There is a turkish company want to open its branch here in warsaw So What the company has to do when it wants to bring their equipment(f.e. computers, cars) to Poland?!
Yes but they want primary info about that , it would need a lot of permissions and taxs or they would think about second option which are buy it from polska which will be costly for them?!
Merged: Need some information about making branch company in Poland
Hello all Dears I am Sarfraz from Portugal ,originally from Pakistan and i have residancy of Portugal and also have registered company (GC Lda) in Portugal.Already i am running company ,Now i would like to open or start same company (GC Lda)in Poland.Can i start or do business in Poland with same company.I need urgent information.Thank email address: sarfrazhm@gmail , facebook(Hafiz Sarfraz), 00351-920178097