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Advice needed on why my Poland National Visa D has been refused?

14 Apr 2015 /  #1
I got bad news today from the embassy that my visa has been refused for the reason "you did not justify the purpose and conditions of the travel" please i need to know what it means ???? because they did not answer me and explain good and told me just that i have to check my documents ; i have the work permit and the intent letter from my employer and my passport valid for one year and two months and 15 days and the work permit is valid until 31 march 2016 and i have my fight ticket and my travel insurance for 3 months and my diploma similar to the the work title as a junior software engineer , PLEASE HELP HELP HELP What can be the reason ???? maybe i needed to prouve an accomodation in Poland ???????
jon357  72 | 23706  
14 Apr 2015 /  #2
What type if visa did you apply for?
14 Apr 2015 /  #3
National visa D for poland
monata  - | 11  
14 Apr 2015 /  #4
you did not justify the purpose and conditions of the travel

From the quote it seems that the issue is with your work permit ..check list of papers required from embassy website, may be you missed something. where are you from ?
jon357  72 | 23706  
14 Apr 2015 /  #5
You just beat me to it. The official link below suggests different consulates have different requirements and advises visa applicants to check with the particular office

14 Apr 2015 /  #6
Im from Tunisia and my Work permit is clear that im allowed to work with this company as a junior Software engineer until 31 march 2016 .

Maybe because i booked ticket with transit in Frankfurt?????? im getting crazy here !! they dont even want say on clear what is missing or what is wrong with my documents
monata  - | 11  
14 Apr 2015 /  #7
check again all requirements like bank statement and your qualifications, is the inviting company reputable in Poland ? .. you need to ask yourself all questions,

Check this also :
14 Apr 2015 /  #8
my Work permit is clear

Since when have work permits been issued to people who are not already legally in Poland?!
14 Apr 2015 /  #9
My employer requested me a work permit and i got it !!!
monata  - | 11  
14 Apr 2015 /  #10
Are you the one who applied for it ?! .. strange as the process i know is that the employer apply for the work permit for as it should be signed from organization in Poland i don't remember its name.
14 Apr 2015 /  #11
What Harry says makes sense. 1. Residence permit and 2. work permit.
14 Apr 2015 /  #12
Guys the work permit is requested by the employer and issued by the voivideship for a foreign who is recruited from a polish company! im i clear or you guys trying to take the discussion to another level?
14 Apr 2015 /  #13
@Help: we all know how it works re work permit but please realize that if the Polish authorities have refused to give you a residence permit, there is no way people on this forum can help you. If you mean to contest their decision, you need to take a lawyer.
14 Apr 2015 /  #14
I close this thread because some arrogant people are jumping around here , but just to those people on future who will read this thread "the work permit is issued for foreigneers even if they are not in the polish territory", BYE!
14 Apr 2015 /  #15
No, the promise of a work permit is issued. That promesa is used to get a visa (which can only be obtained outside Poland). That visa is used to get a work permit, and it is the employer who gets the work permit, not the employee.
14 Apr 2015 /  #16
I don't remember the situation prior to 2004 when I needed work permits in Poland but what Harry says makes sense. Anyway, nobody on this forum can do anything about visa refusal. If the author of the post contest Polish officials' decision, he needs to take a lawyer. We don't know his whole story anyway and the Polish Government have the right to deny visas without giving explanation.
wyousif  - | 6  
21 Apr 2015 /  #17
Calm down my friend :)

Simply you can make appeal within 14 days of your visa refusal date!
8 Jul 2015 /  #18
Hello I did for national visa for to be with my wife but the answer of consulate was negative and they didn't give clear reason c
InPolska  9 | 1796  
8 Jul 2015 /  #19
Is your wife Polish? How long have been married and where? I don't know their conditions but maybe they think that your wife does not have enough money to support both of you. What is your situation? where are you from? I guess that having a Polish husband or wife is not enough to be entitled to visa.

There is nothing we can do on this forum. If you think you have not been treated right, you need to hire a lawyer.
11 Jul 2015 /  #20
Yes she's ,we have 5 months married ,she have good situation and have work .my situation I m student in university from Algeria. but I didn't show statement of bank or reserve of my wife ,can i know important doucements ?and consulate answered that I didn't justify your stay in poland i dnot know how can justify I need help guys thanks
DominicB  - | 2706  
11 Jul 2015 /  #21
Yes she's ,we have 5 months married

Apparently, the consul was not convinced that your marriage was genuine and that you have no intention of leaving the EU before your visa expires. The burden was on you to convince him otherwise, and you failed on several accounts. It's all your fault. As a mere student, it will be impossible for you to convince them that you have strong ties to your home country and it would be in your best interest to return. Quite the opposite. An appeal would be a waste of time and money. This attempt at entering the EU has failed. Don't waste your money on lawyers and appeals.
Polsyr  6 | 758  
11 Jul 2015 /  #22
@mouhamed; as InPolska already asked, where did you get married?
Have your registered your marriage in Poland? If yes, did you show the embassy your marriage certificate issued from office in Poland?
Did you pay an application fee when you applied for the visa? If yes, how much?
How old are you, and how old is she?
Were you married to anyone else before? If yes, when did you get divorced?
Have you ever had a Schengen Visa before?

I am not a lawyer but I have done a lot of research on this subject. The story you told here is simply not complete.

If nothing else works, your wife must consult a lawyer in Poland.

the consul was not convinced that your marriage was genuine

I believe this is the problem (could not justify stay in Poland means exactly that), and this in particular strictly cannot be based exclusively on subjective impressions of consul (while other cases can be). He didn't provide full details, but I am reasonably sure the marriage is either not yet registered in Poland or not recognized in Poland altogether (multiple wives or marriage by religious authorities and not officially registered in Algeria etc.)

that you have no intention of leaving the EU before your visa expires

As a mere student, it will be impossible for you to convince them that you have strong ties to your home country and it would be in your best interest to return

Not among evaluation criteria for spouses of Polish citizens since he'd be allowed to apply for a residence permit once in Poland.

An appeal would be a waste of time and money. This attempt at entering the EU has failed. Don't waste your money on lawyers and appeals.

Absolutely right - do not hire a lawyer in Algeria and do not appeal in Algeria as the legal system in Algeria has no jurisdiction over foreign embassies. You will only irritate consul beyond the point of willful cooperation.
11 Jul 2015 /  #23
Better try another application of visa ?
Polsyr  6 | 758  
11 Jul 2015 /  #24
It will get rejected for the same reason unless you change something.
DominicB  - | 2706  
11 Jul 2015 /  #25
Better try another application of visa ?

That would also be a big waste of time and money. They do check their records to see if you have been rejected before, you know, and they do share that information with other Schengen countries, so applying in a different country is probably going to be a big waste of time and money, too. They have already determined that your marriage is fake, and it is beyond your capabilities and resources to prove otherwise.

Because entering into a sham marriage is a crime, your "wife" will have little incentive, if any, in perpetuating the crime by giving you access to her financial statements, and she certainly isn't going to use her own resources to hire a lawyer for you. As far as they are concerned, you are now a criminal, and will be treated as such in the future. Your "wife" doesn't want to be investigated, so she is going to stay very low and not draw any attention to herself.

Forget about coming to the EU and concentrate on building a life for yourself in your own country. Forget about Poland, and forget about your "wife". Neither is ever going to be a part of your life, and neither is going to help you gain access to the richer countries of the EU.

In other words, "Game over".
23 Jul 2015 /  #26
I really advise you to go visit a psychologist because you seems to be the most hater of other nations citizens on this forum, you are wasting your time trying to frustrate other peoples. all your publications on this forum shows a huge amount of hatred ,racism and pathological .maybe you need to invest this energy that you are spending behind a screen to create a foundation against immigrants and polish womens because it seems that this dont let you sleep good at night !! ps : deleting this post will prove your weakness. Bye
20 Aug 2015 /  #27
@DominicB i dnot know why u write so i just ask but insult me i m married and i love my wife the way u talk about not respectful better with polite way comunicate with others cause pepole deffrent and thanks

hello guys counsulate say there is not something can prouve i m gonna leave poland but i m really going to leave i have study and i m in last year of university sure i will not stay but when i will go to do stay stay card i will declare about now i want to be with her in this time i wrote engagement i m goona leave before end of visa but nothing new if there is soulotions help me guys i need so
21 Aug 2015 /  #28
What documents did you provide in your application for a national visa to join your wife? You should mention that and than may we can help
22 Aug 2015 /  #29
invitation from wife .act of marriage polish .another doucements prouve my situation i m student card of study and certifcate and a lot of extra doucements to showed them pictures us when we was toghter with my family and another doucements prouve situation of my wife and her work too and home too i gived comptele doucements with other extra the reason of negative answer its only i m not gonna leave from poland !
Polsyr  6 | 758  
26 Aug 2015 /  #30
@mouhamed, whining to us about it won't change anything. We don't work for the government. If you want advice then you need to tell us the full story, not just what you want us to hear.

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