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Polish grandparents, citizenship? Parents moved from Poland to Australia before my birth.

12 Mar 2017 /  #1
I live in Australia. My mum and dad are both Polish and emigrated to Australia before my birth. I have no contact with my dad (gone without a trace) and my mum hasn't got any of the necessary documents, nor is she willing to apply for them. Is there a chance I would get a confirmation of citizenship through my grandparents (all passed on) or is it necessary for my mum to confirm her own citizenship first?
OP Iza22  
12 Mar 2017 /  #2
Sorry, to add: I speak the language fluently, have held polish passports in my name as a child and have gone to school in Poland. My mum hasn't been back to Poland since this new law came in and I don't know where to start.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Mar 2017 /  #3
have held polish passports in my name

In this case, you should be able to just apply for a new passport. You need the personal identification number - PESEL - do you have it anywhere?
OP Iza22  
12 Mar 2017 /  #4
Hello delphiandomine, thank you for your response. I've asked my mum and she said I've never had a PESEL. The passports were child passports, I still have one (expired 2011). My mum told me she also can't apply for a Polish passport without first confirming her own citizenship?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Mar 2017 /  #5
I've asked my mum and she said I've never had a PESEL. The passports were child passports, I still have one (expired 2011).

I checked again, and it looks like it's possible to get one without a PESEL. In your case, with a passport that expired in 2011, you won't have any difficulties.

The website is here - sydney.msz.gov.pl/pl/informacje_konsularne/paszporty/paszporty
- you should just apply for a new one. You don't need to worry about claiming citizenship from your parents or grandparents, as you've already had a passport issued in your own name.

It should be pretty straightforward, but the lack of PESEL might cause issues - I'd call the consulate in Sydney and double check.
OP Iza22  
12 Mar 2017 /  #6
I don't have any of these it seems:

C. Dokument potwierdzający posiadanie obywatelstwa polskiego (ważny dowód osobisty, ważny paszport, poświadczenie obywatelstwa polskiego wydane przez właściwego Wojewodę lub postanowienie Prezydenta RP o nadaniu obywatelstwa polskiego).

Or this:

E. Odpis aktu urodzenia wydany przez polski urząd stanu cywilnego.*
Dotyczy osób ubiegających się o polski paszport po raz pierwszy, dzieci wpisanych dotychczas do paszportu rodzica oraz w przypadku rozbieżności w danych osobowych. Dotyczy to również osób urodzonych poza Polską (patrz: informacja dot. umiejscawiania zagranicznych dokumentów stanu cywilnego na stronie "Sprawy prawne"), a także osób, które nie posiadają numeru PESEL.

Which I thought I needed the citizenship confirmation for, I thought the laws changed recently and you are now required to somehow confirm your citizenship via decent in order to receive this? Even if you were definitely a citizen before these laws came about? I don't know much about these laws so apologies if anything I say is stupid.
17 Dec 2017 /  #7

Applying for Polish Citizenship for Child Born in Australia

My husband is a Polish citizen, and we have just had a baby (born in Australia). We would like to obtain proof of Polish citizenship for the baby. I have had a look on the Polish consulates website and it looks like a fairly complicated process. We will be travelling to Poland in a couple of months to visit family, does anyone know if it is possible/easier to do directly over there? Or if the process for doing it in Australia is the same for a newborn baby as an adult (obviously he is not going to write/sign the declaration etc. himself!)?

My husband is not an Australian resident or citizen, if that has any relevance.
terri  1 | 1661  
17 Dec 2017 /  #8
Bring with you all the documents your husband has confirming his citizenship. have the baby's birth certificate translated (by a sworn translator) into Polish. Then upon your arrival go immediately to the Urzad Cywilny in your husband's birthplace and register the baby.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Polish grandparents, citizenship? Parents moved from Poland to Australia before my birth.Archived