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Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN?

sobieski  106 | 2111  
20 Sep 2012 /  #31
I think 1700 is not too much, if you want to buy a 50K car. Besides, whatever the race/color issue, it comes back to basics.

You made a girl pregnant, and now you want to chicken out from your basic responsibilities.
kj99  8 | 54  
23 Sep 2012 /  #32
1700 a month is way to much !!!!!!!!!!! - the little skank is milking you my friend....

1700 pln aint a bad full time wage in poland - effectively you are paying this woman a fulltime wage to sit on her Asssss indoors to bring up a kid -which of course you probably didnt even want ........but which she was of course (for obvious reasons)only too willing to have!!!!!!!! - wouldnt take it mate - dump her and run

regardless of how much you are earning - the point is what you "should "be paying is what she is actually spending -reasonable expenses ,,, the court will then decide if them expenses are reasonable and only then ask how much your earning to see if you can afford these expenses- i dont know many polish women who can afford to spend 1700 zwots on one kid every month - yet seemingly this is what she is doing - of course its easy when its someone elses money

this scenario sums up all that is worst in the western world
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Sep 2012 /  #33
1700 a month is way to much !!!!!!!!!!!

It's really not when a decent nursery can set you back half that a month.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Sep 2012 /  #34
and what makes a woman asking her 'babyfather' for maintenance a 'little skank'?
kj99  8 | 54  
23 Sep 2012 /  #35
if the woman wants a decent nursey - let her pay for it herself..

i have so many friends in the uk , all which assure me that a wage of 1700 pln a month is above average ....

you saying that this guy should be paying a fulltime average wage to her ?- cant imagine anything similar over here - at best shed get 16 per cent of his earnings.....

she played a part in having the kid as well - the most this guy should pay is half an average earning - what exactly is she herself paying???( in financial terms - not actually sitting indoors (sorry , that should read,, looking after the kiddy)

if she wants to play little miss independant and raise the kiddy all by herself - let het pay for it HERSELF, and if she cant then she shouldnt have had it .

it amazes me how only too willing women are to have kids without any regard to the cost - to the future ,,,, all the while alimony laws like this exist they just dont have to - .....
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
23 Sep 2012 /  #36
if she wants to play little miss independant

how do we know what happened? why make assumptions?
maybe he left her for another woman? maybe his behaviour was not possible to live with?
Why is always single mothers who get judged like this?
fekcing pisses me off. and what's with the 'little miss'? she might be built like a brick shithouse for all you know.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Sep 2012 /  #37
if the woman wants a decent nursey - let her pay for it herself..

Why? It's his child too, and if he's got 50k to blow on a car, he can afford a decent nursery.

i have so many friends in the uk , all which assure me that a wage of 1700 pln a month is above average ....

Those friends are likely not exactly the...creme de la creme of Polish society. 1700zl a month isn't even 2500zl gross - which is significantly below average, especially in Krakow.

you saying that this guy should be paying a fulltime average wage to her ?- cant imagine anything similar over here - at best shed get 16 per cent of his earnings.....

But she would also get benefits to top that sum up. They don't exist in Poland, so the father pays.

the most this guy should pay is half an average earning

Really? Half of average is over 2000zl these days in Krakow. Nice of you to see that you agree with the amount!

if she wants to play little miss independant and raise the kiddy all by herself - let het pay for it HERSELF, and if she cant then she shouldnt have had it .

Bearing in mind that he's marrying another woman soon, I suspect it's not her that wanted to stay by herself.
kj99  8 | 54  
24 Sep 2012 /  #38
sorry delphine , but joe average aint creme de le creme of society - he isnt a lawyer , a doctor , an accountant either - i meet joe average in london everyday , a few of his other polish friends too.

im told the equivalent of £400 take home is very very good money - (particulary when you can rent a flat for this sort of cash in a city like lodz (an average city) for example ,and still have cash left over for the electric as well.

joe average doesnt earn a mint in kracow , and cant afford to send his kid to the finest fulltime nursery - because then he wouldnt be "average" would he?????????????????

why the hell should this guy be on the hock to pay for fulltime nursey care and every other bullsXXX expense ???? i cant afford to pay for fulltime nursery myself - and im on an average uk wage.

yes in england we do have benefits - but i dont know any mother even when claiming every benefit still being able to afford full time nursery - too expensive in england , and i suspect too expensive in poland as well- for someone earning an average wage say ,, in average town that doesnt happen to be the swankiest area of kracow -
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
24 Sep 2012 /  #39
it's true that a stay at home mum doesn't need full time nursery
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Sep 2012 /  #40
sorry delphine , but joe average aint creme de le creme of society.

And these are not really typical examples of Polish society too. I assure you that in a major city, 2500zl gross is a poor monthly wage. I know people earning that who work in hostels and suchlike.

im told the equivalent of £400 take home is very very good money.

You're told that by people who haven't got a clue what's normal. 2000zl take home is around what, perhaps 2800zl a month gross - which again is significantly lower than the average wage for the whole of Poland, let alone for the large cities. A very very good wage in Poland is around 8000-10000zl net a month.

joe average doesnt earn a mint in kracow , and cant afford to send his kid to the finest fulltime nursery

If he was average, he'd be pushing 3000zl a month net. But then he wouldn't be buying a 50k car as well, which suggests that our friend is anything but average.

i cant afford to pay for fulltime nursery myself - and im on an average uk wage.

Because he earns enough to pay for it, clearly. If he's able to put 50k down for a car, 1700zl a month is nothing.

and i suspect too expensive in poland as well

You've got no idea about Poland, so why are you commenting?
kj99  8 | 54  
24 Sep 2012 /  #41
polish solictor i know tells me its not what the man earns that is important - only what the woman is spending on average each month.

the expenses must be reasonable - full time nursery care aint reasonable!

what difference should him having a 50k car have on the up- bringing costs of a kid? because daddy is driving a bentley do the costs of kids clothes / food and electricity suddenly go up ?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Sep 2012 /  #42
the expenses must be reasonable - full time nursery care aint reasonable!

If she works full time, why isn't it reasonable? It is seen in Poland among educated circles that full time nursery is a must, especially because they do so much with children in nurseries here. If he cares about his child, a full time nursery is indeed a good start.

But as I say, you don't live here, you haven't got a clue about how society lives. 1700PLN a month isn't anything particularly special for a man of means to pay.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
24 Sep 2012 /  #43
the court will then decide if them expenses are reasonable and only then ask how much your earning to see if you can afford these expenses

You are in for one hell of a shock in Poland. There is no welfare state to pick up your bills here. It's not a case of five pounds a week, it's serious "nick", and yes, they will issue an international arrest warrant. They do not play by the EU rules here. Give him your worldly advice, it should be funny to hear the results.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Sep 2012 /  #44
Give him your worldly advice, it should be funny to hear the results.

It would be very funny indeed, especially relying on the word of some poor Poles in London!

They do not play by the EU rules here.

And nor should they - the welfare state doesn't exist here to pick up after the father messes up.
MoOli  9 | 479  
24 Sep 2012 /  #45
Why? It's his child too, and if he's got 50k to blow on a car, he can afford a decent nursery.

Honestly the bugger is lucky if he was in the states he would have to pay for the kids collegge too which can amount to 200k either or till the age he/she studies till 24or 25(i forget)(even if he had to take student loans)or the judge would put him where a bigger bro would make him his wife atleast for a while.....:)
strzyga  2 | 990  
24 Sep 2012 /  #46
polish solictor i know tells me its not what the man earns that is important - only what the woman is spending on average each month.

AFAIK the father's income it is crucial in determining the amount of childcare payment, the rule being that the child should not suffer financially because of the parents' separation and should have the same or similar living standard as it would have living with its father. Therefore, if the father has a considerable income, the child is entitled to better clothing, schooling, vacations etc., so the amount can spread from as little as 500 zł to 5 000 zł in some cases. I'm neither a lawyer nor a single mother but that's what I've always heard and read here.
kj99  8 | 54  
24 Sep 2012 /  #47
i would say you aint got a clue either delphiandomine......but you and every other freeloading leach knows the system only too well ,

it seems to me that if every woman before having a kid could just ask herself if SHE could afford it - the number of child births would plummet.

on a personal note , i couldnt afford kids , and have never wanted them - i dont know what the future holds , but seemingly my partner does.

shes decided that she wants the kid shes expecting ,despite me always tellin her ive never wanted children and knowing full well im broke -

i always wore a condom with her , she herself never on any contraception and she herself always wanting a kid- probably knowing all to well - id be the one paying for her choice

the system aint right , ,,, one bright star on the horizon though ....

it seems that the international arrest warrant avalon was talking about - or rather the european arrest warrent , might soon have its day - in britain at least.

it seems britain has secured an optional opt in - to parts of the treaty of lisbon , a treaty which formalises / rounds up a whole suite of european justice and law enforcement measures -including the much abused european arrest warrent.

if as seems likely a conservative euro-sceptic uk government doesnt decide to "opt in " by june 2014 , euro arrest warrents wont hold in the uk - poland will then be stuffed.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
24 Sep 2012 /  #48
if as seems likely a conservative euro-sceptic uk government

And which of the three main parties is Eurosceptic? Unless UKIP get elected at the next election, who is going to revoke the the laws previously passed or lead us out of the European Union?

are these the same parties who are giving you your referendum.
milky  13 | 1656  
24 Sep 2012 /  #49
I don't know the background to the poster,maybe he is rich, but about 20 % of earnings is about the amount,courts will demand for one child. So if working in Poland and on the average income,1700 is far tooooooo high I'm sure sure 400 zloty is all that could be legally demanded if earning an average net wage of 2000 zl
strzyga  2 | 990  
24 Sep 2012 /  #50
I'm sure sure 400 zloty would suffice.

for what? you're kidding, right?
milky  13 | 1656  
24 Sep 2012 /  #51
Well! it could be 4 times that if he's a big earner, but the percentage is about 20%..... and if married,his wife's wages could be included in the 20 %.
Avalon  4 | 1063  
24 Sep 2012 /  #52
i always wore a condom with her

That sounds like a recipe for disaster. So you were wearing protection every time, no problem, we just look for the star in the East at around Christmas time and three men riding camels.
jon357  72 | 23482  
24 Sep 2012 /  #53
400 zlot

80 quid?

I spend 3 times that on taxis. He should pay at least half his wage or keep his flies fastened.
milky  13 | 1656  
24 Sep 2012 /  #54
He should pay at least half his wage

maybe, but legally about 20 % so paying more will be goodwill, not law.
strzyga  2 | 990  
24 Sep 2012 /  #55
Maybe in Britain. In Poland there's no 20% limit. And mother's income is irrelevant if she's the one providing everyday care of the child.
milky  13 | 1656  
24 Sep 2012 /  #56
In Poland there's no 20% limit

yes, but 20% is average. If you, say,demanded 40% and the guy then can't afford his own rent, well then !!, the dog eats its own tail ans everyone loses. The courts have to be reasonable or the guy just runs. Maybe different in Muslim countries etc, maybe they remove a ball or something if he refuses to marry.
24 Sep 2012 /  #57
The courts have to be reasonable

Not had much experience with Polish courts, have you.
jon357  72 | 23482  
24 Sep 2012 /  #58
maybe, but legally about 20 % so paying more will be goodwill, not law

No. He fathered it, he pays for it.

The courts have to be reasonable

Poland has a codex rather than common law. This means that they don't have to be reasonable, they just have to follow the rules to the letter.
milky  13 | 1656  
24 Sep 2012 /  #59
Whatever, 20 % is Eire/ UK average Poland could be different. But, I reckon 400 zl is miles closer than 1700zl. Anyway I don't really give a sh1t.
kj99  8 | 54  
24 Sep 2012 /  #60
And which of the three main parties is Eurosceptic? Unless UKIP get elected at the next election, who is going to revoke the the laws previously passed or lead us out of the European Union?

are these the same parties who are giving you your referendum.

avalon , its not a case of revoking its a case of whether britain wants to actually opt in, to this particular part of the treaty ,,, and if by july 2014 , it has not actually opted in , then by default weve opted out....no more polish e.u warrants horray !!!!

the fact that anyone can be deported to poland , (when in the same circumstances they would no way be sought for extradiction by the uk -for example , on matters of child maintenance/ ) , just because a polish court decrees it - is absurd.

at least if an english court could look into the merits of a particular case , the judgement of a foreign court - it wouldnt be so bad , but for now they are restricted to judging only on matters of procedure- whether the paperwork is filled out right - and not whether the money the mother is wanting ,,,,, is right.

the last labour goverment was coy about signing up to this nightmare and reserved judgement ,i cant imagine the latest batch of tories would be any more keener.

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Child Alimony in Poland - 1700 PLN?Archived