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Can non-EU spouse/dependent work without work permit in Poland?

29 May 2014 /  #1
Can any body tell us whether spouse of non eu country will be able to work in Poland if he have karty pobytu for 2 years. We both are from India and my spouse is working here in Poland as full time employee.
29 May 2014 /  #2
I'm afraid that it's not possible. If your spouse would be a polish citizen, then you could work here, but in this case you need probably the same work permit as your spouse posess.
OP kalsi1140  
1 Jun 2014 /  #3
Thank you so much for your response.....
1 Jan 2015 /  #4
Merged: Eligibility for Spouse to Work in Poland

Hi all,

Happy New Year.

I want to know what is the eligibility of my spouse to work in Poland. I am from non EU country and living in Krakow for the past 3 years, and now eligible for a Polish Citizenship (as per the standard rules).

After I get the citizenship status, would my spouse be eligible to work without the need of permit. In case I get the citizenship, my spouse, technically, would be married to a polish citizen.

Any guidance or information is highly appreciated.

Na zdrowie!
pigsy  7 | 304  
1 Jan 2015 /  #5
I am from non EU country and living in Krakow for the past 3 years, and now eligible for a Polish Citizenship (as per the standard rules).

Nope you are not elligible for citizenship till you have legally lived in Poland for 5 years until its on marriage basis which you cannot I assume as you have a non eu resident spouse.

In case I get the citizenship, my spouse, technically, would be married to a polish citizen.

Nope,she has to apply to get the resident card.
3 Jan 2015 /  #6
Hi Pigsy,

But the national law (Article 30) states it to be atleast 3 years. I did some additional research and found out that I need to have permanent resident card in this case. For obtaining permanent card, one need to spend 10 years legally in the country. This is a BIG time.

Is there any way my spouse can work in Poland? Surviving on one salary is possible (tough though), but I don't want my spouse to sit idle. She is an IT engineer and holds significant experience with Cognizant.

p.s Employee transfer is not possible as Cognizant has no presence in Poland.

Any clarity on citizenship laws and possible way-through is highly appreciated,

DominicB  - | 2706  
4 Jan 2015 /  #7
Is there any way my spouse can work in Poland?

Actually, the best way is for her to transfer, but if her company has no presence in Poland, that's pretty much out. Next best way is to find for her to find a job in her home country with a company that does do business in Poland, and then get transferred. Third best way is to find a job with a company in Poland while she is still in her home country, Worst way is for her to come to Poland and then start looking for a job once she is there; there is practically no chance of her finding a job that way, unless she has serious kick-a$$ experience, like ten years experience as a project or regional manager or high-level consultant, and even then, it's not going to be easy.

It's best to make your plans on the very realistic assumption that your wife will not be able to find work in Poland.
4 Jan 2015 /  #8
Thanks DominicB for the information.

It turns out to be a challenging task. I am loving my job here and see my career flourishing. My employer is quite satisfied and impressed by my work and wants to retain me for a longer period of time. Going back to my country is an option but I don't see my career growth over there - where my job would turn out to be clerical rather than challenging on-the-foot job.

Would job consultants be able to help me find a job for my spouse? Salary isn't a major concern as I would like her to be kept involved in job and a little contribution to the household income would be a plus point for us.

6 Jan 2015 /  #9
Any suggestion on the above question?

20 Jan 2015 /  #10

I have the following situation: Iam employed with Polish company and I've a got working visa. We came to Poland together with my husband, he is on short-term tourist visa. I am going to apply fro Blue card and at the same time my husband is applying for karty pobytu with access to labour market. Yesterday he got an offer from Polish company. The question is: Can he be hired while he is waiting for karty pobytu decision if his potential employer issued him Oswiadczenie o zamiarze powierzenia pracy ?

Thank you,
sobieski  106 | 2111  
20 Jan 2015 /  #11
eligible for a Polish Citizenship (as per the standard rules).

Which are in your view the per standard rules?
28 Jan 2015 /  #12
@ Sobieski,

I was wrong with my understanding of the rules (and I mentioned in my previous comment as well). I need to have a permanent residence card to apply for citizenship - which is applicable only after I spend 10 years in Poland.

Anyways, I am going to try the consultants to find my spouse a decent job in Warsaw. I don't know how would that turn up, but I would still like to give it a shot.

p.s I love Sobieski Vodka :)


Which country do you belong to? And how difficult was it for your husband to find a job? karty pobytu, as far as I know, is provided by employer once you are able to obtain a job with them.
DominicB  - | 2706  
28 Jan 2015 /  #13
Anyways, I am going to try the consultants to find my spouse a decent job in Warsaw.

Just beware of scam artists. If any "consultant" asks you for any money, they are a scam artist and you should not do business with them. Real headhunters NEVER ask job seekers for money.
riddhi  - | 3  
26 Aug 2015 /  #14
Merged: can spouse join me and get work permit over there

hi am riddhi i am from India can my spouse join with me and work in poland
terri  1 | 1661  
26 Aug 2015 /  #15
It all depends on what your spouse is qualified to do and whether these jobs are available in Poland. I am assuming that she speaks Polish to a high degree and will not have trouble communicating with her employers.
riddhi  - | 3  
26 Aug 2015 /  #16
Hi i am riddhi from india i wants to know the total cost of work permit for my spouse in indian rupees.
terri  1 | 1661  
26 Aug 2015 /  #17
The employer has to apply for the work permit - you yourself cannot buy a work permit. First, you will have to find an employer willing to do that, and he has to prove that no one else in Poland can do the job for which he wants to employ your wife. This may prove extremely difficult unless your wife speaks perfect Polish. I am assuming that she does speak Polish - and then she can get in the queue and apply for the same jobs as all the Poles already living in Poland.
kbjan26  3 | 10  
2 Oct 2015 /  #18
Merged: Can dependents of National Visa D work in Poland?

Hi if a person is coming to Poland with National Visa D WP, then will his wife/spouse be eligible to work in Poland. Can she search for Jobs ?
2 Oct 2015 /  #19
will his wife/spouse be eligible to work in Poland. Can she search for Jobs ?

She will be eligible to work in Poland only if she gets a work permit. Good luck with getting one.
DominicB  - | 2706  
2 Oct 2015 /  #20
Can she search for Jobs ?

She can search all she wants, but chances are extremely small that she will find an employer that is willing to get a work permit for her. Make your plans on the very safe assumption that she will definitely not find any work in Poland. If you are not going to be earning enough money to comfortably support the both of you, then don't come to Poland.
kbjan26  3 | 10  
5 Oct 2015 /  #21
Hi Dominic how about opportunities in the field of IT. When i browsed for IT opportunities , i could sense quite an amount of openings in and around Wroclaw where i will be residing.
DominicB  - | 2706  
5 Oct 2015 /  #22
Probably not unless she has some exotic specialty or experience that makes her highly in demand. In any case, if you need her to work, make sure that she has a job BEFORE you come to Poland. You cannot assume that she will find work AFTER you come. In fact, it's safest to assume that she definitely will not.
1 Jun 2016 /  #23
Merged: Working Rights for my Wife in Poland - how should we proceed?


I am living in Warsaw, and have National D visa valid until Feb 2017.

My wife arrived last week on Schengen C Visa, fortunately she will probably be offered job in a MNC here in Warsaw.
Company HR is also not aware of the details how to apply for work permit. Therefore, I need advice from folks in this forum.

I have already taken appointment for her application of Karta Pobytu submission(based on my work permit) around end of July, but I know still she would not be able work.

This Appointment was taken around 1 month back before she arrived here from India.

Can someone suggest, how should we proceed??
Should we get work permit applied now?? and leave Karta Pobytu application(based on my Work Permit) for the time being??
Is applying for both Work Permit from her and Karta Pobytu(based on my Work Permit) applicable for my wife??

Thanks a lot...
21 Oct 2016 /  #24

I am Bidnu from Inida, I got work permit & visa from Poland. my husband in home based employee in India. now he can come with me to Poland and continue the same job for Indian company from Poland?

which visa he have to apply? - Dependent visa or another?

could you please respond to me to that I will take my next step!

Many Thanks,
30 Mar 2017 /  #25
Myself abdul lateef. I am planning to apply for poland .could my wife gets a dependent visa
27 Feb 2018 /  #26
Hi, My husband is in Poland for 2 yrs. He has work permit. Now I am going on dependant Visa. Can I work there? If not then how I can get work permit?

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