  7 | 24  
24 Apr 2013 /  #1

What are the ways of getting permanent residency in Poland?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
24 Apr 2013 /  #2
1. Claiming through ancestors. When coming from previously Soviet Union countries, then it's little easier thanks to: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karta_Polaka
2. Through marriage and then around 5 years of continues living in Poland.
3. UE, EOG, KS nationals living and working continuously for 5 years in Poland can apply for permanent residency.
4. Citizen of other country living legally in Poland continuously for over 5 years and having health insurance and stable job.
5. President can grant polish citizenship.
6. Illegal immigrants living in Poland continuously for many years sometimes are lucky to get into abolition. Last time it happened in 2011. I don't know if it was first time or not.

7. As a refugee.

*continuously means every year for more than half a year

sources: paiz.gov.pl/prawo/legalizacja_pobytu_w_polsce

*continuously means more than 6 months per year and less than 10 months out of Poland in previous 5 years. (I couldn't edit my mistake)
OP swissi  7 | 24  
24 Apr 2013 /  #3
Thank you monitor.

But is there something to permanently be able to live in Poland without citizenship , like the American "green card' for example.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Apr 2013 /  #4
Yes. The method to obtain such a status is outlined above.

5 years of legal work or marriage to a Polish citizen is the normal route.
OP swissi  7 | 24  
24 Apr 2013 /  #5
ok thanks delphian and Monitor.
ivnp71  1 | 46  
25 Apr 2013 /  #6
hi, there!!
If you are an eu citizen married to a polish national.......how long it will takes to get permanent residency in Poland? 5 years or less?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
25 Apr 2013 /  #7
It seems that there are no preferences for spouse. Through marriage spouse can get "ZEZWOLENIE NA ZAMIESZKANIE NA CZAS OZNACZONY" (permit to live for specified time) and after 2 years can get "ZEZWOLENIE NA OSIEDLENIE SIĘ", but it's for 2 years only.

But "ZEZWOLENIE NA POBYT REZYDENTA D£UGOTERMINOWEGO WE" (permanent residency) doesn't give any extra privileges in Poland which EU country passport wouldn't already give.

Funny thing is how do they check weather EU national has lived for this 5 years in given country?

In Poland we have "meldunek" - registration of living in specified apartment. Poland is in Schengen, so somebody from let's say Germany could do "meldunek" go back to Germany and nobody would stamp his Visa, register that he left the country. After 5 years he could claim that he was for whole time there in Poland. If polish bureaucrat, processing application, doesn't ask every EU country, weather applicant was working there or not, then he cannot deny the fact that he was for 5 years in Poland (albeit not insured and unemployed). He was registered as living here and he should believe him. Nobody checks if meldunek is legitimate.
ivnp71  1 | 46  
25 Apr 2013 /  #8
but if you are an EU CITIZEN married to polish, must wait 5 years? i have doubts about this and i don't know.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
25 Apr 2013 /  #9
Yes. I told you so. Waiting and meeting all other conditions like being only 10 months out of 60 out of Poland. It's like that, because spouse of Polish citizen doesn't need permanent residency as he/she can get other permits to have "like a citizen" rights. And when it's EU citizen, then there is completely no need for permanent residency, but...

...after 3 years can get Polish Passport:

Article 10 . First foreigner remainder of at least three years married to the person holding Polish citizenship who resides in the territory of the Polish Republic on the basis of a settlement permit , permit for long-term resident of the European Communities or having the right of permanent residence , may acquire Polish citizenship if within the period specified in paragraph . 1a declaration to the competent authority and the authority issues a decision accepting the declaration .

1a. The deadline to submit a declaration of intent on the acquisition of Polish citizenship is 3 years and 6 months from the date of the marriage to the person holding Polish citizenship or 6 months from the date of obtaining the permit by a foreigner to settle, permit long-term resident of the European Communities or acquiring the right of permanent stay.

2 Adoption of the declaration may be subject to submission of proof of loss of or release from foreign citizenship .

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Apr 2013 /  #10
But "ZEZWOLENIE NA POBYT REZYDENTA D£UGOTERMINOWEGO WE" (permanent residency) doesn't give any extra privileges in Poland which EU country passport wouldn't already give.

It does give one important privilege - you can't be deported then. EU citizens can still be legally deported after 3 months if they don't have a reason to be here - the same law that the French used against the Roma a while ago. It's also very useful in turbulent times - for instance, a couple of years ago, there was some very real speculation about countries leaving the EU, and it is a gateway to citizenship. In my case - it will be very useful if Scotland votes yes to independence, as it'll be a guarantee of residency even if Scotland ends up outside the EU.

In Poland we have "meldunek" - registration of living in specified apartment. Poland is in Schengen, so somebody from let's say Germany could do "meldunek" go back to Germany and nobody would stamp his Visa, register that he left the country. After 5 years he could claim that he was for whole time there in Poland.

Doesn't work like that, unless it's on the basis of marriage. Those applying for permanent residency on the basis of work need to have a verifiable work history for the entire 5 years - and they will check.

As for Polish citizenship - passing a State exam in Polish is now required.
mcm1  2 | 81  
25 Apr 2013 /  #11
My wife was finally granted her Polish citizenship recently.......no exams were taken or asked for.
25 Apr 2013 /  #12
But hers is because she is of Polish parentage, not because she has naturalised here.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
9 Nov 2013 /  #13
More info about obtaining citizenship: mazowieckie.pl/en/for-foreigners/citizenship/29,Polish-citizenship.html

I've heard it while listening to radio program with Janusz Wajs: [polskieradio.pl/7/15/Artykul/947001,Polakiem-byc-Drogi-do-obywatelstwa]

( Here they also say that few years ago the law changed and Polish citizens who renounced citizenship can now apply to get it back )
Buggsy  8 | 98  
9 Nov 2013 /  #14
As for Polish citizenship - passing a State exam in Polish is now required.

Perhaps you would care to read this from your province:

My wife was finally granted her Polish citizenship recently.......no exams were taken or asked for.

I can second that. A colleague from Argentina recently got his: no family connections whatsoever had been living and working in the country for more than 6years.

Told me the only problem he faced was the application going through the Ministry of Internal Affairs before it got to the President's office- he had worked in Luxembourg before so they wanted to know

if he owed the Luxembourg revenue office any money or if he was wanted by the courts.
Going through the President's office is just a formality, from what he told me, and it took almost 8 weeks for the decision to be passed.
11 Aug 2014 /  #15

I got job opportunity for work in Poland, The Sri Lanka employer saying there are chance to get permanent residence after worked 5 years , is this true ?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #16
yes it is true
12 Aug 2014 /  #17
HI Monitor,

Thank you for replying , can you send some government link about permanent residence after worked 5 years . If there any chance to take my family under my work visa. I have two kids & my wife.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Aug 2014 /  #18
yes your family can come with you, but wife will need to apply for work permit separately in case she wants to work.
12 Aug 2014 /  #19
Thank you for your kind cooperation
30 Aug 2014 /  #20
Hi monitor, i want know, if i'm latin foreing living in uk for more than 4 years with my polish girlfriend without get marriage, can i apply for a permanent residency or polish citizen?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
30 Aug 2014 /  #21
No, but if you stay for few (1?) more years in UK perhaps you can apply for permanent British residency.
ivnp71  1 | 46  
2 Sep 2014 /  #22
for eu citizens, who are spouses of the polish nationals living in Poland, how do they(administration) check the continuous residence for 5 years?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
2 Sep 2014 /  #23
I guess they look if the person was registered in Poland for the whole time and was insured. Perhaps they check data about leaving Schengen during that time.

And not EU spouses of Poles can get this permit after 3 years I think and they're controlled at home by border guards to find fake marriages.
ivnp71  1 | 46  
3 Sep 2014 /  #24
But if u have a registration certificate of living in Poland(ue citizen) on the basis of marriage, not on the basis of work, how do they check THE CONTINUOUS RESIDENCE after the 5 years? Poland is in Schengen and nobody would stamp any visa for eu citizens.

U could have a registration certificate for 5 years(temporary residence) and live in another country belonging to Schengen and at the end of 5 years to apply for permanent residence on the basis of marriage.I understand that on the basis of work u have to a verifiable work history and so they will check but what about on the basis of marriage (ue citizens)?

I don't know if i was clear enough....
Monitor  13 | 1810  
3 Sep 2014 /  #25
Did you read what I wrote? There are controls at home and there are "stamps" if you go out of Schengen zone.
ivnp71  1 | 46  
3 Sep 2014 /  #26
A friend of mine(he's from the U.K) got permanent residence in Poland not meeting this requiriment. He's married to a polish.

exceed 6 months in 1 year and all breaks together exceed 10 months in 5 years.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
3 Sep 2014 /  #27
apparently system doesn't work then
ivnp71  1 | 46  
3 Sep 2014 /  #28
For UE citizens to check the "continuous residence" in zone Schengen is very difficult.
If you have your legal marriage certificate not problem when applying for permanent residence on the basis of marriage.
15 Dec 2014 /  #29
I am retired and I would like to live in Rezszow, I am planning to go there in a couple of days and look for properties to rent or buy.

I will need a bank account in order to receive my pensions directly, I will also need an accountant to look after my tax affairs in Poland.

How can I go about it?
I am a EU citizen and I would like to register.
Looker  - | 1129  
15 Dec 2014 /  #30
Everything is doable. This is a important page about registering your stay in Poland and other valuable info.

If you are looking for an acountant in Rzeszów, check them for example:

You should not have problem with bank account, check others posts on PF about it:

Here is also a lot of threads about moving to Poland, buying/renting flats, and many other things worth to know, use search field and browse.

Eg. https://polishforums.com/real-estate/poland-contemplating-moving-intention-72899/

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Ways of getting Permanent residency in PolandArchived