Paying the contribution to ZUS appears to be the way to go, I hope I find thing straight forward in Lodz.
Well, if you're coming to PL and you have a pre-existing condition, it's definately a good idea to get a health insurance over here. You go to the local NFZ (National Health Fund) and sign up with the for a volounary health insurance. Now here's a catch: the monthly premiums, as somebody mentioned in a previous post are not bad, right now for this quarter it's about 313 PLN/month. But, NFZ also will make you pay an intoductory fee which in your case, since you have never had a health insurance in PL, will be 6957,82 PLN.
had the same situation when my husband at the time moved here. He has diabetes, so we didn't want to take a chance of him not having a proper health insurance. and i almost fainted when they told us about that fee. but a very nice NFZ clerk told us, that the best way to avoid paying it is to:
1. find someone who will hire you on a job contract (i mean "umowa o pracę" lub "umowa zlecenie" which pays the health insuarnce) for like a month (or even a week, as long as the premium is payed)
2. go to the unemployment office and get him registered as unemployed (then he gets the health insurance payed by the unemployment office) and after a week or 2 unregister him.
we chose the second option. after that when we went to finally get that volountary insurance the "gap" in his premium payment was less than 3 months and there was no stupid introductory fee :@)
I know it sounds retarded, but that's how it works and you will need you girlfriend's assistance with that (language-wise). Or just get married (if you 2 plan to). and as long as she's on the job contract that covers the health insurance, as her husband you'll be eligible for it too.
and about your medication, there is a list of the meds subsidised by NFZ, i'm sure your girlfried can find it online and you can check if the medication you're taking is on that list.
Best of luck :@)