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If you lose your job in Poland is it easy to claim welfare?

hythorn  3 | 580  
31 Jan 2012 /  #31
Spain's is pretty cushy too

four years work then two year's welfare at 1200 euro per month if I recall

you would have to be doing quite well to bring home 1200 euro net every month in the present economic climate
31 Jan 2012 /  #32
What's wrong with that?They can afford it...Oh,you said Spain?Never mind.
OP rant2012  4 | 16  
1 Feb 2012 /  #33
I was discussing the Polish language.....

rant2012: No I'm here for work for a few months, trying to pick up bits but it's difficult!

I might ask the moderators why they took down my comment defending myself from these slanderous accusations?
johnny reb  49 | 7993  
15 Jan 2019 /  #34
In Poland is it true:
Is it true that kids can stay on their parents dole (support) until they are 26 years old !
Is it true that you get cut off welfare after six months with no extensions ?
If you lose your job in Poland are there any unemployment benefits ?
How about welfare for food supplement ?
Who is responsible for a college aged child attending college as far as rent and food ?
Just curious since Poland seems so very concerned about losing it's welfare money if the E.U. dissolves.
15 Jan 2019 /  #35
My phone went wild. Could a mod remove my previous 'post'?
The kids are under parents care thill 26 if in education .
And that's who's responsible for their food and housing.
MoOli  9 | 479  
16 Jan 2019 /  #36
Just curious since Poland seems so very concerned about losing it's welfare money if the E.U. dissolves.

PF wont let me quote your questions so I will answeras they are posted:
!:yes2:Dont know3:Yes4:No5:Usually parents(I think legally also)

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / If you lose your job in Poland is it easy to claim welfare?Archived