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ACN direct selling telecom company in Poland

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Mar 2011 /  #31
And - folks - there you have it. DON'T "invest" in ACN otherwise who will pay the utility bills from which we ACN reps achieve financial freedom?

You still haven't answered my question.

Can you provide us with statistics on the amount of people who leave ACN with a profit?

But, just for fun - tell us, why does ACN prohibit people from marketing the product, but not from marketing the "opportunity"?

Don't get me wrong - ACN Inc. is doing a great job at making money for the shareholders of ACN. In fact, I'd guess that ACN must be ridiculously profitable - for the shareholders of ACN Inc. But the ones who sign up to sell their products? They're making nothing.

Harry - if you want a good laugh, it turns out that with ACN, you're even responsible for the unpaid bills of people that sign up. Whoever heard of a salesman being punished for the clients failure to pay their bills?
1 Mar 2011 /  #32
It doesn't mean this infact. Read books such as "Poor Dad, Rich Dad", "At school of business" of RObert Kiyosaky and "45 seconds" of Don Failla instead of speaking by reading what is written on the Internet.

I'm not reading what is on the internet: I'm telling you what my current position is. Can you make the same statements? Sorry, I mean can you truthfully make the same statements?

the mouth will be connected to the brain

When a brain has been washed, it is entirely unimportant what it is connected to. As you so amply prove.

please stop drinking vodka buddy :)

I very rarely drink vodka: I much prefer Japanese whisky and only the stuff which is old enough to legally have sex with if it was human.

Please telle me the brand of this vodka, I hope I can buy it here in Italy!

Before you could buy it, you'd need to attract some suckers into your scheme so you can make back the money that you have lost on ACN.
colossus73  - | 14  
1 Mar 2011 /  #33
Before you could buy it, you'd need to attract some suckers into your scheme so you can make back the money that you have lost on ACN.


Next please!
1 Mar 2011 /  #34
Sorry dear brainwashed cult victim but you simply are not going to find any suckers here (or at least not ones who have the required $500 to 'invest' with ACN). All you will find is people who can and will run rings round you and your frankly pathetic scheme which clearly exists only to separate the hugely gullible from their cash (which is why you think it is such a good idea).

Now perhaps you can tell us: can you provide us with statistics on the amount of people who leave ACN with a profit?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Mar 2011 /  #35
can you provide us with statistics on the amount of people who leave ACN with a profit?

It's like MediaWatch all over again!

Perhaps he can also explain why the ACN product is actually a resold product - sold at a higher price than the actual provider!

Harry - according to one study, the amount of people that leave ACN with a profit is actually less than 0.5%.

Funnily enough, as a private company, ACN doesn't publish any detailed information about their finances. And, the ACN Integrity site is owned/operated by ACN Inc.

It really doesn't get any better than this :)

Next please!

You really do seem to have problems with the basic question of -

Can you provide us with statistics on the amount of people who leave ACN with a profit?

Such an ACN devotee should be able to answer such questions easily, right?

Don't worry about the other questions - just answer this one question. Go on, I'm begging you.
colossus73  - | 14  
1 Mar 2011 /  #36
Such an ACN devotee should be able to answer such questions easily, right?

Devotee? Man I really think something is wrong in your mind. What does it mean devotee? An independent representative of a multinational company is a devotee now? Seriously, are you ok?

Re-read your question. How can a question asked in such a wrong way be answered? Is it so cold in Poland nowadays? But to get warmed you can cover yourself with more blankets, you see what happens with the vodka...
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Mar 2011 /  #37
Is it so cold in Poland nowadays? But to get warmed you can cover yourself with more blankets, you see what happens with the vodka...

Well done - as a representative of ACN, you're now insulting Polish people in Poland by associating them with drinking vodka.

Tell you what, I'll rephrase the question.

How many people made a profit last year (or in 2009) as an ACN Independent Representative?
1 Mar 2011 /  #38
How many people made a profit last year (or in 2009) as an ACN Independent Representative?

That doesn't tell us what we need to know: we're interested in what percentage of ACN Independent Representatives made a profit last year, and what the median profit was.
colossus73  - | 14  
1 Mar 2011 /  #39
Well done - as a representative of ACN, you're now insulting Polish people in Poland by associating them with drinking vodka.

LOL, you want to play dirty man, you are going to the bottom man, it's so evident, this is the result of the wrong brainwashing.

How many people made a profit last year (or in 2009) as an ACN Independent Representative?

This is the main problem: you judge a business by looking at what others do. Is it a sound way of reasoning? Next please!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Mar 2011 /  #40
That doesn't tell us what we need to know: we're interested in what percentage of ACN Independent Representatives made a profit last year, and what the median profit was.

Ah yes, you're quite correct.

While he's at it - he should be able to tell us the profit made by ACN Inc, right?
bigd546  - | 1  
3 Mar 2011 /  #41
Unfortunatly i am not familiar with ACN however i am working on driving a MLM business in to Poland at the moment and would like to meet with people who live in or have strong connections there. If thats you or of you know someone that fits that then please get back to me and I will explain the opportunity. I know many people post similar messages to this and I too get a number of emails each week requesting my time to look at new businesses however this is a very serious move that we're making and will succeed with.

Hope to hear from someone soon.
4 Oct 2011 /  #42
Hi there! Hello from California, USA! Saw your ad in polishforums.com How is your biz?!
satmanuk  - | 14  
4 Oct 2011 /  #43
That's interesting, I have tried Amway, I tried Kleeneze and I tried Betterware - none of them ever had any stock in when I ordered so you can recruit as many people as you like - but if when customers come to order - they are TOS - what's the point anyway..

I wonder how you go about starting a franchise in the first place.
IBO 02067574  
20 Oct 2013 /  #44
Yes Sure...
Donald Trump is going to get involved in a pyramid scheme? Use your intelligence dear sir.
Trump is a reputable personage in the world market and will not get involved in anything illegal. He endorses ACN because it is a MLM company of great integrity and because he believes in the company, it's credibility and what it has to offer to everyone, whether they be a customer or an Independent Busines Operator (IBO).

Seize the opportunity to ba part of it.

God bless

ID # 02067574
11 Jan 2014 /  #45

I just ran into your question regarding ACN. I have been involved with ACN for over 4 years now and have been blessed to be part of it. I am now in the process of growing a team out in Poland and other parts of Europe. I'm not promising you anything or don't know if you even qualify at this point to be part of ACN opportunity but here's link for you to understand what ACN is all about.

- Go to the bottom right of the page and click on '1-10 Business Opportunity Video' link

If you like what you see, send me a quick note at atiq.rahman@gmail and we can have a quick discussion over the phone if you have any question.



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